chapter 8

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nate. I must have fallen asleep at some point because I wake up hearing the door open and the girls giggling. I peak out and I see hadley bouncing about with her donut in hand and Nicole behind her, she has on my hoodie and her arms full of coffee and I'm assuming breakfast. " well good morning you too" I say and Nicole jumps a little then giggles " good morning I hope we didn't wake you" " morning unc!" hadley says excited and climbs in the bed. I sit up a little and Nicole hands me a coffee I pull her to me and kiss her forehead " you didn't have to do that" I say and she smiles " hadley woke up and was hungry and you look like you needed the rest" she says shrugging. soon she gets her coffee and says she's gonna grab a shower. hadley and me eat our donuts while she tells me how she got to pick her favorite ones. if I'm not mistaking I think little miss hadley may have my girl wrapped around her finger. Nicole comes out of the bathroom wearing a long sun dress that makes her body look simply amazing. she gives me a shy smile then there's a knock at the door. I pull my shirt on opening it and a rough looking katelynn and Luca are there I can't help but laugh and Hadley gets excited running to them " mama! daddy!" katelynn scoops her up and I lead them in. Luca and I go to the balcony and the girls sit to let Hadley finishing eating. " brother I'm so sorry. everything okay?" Luca asks and I down some of my coffee " we haven't had the chance to talk yet" I say shrugging we talk for a little longer and he says we can meet up with them later if we want to. Nicole. sitting here talking with katelynn while Hadley eats she looks like she's wants to cry so I reach over and grab her hand " hey girl what's the matter didn't y'all have a good night?" I question concerned and she looks at me and nods " I am so sorry Nik! honestly I shouldn't have had so much to drink and when I do well I uh can't seem to stop myself with Luca." she says with tears in her eyes but I can't help but giggle " okay so why are you saying sorry to me? sounds like you had fun right?" she sighs " well of course we did. I just didn't mean to leave her nor did I mean to be gone so long I know you guys are just starting out and I really shouldn't have out my kid on y'all" I squeeze her hand " Kate she wasn't a problem at all. we had fun and this morning I got her all filled up on sugar." she looks down " please don't take this out on Nate. I swear he's a great guy just give him a chance" I look at her confused " Kate. it was me who said she should just stay last night and I also offered for us to watch her I'm not mad" she lets out a long sigh then the guys walk back in. we say our goodbyes and we will probably meet up with them later. now they are going to bring Hadley some where fun. she gives me a big hug and makes me promise to see her in a few which I do and she giggle while Nate tickles her. once they leave Nathan turns to me and sighs. " look I know this isn't how the vacation was supposed.." I cut him off by giving him a small kiss he's shocked at first but then he wraps his arms around my waist. I look up at him " so what are our plans today?" he smiles at me " well honestly I figured we'd just explore a little and have lunch but then you came out in this dress and it has me re thinking all my plans" I look up at him with wide eyes and pull away " I uh can change" I whisper but he quickly grabs my waist pulling me back into his body and one hand squeezes my ass making me gasp " absolutely not. I'll just have to try to keep my hands to myself" he says smirking and I giggle. he goes to grab a shower and I finish my coffee on the balcony. then we head out to explore. as we're walking around the litter beach town hand in hand I can't stop thinking about how good he looks in his tan shorts and light green polo shirt. the color looks amazing against his skin and I just want to jump his bones. I also notice he gets alot of looks from other girls and that makes me roll my eyes. we do some sight seeing and take lots of pictures some where he's making funny faces so I'm laughing in them but he refused to let me delete them. the whole time were either holding hands or his arms are around my waist. we made it to the last spot we wanted to see and there are lots of people here also so it must be popular. we reach the top of the cliff over looking the ocean the view is amazing! I can see why so many people come here. he sneaks up behind me and acts like he's going to push me making me scream and he laughs loudly as people watch, I push his shoulder " Nathan! don't do things like that" I say between laughs and he just continues laughing " you should've seen your face baby!" I send him a glare trying to be serious but it just makes him laugh more. I turn to look back at the view as he wraps his arms around my waist. " it's so beautiful here." I say he kisses the side of my head " it definitely is" I can't help but smile we stand there for a moment just taking in the few as he softly kisses me cheek " so miss Nicole I have a question" he whispers in my ear and I turn in his arms " what might that be officer?" his eyes seem to dilate as my arms move around his neck. he presses my body into his " will you officially be my girlfriend?" I giggle and smile and pretend to think about it as I turn my head and I can feel his eyes burning into my face " I um you don't have.." he starts but I cut him off " of course you big goof" he crashes his lips into mine " come on let's grab lunch" he says but makes no move to actually let me go so I crash my lips back into his and we enjoy our moment forgetting everyone around us. nate. I can't believe she actually said yes. I mean I know this is just the start but after last night I was worried id lost her. we're sitting down for lunch to which we both agreed to Mexican. she ordered a cool looking margarita and I just went with a beer " want to taste? she asks and I lick my lips thinking it's her I'd really like to taste but I take the drink smirking at her and she blushes. " okay so I figured we could talk about a few things and get them out in the open" I say trying to figure out a way to say what's on my mind she slowly nods and shifts in her seat a little " uh okay. what is it?" I grab her hand trying to relax her and it seems to work " first I want to start by saying thank you for being so great with my family. I know it doesn't seem like much but honestly my ex had a huge problem with hadley being around and always had a nasty attitude. but Luca and I have been through alot together and I can't turn my back on them." she nods her head " Nathan I told you I wouldn't come between y'all. I love Hadley or I wouldn't have offered to hang out with her. she's a good kid. and I'm not sure but I think Kate and I good be really good friends she's a sweet person" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding " well they are truly sorry about ruining our night" I say and she waves her hand " they didnt ruin our night although I did find it hilarious Lucas looks last night" she says giggling and I can't help but chuckle and scratch the back of my neck " uh yeah they get a little crazy" she blushes and I smirk at her " don't tell me you haven't ever gotten that way" I say jokingly and her mouth falls open as she blushes more. she then takes a sip " honestly don't think it's ever been so I guess intense or wild" she says waving her hand trying to explain and I can't help but get excited at the thought of driving her to that wild that her eyes are currently telling me she's craving. since we're beside each other I squeeze her thigh and whisper in her ear " don't worry I'll get there" and her body shivers as I move her hair so I can kiss beside her ear " Nathan" her voice comes out breathless and I can't help but smirk her eyes are closed I move my head up her thigh squeezing again " yes baby?" I whisper " we're in public" she says now looking around blushing and I chuckle " tonight then?" I ask raising a brow and she blushes. I gently take her hand " no rush darling we can do this when ever you are ready" I let her know and she smiles shyly at me and nods. our food comes and we enjoy it and our drinks but I still notice she doesn't eat much. " Nicole baby tell me something" I say and she looks over at me " okay what would you like to know?" I think for a moment trying not to sound rude " I've noticed you don't eat much and that kind of worries me" her eyes go wide and she looks down I gently take her chin " talk to me" she closes her eyes tight sucking in air " the last guy always told me I was too large and that I ate like a pig which is why no one could ever love me. told me a woman who spends all day on her feet shouldn't have an ass like mine" she rushes out and pulls her face from my hold. I jump up and quickly grab her hand taking her by surprise leading her in the direction I need to go " Nathan what are you doing? I'm sorry okay??" she whispers so others don't hear but honestly I don't care how it looks I pull her into the restroom and lock it making sure no one is in there I then turn her around facing a mirror and I look into her eyes while my hands roam the curve of her body stopping at her ass and she looks away but I take the other hand and gently move her face to meet my eyes again and I squeeze her ass roughly cause her to gasp " just because he wasn't man enough to love ever part of your body doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it" she just looks at me with wide eyes " Nathan we are in a public bathroom" she whispers and I just squeeze her ass again letting my hips grind into her as I kiss down her neck and her head falls back " it's officer to you babygirl" her eyes shoot open and she goes to speak but I shake my head at her as I continue to kiss along her neck " soon you'll love everything about this body and what I do to it" I switch sides of her neck one hand squeezing her ass while the other gently holds her neck " and you'll no longer starve yourself when around me" she lets out a small moan but stop looking in the mirror enjoying the sight in front of me waiting on her to respond " understanding Nicole?" her eyes find mine and she slowly nods but I shake my head " words babygirl" " I understand" her voice is hardly a whisper. I kiss her lips and take her hand placing it on my hard d**k and she gasps but I hold her hand there as I look in her eyes " trust me when I say your body is sexy as f**k I've been walking around like this basic all day watching your ass in that dress" she blushes I calm myself down and we make our way back to our table. Nicole. oh my damn! I've never in my life been so turned on. I need to go change my panties and he didn't even actually touch me, just his words and his voice seem to be enough to make my head spin. I think I'm gonna enjoy the dominant side of him. alot. once weve both calmed down we go back to our food to which I try to eat more than I usually would around him, I hope he doesn't change his mind about these things. my neck is still red from his attack on it and I catch him looking at it and smirking ever so often this time I push his shoulder " pay back will suck!" I tell him and he chuckles " darling I'll be happy to accept that pay back" he winks at me and just that makes me want to straddle him and take him right here. he must know what he does to my body because he puts an arm around me pulling me close. on our way back to the hotel Luca called letting us know they were going to the pool, Nate asked if I minded joining them for a few drinks to which I agreed because honestly I may need to ask katelynn some advice about all this and I need a drink to calm myself.
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