chapter 7

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Nicole. it's been a fun but busy week. I've spent time with Nathan almost every day for either lunch or dinner we've made out alot it seems like we can't keep our hands to ourselves when we're alone and that makes me so nervous, when we went to his friends house for dinner I had a really great time and their little girl is absolutely adorable she has Nathan wrapped is so funny to watch them together. katelynn and I really seemed to get along we actually talked and laughed and she told me how shes got one really good friend luna who she's known since school and at one point she'd thought she'd made friends but turned out one of the girls tried getting with Luca. we exchanged numbers to keep in touch while the guys work. I didn't see Nathan yesterday because he worked extremely late but I was invited to go down to the beach with everyone today. apparently Luca and katelynn are going to spend a few day before school starts back because katelynn is gonna be teaching again this year. they invited Nathan and told him to bring me, I agreed at first being polite but now I'm extremely nervous as I pack my bag. this mean I'm going to be staying in the same room as him and probably the same bed. honestly I want him in that way but I'm so scared that after he gets what he wants he's gonna be done with them and I really like hanging out with him. I packed my bag and headed for the door, I'm meeting him down there with everyone else because I had to work some today so Ms Sally wasn't left all alone, he offered to stay and drive down with me but I told him to just go ahead. nate. the week has been amazing. I love spending time with Nicole and I really like the fact that her and my friends got along even Hadley played with her at dinner the other night and she didn't seem bothered by it or worried about her making a mess on her clothing with her dirty hands. I'm now checked into our room at the hotel, I'm nervous because I don't want to rush things with her but I also didn't want to come here and spend the weekend without her. I could tell when I spoke to her this morning that she was nervous too. I was getting my bags down when there was a knock at the door. " hey man get everything settled?" Luca asked walking in " yeah just gotta change into my swim suit real quick" he nods sitting on my bed " where are the girls?" I asked looking through my bag " getting changed. you okay man?" he asked looking at me worried and I threw myself on the bed " I honestly don't know. I like her slot and don't want to mess this up." . " well how could you?" he asks me I let out a sigh " I don't know man you and I both know I can't seem to get a girl that actually wants to stick around" he shakes his head " just be yourself man, you can't fake the way she looks at you she's just as into you. plus she didn't seem annoyed while at dinner with us like the last chick" I nod agreeing " we uh Haven't had s*x" I whisper and be laughs " well trust me kate is as sweet as the come but a freak in the bed. don't count her out just yet she might surprise you. you know how hard it was for me to open up that part of myself to Kate." I nod agreeing and go to the bathroom to change. we've gotta take Miss hadley to the water before she runs out by herself when we found our spot on the beach I texted nicole to let her know what to look for. I also left a key ag the front desk so she could change before coming to meet us. we've been enjoying the sun and a few beers while watching Hadley. and I catch myself as I keep looking for her to appear. hadley wanted to get in the water so I went with her letting her parents relax for a minute. we're splashing and laughing. " unc I'm a mermaid!" she screams excited and I laugh " yes you are!" as I'm lifting her over the waves I look up towards the sand and I have to do a double take. she's here and f**k if she doesn't look fantastic in that black bikini with her hair down blowing in the wind sunglasses on her face. I smile and she waves from where she's sitting talking with Luca and katelynn. " come on hadley Nik is here" I say and she jumps up and starts going toward them and I follow as I'm way I can feel her watching me and I can't help but smirk. she gets up and Hadley jumps in her arms but she doesn't complain " I love your swim suit!" she tells her and Hadley smiles real big once she places her down I kiss her cheek " how was the drive?" I ask " not to bad. it's a beautiful day" she says smiling and I agree. we sit and have a few beers just talking with everyone while Hadley plays. I catch myself staring at her a few times but damn if her body isn't perfect and she has a small tattoo peaking out from her swimsuit bottoms on her hip. I wonder how far it goes down? I'm hit in the chest with an empty water bottle by luca who is laughing " hub?" I ask shaking my head because I was so lost in her body I didn't hear the conversation " Nicole says y'all can watch Hadley for a few while I take katelynn out to dinner" he says the smirk never leaving his face I can feel everyone watching me I nod " well of course pizza and ice cream it is!" I say and Hadley gets excited. they make there way to the water to play one more time and Nicole takes my hand " sorry for putting you out like that. they just mentioned they hadn't been out in a while so I figured.." I didn't let her finish I pulled her in for a kiss catching her off guard. " sorry I was just lost in thought. I'd love for her to hang out baby" I say pulling away and she smiles " what's on your mind Nathan?" she asks sounding a little nervous and I smirk at her " you really want to know?" she nods " your body. that bikini has got my mind in all kinds of places." she blushes and pushes my shoulder " come on let's swim" she says getting up and I watch her ass sway as she walks towards the water I soon jump up catching up to her and grabbing her around the waist making her squeal. " nate put me down!" she says and I laugh. " nope not till we hit the water" Nicole. Gosh he looks so sexy in his camo swim trunks I can't keep my eyes off of him. his toned chest and his happy trail. ugh! and the way he looks at me. I just don't inside why such an amazing caring and sexy guy is wanting to spend his time with me. I'm glad he wasn't upset I said we'd watch Hadley. I mean they need alone time also and we can always have ours since we don't have a kid. plus it'll help it not be so weird when we get to the room together. I was in shock when I saw it it's beautiful. has a balcony view of the ocean with a massive tub and shower. we've had an amazing day playing in the water and sand with hadley and her little laugh has got to be the best. as we're walking back towards our rooms I'm walking next to kate when she bumps my shoulder " you guys really okay with watch had for a few?" she asks and I smile " of course" she looks down a little and slows and I stop with her " are you really sure I didn't even think about you guys wanting alone time until lunch mentioned it later and I know he won't ever say no to hanging out with her" I pull her in for a hug " honest we will have fun. plus we have a couple more days here" she slowly nods and we continue back. they go to there's to get ready and Nathan and I go into ours to get changed. I take a deep breath " I'm gonna grab a shower if that's okay" he smiles at me " go enjoy baby. I'll get one next" I carefully nod. I don't know what to do in this situation. the last guy I was with everything was on his terms and he never actually stayed with me for very long after getting what he wanted of course I then found out he was getting married soon. but he still treated me horribly when we were together, always talking about my size or just not caring what I had to say. and he was even meaner when drunk. I shake my head of the thoughts as I get out of the shower and pull on a t-shirt and shorts shorts. I shouldn't need a bra. right? I put my hair in a towel and quickly get out so he can take one. he's sitting on the balcony smoking and drinking what looks like liquor from a glass. oh boy he may already be upset. I carefully step around the door and lean out a little " hey uh it's open now" he looks up and flashes me a smile and motions for me to come out. so I do slowly. he hands me a glass " didn't know if you drank whiskey but figured a little won't hurt" he says as I take the glass " thank you. I didn't know you smoked" I say as I'm taking a drink of the whiskey and I love the burn on my throat. " well I won't if you don't like it. I only do it ever now and then when I'm stressed or relaxing. so relaxing in this case" he winks at me and I know I blush. we sit and look out at the sunset for a minute. " you didn't really relax in your shower miss" his deep voice gives me goosebumps " I um didn't want to take to long knowing you still needed it" he gets up and kisses my forehead " I told you to enjoy baby girl" he downs his glass and sets it down " I'll be back gonna get clean you relax". " yes sir" I say back playfully but I see his eyes dilate once he's in the shower I take a min to enjoy the view before going in to add some product to my hair so it doesn't get to crazy. I'm running my fingers through my hair when he comes out look sexy in his sweat pants and cut off I watch him through the mirror as he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. " you look sexy as hell in these shorts Nicole" he whispers in my ear and My body shivers as he begins to kiss down my neck. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling. he pulls my body towards the bed and turns me around and sets me down straddle his legs and he looks in my eyes as his hands make circles on my thighs " thank you" he says and I look at him confused before responding " for what Nathan?" he smiles " being so nice, if it was just me I'd definitely be hanging out with hadley tonight so they could hangout but the fact that you offered was nice" I kiss his lips gently " she's your niece I told you I enjoy hanging out with her" he pulls away and looks down " I know what you said but I also know it's not what you had planned when you agreed to come on vacation trust me I've heard it all before" I grab his face and kiss him " I'm not them" he smiles into the kiss and it soon gets hot with out tongues dancing around and his hands start squeezing my ass. I small moan leaves me " Nathan we need to stop we don't have much time" he kisses down my neck " let me make you feel good real quick" he runs his tongue over the sweet spot on my neck as one hand runs up my thigh and in my shorts and be groans when he feels I don't have on underwear " f**k nicole" then he pulls me in for another kiss nate. I can't help myself between her looks and her just being so damn sweet I've gotta touch her one gotta make her feel good. I can the the first that leaves my mouth when I realized she does have panties on. I run my fingers over her wet p***y and her body shivers in my arms " already wet" and she moans loudly kissing my neck I run my fingers around her a few times teasing her as her hips start rocking " Nathan please" she moans out and that's what I needed I need her to beg for it I slowly slip a finger in and f**k if I'm not gonna explode without her even touching me I slowly pump in her as she grinds her hips moaning " so f*****g tight babygirl" I say into her ear causing her head to fall back so I kiss along her neck as I put pressure on her clit. I feel her tighten around my fingers so I know she's close " faster Nathan please" she moans and I let out one myself as I pick up speed my name falls from her big plump lips as she comes undo on top of me. I'll definitely have to clean her up and myself with how wet she is now. I gently kiss her and help her ride it out before stopping and looking in her eyes as I lick her taste from my fingers and her eyes go wide as she blushes " taste better than I imagined" she's red and she buries her face in my neck. we stay like that for a minute " let me help you get cleaned up babygirl before they get here." she looks at me with wide eyes " but I haven't uh helped you" she says looking away and I pull her chin to look at me " I told you I'd be making you feel good. didn't I?" she slowly nods and I kiss her gently " then I'm satisfied" she looks at me with wide eyes but nods. we get cleaned up and I wrap my arms around her holding her " it isn't always about me you know that right?" I whisper and she looks up but before she can respond there's a knock. we answer the door to a very excited Hadley with an arm full of toys and her parents behind her " you look so beautiful!" Nicole tells katelynn as they hug and of course katelynn blushes. I take Luca out to the balcony so katelynn can give Nicole the run down. I already know it this isn tmt first rodeo with her. I hand him a glass of whiskey " so papa bear what's the plans?" he laughs " well just dinner and a few drinks. hopefully she doesn't get to drunk and we can have a little fun before getting small fry" I wiggle my brows at him " take as long as you need you know we will be fine" I tell him as we take a drink and he looks over at me " I don't really want to crash your party I know the relationship is new and all and katelynn feels so bad for this already" I shake my head. " we talked she told me she's honestly okay with it. in my head I'm waiting for her to b***h me out don't get me wrong but something tells me she's not going to" I shrug and he looks me over " just text me if you need me to come get her earlier than I do" I agree " you know she was bound to get an experience with hadley coming into my plans at some point. I guess this will let me know how she really likes the situation so I don't have to wait around for heart break" he sighs and pats my shoulder " I just wish it wasn't us or them you keep having to choose between brother" I let out a chuckle " you and me both man" we make our way back in the room and I can't help but smile Hadley already has Nicole on the floor painting her nails while she talks to katelynn. they leave but not without letting us know to call if anything is needed. I never need anything so I know what they mean " alright who wants pizza and ice cream?" " me!" " me!" they both say at the same time laughing and I kiss Nicole on the foreheads before placing the order. the night has been good. of course we had to watch princess movies and Nicole braided hadley's hair. we had our pizza and ice cream and once again I noticed Nicole didn't eat much but I didn't say anything. but I do need to talk to her about it at some point. hadley is now asleep between us while I hold Nicole's hand over hadley's head rubbing small circles. I look over and she's half asleep too. it's late and soon there's a knock but before I can get up nicole squeezes my hand. " just let her stay no idea in waking her" " baby are you sure? I know that's alot?" I say a little worried maybe she's not interested in being alone with me. " it'll be fine. besides we have Tomorrow right?" I sigh and go to the door. a rough looking Luca standing on the other side and I cant help but laugh " kate's drunk and you know how she's gets" is all he says as I laugh. well at least one of us is getting some " just leave Hadley she's already out." he looks at me wide eyed " I can't do that to you Nathan. I know how much this means to you I've already asked to much" before I can respond Nicole wraps her small hands around my waist taking my by surprise as she laughs at lucas state also " really were fine. come by in the morning after y'all get up" she says and he and I both look at her I carefully nod my head to him and he thanks us again letting me know he owes me. which means we need to talk later because he's just as worried as I am about this now. we make our way back in and I pull my shirt off before getting back in bed and Nicole makes herself comfortable. she soon falls asleep and I lay here wondering if she's done with me. if keeping hadley was so bad? can I ask her to change her mind? I thought we had fun before they got here but maybe I was wrong.
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