chapter 27

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Nicole. the next couple of days were extremely busy for Nathan and I between his work and me helping out Katelynn with lane and Hadley but I enjoyed my time with them. I was so worried about Nathan going into work Thanksgiving night, he has hardly had any sleep and a busy day but thankfully he made it back home safely. I had told him I was going to be staying at my place soon and I still hasn't actually done it, one I like being able to sleep next to Nathan even if it is him climbing into bed at odd hours and two he makes me feel safe. but he didn't refuse me going back so I know after tonight I need to bite the bullet and do it. I'm getting out of the shower and so I can start getting ready for our girls night. Katelynn and Luna are coming over so we can all get ready together, Nathan left before my shower to help Luca with something before he meets the guys to go out. I sigh running my hand through my hair not even sure I want to go out. I'd much rather just cuddle up with him but he's also going out so that's out of the question. we also need to talk about whatever is bothering him, so hopefully neither of us is nursing to bad of a hangover tomorrow so we can do just that. " hey hey pretty girl let the party begin" Luna and Katelynn come through the bedroom door as I'm standing in my robe looking for clothes. I chuckle " not sure how much of a party but I'm definitely in for trying" Katelynn gives me a look and I just shrug Luna is digging through my clothes making her self at home. " well looks like since she went and got herself knocked up again were gonna have to be the life of the party she says as she throws a very tight maroon dress on the bed. I haven't ever actually worn it I'm assuming it's something Avery picked out. I shake my head " I'm not wearing that" Luna puts her hands on her hips " and why not?" I roll my eyes " I have a lot of body and that is a very tight dress" now she rolls her eyes " girl I guarantee it looks great and if you aren't comfortable we will dog something else out." she says and to be honest that made me feel alot better. I did their hair and mine then Luna did all our make up. as she's finishing her own I finish the drink she made her and I. and let's just say she isn't making me another or I won't make it out. " wanna talk about it?" Katelynn asks taking my hand. we'd been making small talk about her pregnancy and Luna's soon travels again i sigh out " I honestly don't know what it is or if I'm just crazy" she gives me time to speak nodding " I told Nathan I was gonna go back home and I guess part of me was hoping he'd put up a fight but he didn't. then I really don't know we fooled around Thanksgiving morning and it was great but after I could tell something was bothering him and we just haven't had time to sit and talk about anything yet so I don't know" I let out with a shrug and she side hugs me and Luna groans in front of the mirror " trust it to Nate to act like you leaving isn't s big deal. he's so scared of pushing you away or getting hurt" Katelynn says and I just shake my head " but I don't understand why he'd feel like it's push me away or I'd hurt him I mean we've been doing amazing or so I thought" " Julie". both of them say at the same time and I look between them " she really messed his mind up" Luna says and Katelynn nods " she was very hot and cold. hated Luca and I and made him pull away from us for a little while. told him they was the only way they'd ever get to be a real couple" my eyes go wide I knew she had a problem with them all hanging out I guess I never thought she'd made him pull away from them she nods " then when he did everything she asked it still wasn't good enough. as you know he finally started building his house and it's always been his plan but at the time he only had the land and plans or dreams I guess. but I'm hopes of making things work with them he asked her to move in. from what Luca tells me she basically told him his apartment wasn't good enough for her and she'd think about it once he had a house. but thankfully it didn't get that far as she ran off to the city to become some big shot." I know my face is shocked but he has to know if never do that to him right? I shake my head " I don't know guys I can't just force him into living with me because it really may not be what he wants he may think things are going to fast " Katelynn sighs moving some of my hair " I don't believe that. I believe y'all just need to talk" I let everything sink in. " alright ladies clothes " Luna says trying to pick the party back up thankful don't want to be a downer for them. they both get dressed and look amazing and I pull my dress on thankful it at least has lace sleeves and Katelynn zips it " f*****g A you are hot dude. if I was into girls I'd definitely give Nate a run for him money" Luna squeals making me blush " you look hot girl look for yourself " Katelynn says and I go to the mirror he has in the bathroom and look it over surprisingly I don't hate what I see. and I think they maybe from my hype girls. we all take pictures and solo ones doing funny poses and then some where we try to look out best. then we head out for the night. I was enjoying myself, we'd had a few drinks and danced altogether just being goofy and letting. they are really amazing friends Nathan. I knew I needed to talk with Nicole and I guess honestly I've been avoiding it. I don't want to hear how she wants to move back to her place, I don't want to hear how I work to much. I just don't want to hear what I always hear. we'd been doing so good and I'm worried it's all falling apart. at night I just hold her close and hope that she knows how deeply I love her. we're at the bar having a few drinks just sitting around shooting the s**t with each other I know the girls will go to the other bar because that's the only place Katelynn goes. Luca suggest we hit up the only other bar in town to give them some space for a few but I already know he won't last to long before he goes to find her and I can only hope Nicole isn't pissed when we show up crashing girls night. my phone pings and it's a message from Katelynn. holy f**k she sent me a picture of my woman and let me tell you she looks f*****g amazing. I know she will be hit on all night. Gabe hits my shoulder as he looks over at my phone " you lucky dog". the guys chuckle and I just roll my eyes " trust me I'm aware of how hot she is. but I think I may be losing her." Luca sits up straighter giving me his full attention now and I down my beer before giving them the whole spill leaving out the part I think I'm not going to keep satisfying her, Luca knows and the others don't need to. " so was she a b***h when you left thanksgiving night?" Luca spits out and I shake my head " no just puppy dog eyes I guess she didn't actually b***h. but I've been down this road" he leans back in his chair " why didn't you say you wanted her to stay" I open my next beer taking a sip " been there also Luca " " and did y'all talk about the other?" the other guys look at me confused but I just shake my head he leans forward and I think he's about to tell me something good " f*****g talk to her dumbass" I look him over that's the best he's got? " man you better because trust me looking that good she's definitely got options" Gabe says making me glare at him and he just shrugs I finish another beer while we make small talk about other things. and if course it isn't long before Luca is ready to go find Katelynn. I feel in my stomach I shouldn't go, Nicole may not want me breaking up her night but the guys are still wanting to drink so I just go along waiting for s**t to hit the fan. when we arrive the place is more alive than the bar we were at but that doesn't surprise me it always has been that way. I doesn't take me long to find my girl dancing away with the other laughing and having a good time. Luca and Katelynn like two magnets don't even have to be close to one another as she looks up and they make eye contact. I big smile spreading on her face as he makes his way to her. Nicole turns to see what's happening and she sees us she also smiles but looks down hiding her face. if it wouldn't be rude I'd just go to the bar and let her have her night but I know I need to at least say hello. so I make my way over and I can see the blush over her face " doesn't she look hot Nate" Luna says wrapping her arm around her making Nicole blush more she finally makes eye contact with me giving me a shy smile " absolutely stunning as always but tonight she's definitely standing out" I say before placing a kiss on her hot cheek Luna goes to Dane and they start dancing " I must say you look incredible Nicole" Gabe says and she looks shocked but recovers." thank you" I take her hand " want to grab a drink with me real quick?" she nods following behind me and once we make it to the bar I turn to get her order and she launches her body into mine in surprised at first but hug her back " I hope you don't think I look bad the girls said it looked good. ugh you smell incredible and now I'm just blabbing" she says giggling and I chuckle kissing her lips " trust me you are looking sexy as hell little one" she gives me a big smile " just a beer please" I nod getting us two and I turn back to her she's standing between my legs as I rest on the stool " sorry we sort of crashed girls night Luca and Katelynn can't stay away for long" she giggles looking me over then she takes my cap and turns it backwards on my head before resting her free hand on my chest and I'm enjoying her contact her attention " she already told us before hand if y'all didn't show up by a certain time she was hunting him down" we share a laugh together " well don't think you have to entertain me I'm not here to ruin your night" she lets her head fall to the side as she looks at me confused " I'm glad you are here Nathan " I just nod my head " alright alright you had your moment now she's ours" Luna says as she drags her back to the dance floor towards Katelynn and she looks at me mouthing sorry and I just laugh shaking my head as I raise my beer to her wishing her food luck. the guys join me and I find myself watching her body move as she dances. adjusting myself every now and then " how about you put the beer away for the night dance with your woman then take her home and talk to her" Luca says beside me and I think it over. it isn't a bad idea I guess. it needs to happen I set my drink down and watch as they finish our another song and just pure luck a slow one comes on so I make my way to them " anyway I can steal her away ladies?" Nicole looks at me smiles and the girls gush before leaving us I pull her in my arms and enjoy having her there. i spin her a few times but always bring her body back against mine " I'd like to talk tonight little one" she pulls back looking at me with sad eyes "bad?" she asks and I breath out " I hope not" she nods her head and rest it back on my chest as we sway to the music. after the song ends she agrees she's ready to go and we tell everyone goodnight while the guys whistle at us and Katelynn whispers something in her ear while hugging her. she just nods we caught a Uber home and I held her hand the whole way as she picked at her nails the whole time a nervous habit of hers " how was your night?" I ask breaking the silence " we had fun. they are definitely the life of the party". I nod " and yours?" " we had a good time it was good to catch up" our conversation is forced and I hate it. once we reach my apartment I pay the guy and we head up. both of us heading straight for the kitchen she sets the whiskey on the counter never looking at me as she takes a drink and sets it down so i do the same but looking at her. " if you need me to leave just come out and say it please? I know something has been bothering you" she whispers and I can't help the sarcastic chuckle that leaves me and she snaps her eyes at me they are watery I run my hand through my hair then throw my cap down frustrated I don't know how to say what I want. " what's bothering me is I'm scared you aren't going to be satisfied with our s*x life.." she goes to cut me off but I raise my hand and she stops letting me speak " I know sometimes it's over faster than you'd like and I really hope you aren't faking it. and I hate the idea of you going back to your apartment. not because of your ex but because I want nothing more than for you to stay with me to live with me but I don't want to pressure you and I sure in hell don't want you to turn me down. and I'm scared you are getting tired of my work schedule I saw the look you gave me thanksgiving and I know it sucks but there isn't much I can do. so I guess I'm scared I'm losing you because I'm not enough " I down some more as she laughs shaking her head and I grab the counter leaning against it just waiting for the worst " okay we will start at s*x. damn it Nathan I had no idea my body could feel the way you make it. just looking at you walk across that bar tonight I wanted to jump you but I was so worried you'd think I looked fat in this stupid dress so I stopped myself. sometimes we have quick rounds and sometimes that's what I need. some times we do things I never in a million years thought of doing and I don't have words to describe how amazing that is. and love making well that so far is my favorite because you make me feel so loved, so cared for so beautiful in that moment. work. the look I gave you the other night was worry. hell you had hardly slept the night before from work and I know we had a busy day so you getting called in I was so worried, I didn't actually fall into a deep sleep until you crawled back into bed because I know when people are sleepy mistakes happen and in your line of work that's life or death and Nathan I can't see myself with out you in my life.and you are perfect for me, i never dreamed of being as happy and content as I am being with you. living together" she paused and I look up waiting to hear what she has to say. she lets a tear fall and I want to reach out and brush it away but I stop myself she takes a deep breath " if it's what you really want then yes! s**t Nathan I just didn't want to be in your space if you didn't want it. I didn't want to force you. so yes if you are asking the answer is yes " as soon as she finishes her sentence I pick her up and she wraps herself around me as I claim her lips. " I love you Nicole " she breathes " I love you too Nathan " I claim her lips again biting her lip making her moan out as I let our tongues dance together her hips start grinding into me and I place a nice slap on her ass making her moan into my mouth " this one will be a long one" I growl out " yes please" she moans grinding against me
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