chapter 28

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Nicole. we didn't even make it to the bedroom before our clothes were lost and he had me straddling him on his couch. as he kissed down my jaw my fingers ran through his hair, I was literally dripping on him rocking my hips begging him to touch me where I needed it but his hands stayed on my bare hips gripping them " Nathan " I beg as he chuckles " I know little one" his hand dips from behind and his fingers graze my core making me buck again. I sit up watching him as he watches my body react to his touch his eyes find mine as he slowly dips his fingers in I breath out deeply " you are so wet little one" his husky voice makes me even hotter. he's pumping slow torturing me so I grind into his fingers and he tsks pulling his fingers completely out spanking me and I whine/whimper " what do you need little one?" our eyes still locked together and I find the courage to tell him. " I need you inside of me" he groans at my words and I lift up grabbing his hard member stocking him for a moment before I line him up with my entrance, at that moment his hands drops from me to the couch and I look up at him he simply nods at me so I continue. lining him up then slowly taking him all the way in. the sensation makes my head roll back as I call out. I grab his shoulders and start to bounce, his hands that are normally all over me are on the couch in fists. I continue to bounce on top of him trying to find the high I'm looking for, my hands now running through my hair, slide down my chest to my own breast massaging them. a hard smack lands on my bottom making me scream out as my eyes shoot open. he's staring at me with hooded eyes watching me as I ride him, I find the way he's looking at me making it even more hot in here. as I'm bouncing and playing with my own breast every now and then he smacks my bottom. his groans and my moans the only thing heard in the room. I feel myself about to come undone, he pushes my hands away roughly taking my n*****s and pinching them " Nathannn" I scream " that's it little one" I fall apart, falling on to his chest panting his hard member still inside of me as he gently rubs his hands up and down my back. after a moment he gently taps my leg signaling for me to get up, as I do I blush seeing my mess on him he looks down chuckling stroking himself and my eyes go wide at this. damn he's hot. he gets up bending me over the couch my legs still slightly Shakey as he moves my hair to one side he places small kisses along my shoulders and neck rubbing his member into my bottom. " please Nathan" I find myself begging again he grips my hips roughly pounding into me with force making my body jump and a loud moan leaves me mouth. over and over he thrust into me, hard and fast. I know his hands will leave a mark but I don't care. then they slide up my sides to my breast squeezing and twisting " is that what you wanted Nicole? me to f**k you hard?" " yes!" my legs start shako anymore and I'm not sure how much longer I can take this but God it feels so good. " f**k your p***y is squeezing me" he groans I don't know what happens or how he makes me do it so easily but I feel the pressure and my core feels like it tightens even more he pumps roughly a couple more time before he pulls out smacking my clit hard then rubbing it quick my hips are jerking, my legs shaking as I'm gushing all over the place. Nathan. fuck me. when she does this I don't ever know how I actually do it, it's just something that her body does reacting to mine. but watching her squirt all over my floor and hand I have to take my other hand and stroke myself as I c*m all over her big red ass " s**t little one that's it let go" I encourage her as I work myself and her. her body finally calms down a little and she slumps over the couch legs still spread I places light kisses along her back and red ass cheeks before turning her around picking her up as her legs wrap aroun me she lays her head on my shoulder, placing light kisses while I'm walking us to our room. I throw her on the bed roughly making her gasp she watches me walk around the bed and I'm just looking at her spread out, that body is mine. mine to worship and that's what I'm going to do. her eyes go wide as I handcuff her to the headboard but she never says no. I stand and the foot of the bed looks over at her with so much lust, and love all at the same time. she watches me biting her lip as I slowly stroke myself " you little one have been naughty" she gasps again pulling on the handcuffs slightly " I didn't do anything" I make the tsk tsk sound as I slowly crawl up her body never actually touching her and she arches her back trying to feel me " the way you just rode my c**k. that's definitely naughty. I think my girl may need extra attention from me tonight" I say looking down at her, she bites her lip again hard nodding I grind into her " why didn't you say anything?" it's been about two days since we've been in each other's arms and she's gotten to where she'd make a move if she had needs, even if we were both busy. she shrugs her eyes leaving mine " I thought I was going home so I figured I need to learn to live without it again " I slap her breast not to hard just enough to make her gasp and her eyes fall back on me " always tell me your needs. always use me for your needs" she nods slowly arching her body into mine " I need you Nathan " that's all I needed to hear I line myself up, throwing one of her legs over my shoulder thrusting into her with long and hard thrust. she feels so amazing wrapped around me, under me giving me the power over her body as she moans out my name. it isn't long before we both find our highs again and I'm cumming deep inside of her calling her name. after I freed her hands and placed gently kisses on his slightly red wrist I kissed her. trying to pour all my love and passion into the kiss. then I ran her a bath to help with her sore body, I'd grab a quick shower but as I was setting her in the tub she looked at me with those pouty eyes and I couldn't help but chuckle kissing her forehead " relax love. I've gotta clean up our mess before the damn cat gets in it" she scoffs at me rolling her eyes " Mr Whiskers" I roll my eyes at her before leaving to get it cleaned up. he comes out from his hiding spot while I'm cleaning and he looks at me his head sideways as he lets out a meow " yes I f****d your mama get over it" the cat meows back at me and I hear Nicole giggle from the bathroom. after I've showered I throw on some boxers before helping her out and as I'm drying her body off she blushes slightly and I just shake my head. no matter how many times I take care of her she still gets surprised by it. I see the finger prints on her hips and thighs and kiss them gently looking up at her from the floor where I'm on my knees " why didn't you say anything" I ask and with a shake over her head she blushes deeper " I like it" I only nod kissing them one more time. picking her up and bringing her to sit on the bed while I put one of my shirts over her then we cuddle up together her head on my chest as I play with her hair " promise you will tell me if it ever gets to much" small kisses fill my chest " I promise" she whispers. the next thing I know the cat jumps into bed and curls up on the other side of her and I roll my eyes " be nice" she says " I'll try" " I love you Nathan" " and I love you Nicole" I kiss the top of her head before we both fall asleep wrapped in each other with the new found peace we both have for getting things out in the open ... Nathan. after the other night we've been doing amazing. she is going over to grab a few things she needs from her place now and meeting me done the street for dinner. we both got off around the same time so I'm sitting her waiting for her as she said it'd be quick so she could give notice to the landlords also. we plan on moving the rest of her things this weekend and doing away with whatever she no longer wants or needs. I told her she can do whatever she wants to the apartment, isn't like I've decorated or anything. I check my phone again to see if she messaged and still nothing, it's been about 5 minutes since I sat down. I order a drink and send her a message checking on her, I don't want to rush her but I'm starting to get s little worried. 15 minutes later I feel in my chest something isn't right. she hasn't called or texted and she should be here by now. I try calling and it goes straight to voicemail. I get up throwing down some cash for the drink and head out. I get to her place in no time when I get to her door I stop because I hear a crashing sound and a man's voice " stupid b***h you made me do this" then I hear her. she sounds like she is scared but okay " I didn't make you do anything Samuel. you've done this" I pull out my phone and call for back up and I call Luca. I want to go in there and help her but I want to so this right I don't want any mistakes. Nicole. it'd been such a good day. until I got here, immediately I felt the knife at my back. " just open the door like a good girl and don't scream". my hands were shaking as I did it once we were inside he pushed me down on the couch slapping my face bringing tears to my eyes but I refused to let them fall. he takes my phone and smashes it. " what's the plan Samuel?" I ask looking him over, he honestly isn't looking very healthy. " the plan is we wait for Avery to get back with the car then we are going home" I shake my head as he paces the room running his hand through his hair " I'm not going with you" he stops and comes to me grabbing my face hard " stop being so God damn difficult. as soon as your bestie gets back with our things and the coke we are going home!" he spits in my face and I gasp. I can't believe she's doing coke. okay I guess I can I just never really wanted it to be true. he laughs sarcastic " oh don't be so naive Nikki. everyone does it. something has to keep us goin. I'm sure you little f**k boy was doing it on the side" I shake my head fighting back the tears he's causing from the pressure his hand is putting on my jaw. he huffs slinging my face away from him. I don't know how or in that moment if I was just crazy but some how I knew Nathan was close. I looked around knowing he obviously wasn't in the apartment. it's probably stupid of me to think he's actually close by but I feel a sense of relief. Samuel looks at me as he tries to call Avery again. he brings frustrated she hasn't answered " stupid b***h" " you should know she isn't the most reliable" this puts his attention back on me he looks at me before chucking a vase past my head " stupid b***h you made me do this" I don't know where the convinced came from but I couldn't seem to keep my mouth shut " I didn't make you do anything Samuel. you've done this" he points the knife at me and my breathing gets faster as my heart pounds in my chest " if you'd just listen like a good b***h I wouldn't have to go through all this trouble" I don't say anything this time I just watch him wide eyes while he waves the knife around like a mad man. it felt like hours but I'm sure it wasn't that long. my door was kicked in and Luca, Nathan, David and other officers came rushing in " put the knife down Samuel" Lucas deep voice commands as Samuel backs away still holding it up. David came to me putting his gun away and get me off the couch and into my small kitchen my eyes never leaving Nathan and Luca I can't let them get hurt because of me, I'd never forgive myself. " it is just a simple lovers spat " Samuel says playful " drop the knife " Nathan's strong voice commands this time as he inches closer to him my body is shaking in David's arms Nathan. it felt like hours before they got here but I know it wasn't. when we entered I wanted to go straight to her but I know I need to get him out of here I need to do my job. I saw her face, red and a cut on her lip. I swear I want nothing more than for the other officers to look away and I put this gun away and he and I settle this man to man. but I know that can't happen. after I told him to put the knife down he laughed dropping it on the floor raising his hands " I see you brought back up" he says laughing " it's just a misunderstanding officer you of all people should know how stubborn she can be" I grab him putting him in cuffs pushing his body against the wall with mine. grabbing his face in my hands " I'm sure that's all it was. but don't worry I also have your girlfriend down stairs with the luggage and coke." his face goes pale " get your hands off of me. I don't have anything to do with her and Nikki and I were just talking I can't help it you can't keep her pleased" I push his head into the wall roughly making him groan out and I hear Nicole gasp somewhere still jn the apartment " watch your mouth. you will never see her again or contact her again because you are going straight to prison. I'm sure once we look into your business we will find things aren't on the up and up" he struggles against me " I will have the b***h one way or the other." I lean in looking him straight in the eyes " if I see you anywhere near her again I won't be in this uniform and I want call for back up" " is that a threat I hear officer?" I shake my head " that's a God damned promise " his eyes me and in that moment Luca puts his hand on my shoulder " go I've got this " I look at Samuel for a moment before handing him to Luca roughly then I look around seeing my woman in the arms of David, eyes wide trained on me. I'm a little jealous of how close they are but I know he's only doing his job. I hope I haven't scared her. I slowly make my way through her small living room and in the moment I come around the couch I'm having to catch her body as she launches herself into my arms I breath her in holding her tight before looking at her face, getting pissed all over again she shakes her head giving me a small smile then she kisses my lips " I'm okay. I don't know how or if I'm just crazy but I knew you were close. I'm okay Nathan " I shake my head kissing her hard her body wrapped around mine as my arms hold her close as possible. I hear a throat clear and our other officer Daniels is smirking at us she hides her flushed face in my neck " we're going to be outside. come to the station when you can and give your statements" I nod at him shaking his hand " let's go get this over with little one " she nods but doesn't make a move to get down so I just carry her in my arms. I prefer her here anyway. once we get downstairs I see her former best friend in the back of the squad car and Nicole looks seeing her to. at this she does get down and goes to the open window I follow close behind and I hear her whisper " why?" the girl just scuffs rolling her eyes. " he promised if I helped he'd marry me and keep you on the side. I'd get the money and he'd get you" she shrugs as if it was nothing Nicole turns to me with tears in her eyes and I just wrap her back in my arms leading her away Nicole. I couldn't believe what just happened and I couldn't understand why Avery would do this. all for money? Nathan got me into the other police car and he held me as I cried slightly " it's okay baby I've got you" I look up at him greatful he was there today. " all of this just for money?" I shake my head " I don't get it" he holds me closer Kissing my head " people are greedy. it's something that will never make sense love" we gave our statements and Nathan did the needed paperwork he had to do as I sat on his lap the whole time. I wasn't ready for him to go to far. I know I'm being clingy but he wasn't complain, every so often he'd kiss the top of me head. "let's go home little one" I smiled up at him shyly " home" I repeat and he smiles " our home for now." I look at him confused and he chuckles " we will talk about that another time it's already been a day love" I just nod. he's right it really has been. that night he washed my body and brushed my hair kissing me softly. he looked at my face and I'd saw it also, my cheek was swollen and my lip busted. every time head kiss my lips he'd be so gentle and he'd place small kisses along my cheek. when he got us both dressed he got on his knees in front of me " I am so sorry I didn't get there Sooner" I shake my head smiling at this wonderful man " trust me you got there just in time." he sighs looking over my face again he lets his fingers gently run over it " I want to kill him" his voice is deep I grab his face " I'm okay Nathan really and he's in jail." he nods trying to come to terms with it. when we crawled into bed he held me close but gentle and Mr whiskers curled up at my back " I don't know what I'd do if something happened" he whispers out " but you made sure nothing did" I kiss his chest " I love you little one" " I love you Nathan " we drift off to sleep after a hell of a day. thankfully Nathan called Ms Sally so I don't need to go to work tomorrow and he's staying home with me.

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