chapter 22

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Nichole. Nathan and I have been doing great, he's been opening up more and so have I. some nights when he'd have to work and extra shift he'd call me and ask me to unlock my door, if we were extra tired we'd just snuggle or if not wed fool around. we've had two dates which may not seem like a lot to some but with our schedule, hanging out with Katelynn and Luca and just some days we like to just hang out at home, so he only counts the ones where he takes me out. I tried to explain to him I didn't matter to me what we were doing I just liked being with him. but we have gone a week again without seeing each other, which I like. he surprise me with lunch the other day so since I know he's at his desk for most of the day I plan on surprisingly him. letting myself be happy may have actually been the best thing I've ever done because I haven't ever been this happy. I was finishing up a cut and I thanked them as they walked out I went to the bathroom to freshen up and I checked my phone. Nathan - I have a plug with your name on it soon. ( wink face) I know my face is red and I look in the mirror and I'm surprised when I see a happy woman looking back at me. I don't even feel like I look like myself anymore. me - have you no shame officer you are at work Nathan - gotta let you know I'm thinking about you, and at the moment it's that big plump ass. Nathan - and that mouth. I have lots of thoughts I want to play out right the moment. oh my goodness! he's done this a few times and I don't think I'll ever get tired of it or used to it. I've never had anyone be like this with me. and I've been on my period this last week so we've only fooled around a little here and there, he tried to get me in the shower and I just don't know about all that. I'm scared he will freak out. me- hmm.. sounds like you have certain needs tonight sir.. nathan- damn right I do and they all involve you screaming my name. Nathan - how has your day been? are you feeling any better? I smile at this, he may be naughty but he still cares so much me-I'm much better today. well I was until my boyfriend started promising me things I have to wait for. nathan- ( laughing face) it'll be worth the wait. my place or yours tonight I should be out of here by 6 I didn't reply yet I figured we'd talk when I showed up with lunch. " alright Ms Sally I'll be back in a few" I say grabbing my things and she waves me off " take as long as you need hun. enjoy that man of yours a few extra minutes want hurt nothing." I blush at her words but hug her goodbye she's got to be the sweetest lady I grab us burgers and fries with shakes and fix my hair a little and straighten the long sleeve tee shirt dress I'm wearing that goes to my thigh with my black booties on. I dressed a little cute today since I planned this and didn't want to walk into his work looking a slob. there's a guy at the front desk and he asks who I'm here to see and when I say Nathan his eyebrows raise high but he doesn't say anything else just tells me the way to find him. I make my way through with the food and drinks and David sees me first " well look who it is" he says getting up and I give him a smile as Nathan also sees me and I see him looking my body over then he falls on my eyes giving me his best smile as my belly flutters and I'm sure I blush " bring me lunch?" David asks and I laugh " no sorry this is for Nathan" David's gave does fall for a second but he nods and takes step back I walk to his little office and set the things down as he comes around to help me " so what do I owe this pleasure little one?" I smile at him now standing face to face and shrug " just doing something nice for you" he gently kisses my lips. and means into my ear " well If I thought I was thinking about your body earlier I was wrong because now I ? won't be able to get it off my mind". I know my face blushes and he places a small kiss below my ear before pulling back " you look absolutely beautiful today" I catch my breath " you don't look to bad your self officer" his eyes dilate " behave little one. this office isn't sound proof" I giggle as he pulls the chair out for me and goes back to his and we dig into our lunch " you didn't have to do this you know?" I raise a brow at him " I wanted to babe. wanted to see you" this makes him smile and we make small talk about our day so far I hear a throat clear behind me and look and see an older man, from Nathan's stories I'm assuming his captain. " hey Freeman" " oh sorry didn't know you hey company" Nathan waves him in and I turn giving him a smile " well aren't you beautiful. you can't be the woman that has finally tied him down, I know for a fact what a knock head he and watts can be" this makes me laugh and Nathan just shakes his head so I stick my hand out and he shakes it " Nichole" " captain marks. but a pretty lady like you can call me sal" I give him a smile " what did you need cap besides hitting on my girlfriend" Nathan says and I can tell they are joking " oh hush let an old man dream can't ya. anyways I was just bringing you the finished report. after you finish whatever you and this one can run off to where ever it is y'all do now a days" Nathan laughs shaking his head " thanks cap. but I've got a few more where and she was just bringing lunch she's still gotta finish her own work for the day" he looks at me some what surprised when back at Nathan. Nathan nod and so does he " well it was nice to finally meet you I was sure you were made up" I can't help but laugh and tell him it was good to meet him and as fast as he entered he was gone. with lunch finished and trash away we both stand up looking at the time knowing I need to leave. he pulls me in his arms swaying a little smiling down at me " ya know that's something we haven't done." " what's that?" " dancing" he says eyes smiling down looking all dreamy. " well hot stuff you might have yourself a date soon if you know anywhere " he kisses my lips gently squeezing my hips " hm let me look and see what I can find" I just nod Because I find myself looking at his lips biting my own. he smirks at me " won't be much longer. you ready for everyone I have planned?" my breathing gets rougher " yes sir" I whisper out right as his lips find mine and we fall into a heavy make out with our tongues now doing the dancing a throat clears " oh Nichole I didn't know you were still here" Nathan doesn't pull away from my body just rest his head in mine " what do you need David?" " just need you to approve these statements" he sighs and I give him a small kiss " I'll see you at yours later?" he winks at me " if I'm not there let yourself in" nodding I grab my things and turn to leave " bye David" " bye nik. see you around!" he calls and I just send him a wave. Nathan. I wasn't expecting her to surprise me today. it was nice to have someone do something for me and not ask anything in return. getting used to being my ful self with her and just relaxing has been amazing. I didn't know you could feel this way about another person. I have as surprise for her tonight not s****l but hopefully since that kiss and that dress it means she's also going to let me worship her body. I was surprised when captain came in busting my balls, he's been saying for a while now I'm whipped and I need to bring her around. he's an older man he lost his wife a few years ago and now he just buried himself in work and picking on is when he can. now David I could've done without. I think after mud fest he expected her to call or someone and I guess she never did I never asked her to be honest Because we've just being enjoying each other. but they way he looks at her and I heard how hopeful he was when he thought she'd brought him lunch. him coming in with the statements I knew he knew she was still here and just wanted to be nosey. when she left I let out a breath. just a few more hours I tell myself " alright what do you have?" I ask sitting back behind my desk " just need you to sign these" he sets the paperwork down and I read it over " so y'all are still going strong?" I look at him raising a brow nodding " yes. always have been why" he shrugs " just thought something was wrong a while back I don't know" I try not to laugh in his face because honestly I did think he has a chance with her. but thankfully she hasn't given me any reason to worry about any of that. " we're human we have our ups and downs " he nods humming as if he's thinking something over but doesn't say it. I sign the paperwork and send him on his way me- David wants you. Nichole - excuse me? I'm not a toy I laugh out loud at that. she's gotten rather sassy lately and I love it. me-oh trust me that body is definitely not a toy but man do I love playing with it. but yes he wants to date you I can see it in his eyes Nichole - ( eye roll) not every guy wants me Nate me- watch it little one or that's a spanking Nichole- promises? I groan adjusting myself me- yes it is. I made it through the shift and I basically ran out of there.m heading to my place. she had texted me letting me know she was there and starting dinner. I don't think my brain can wrap around many more surprises today. I'm not used to a woman being the way she is and I Automatically feel like I need to do something in return but I have no idea what. and she hasn't asked for anything she doesn't ask for money or more time than I can give her she just accepts what I can and seems to enjoy the time we have together all while she lives her own life. I say that because her and Katelynn have had lunches, she helped Ms Sally out the other day with her shop after hours to move things so Ms Sally could get around better. I've woken her up some nights just needing her in my arms and she hasn't complained she's just been there. when I walk through my door the smell of food hits me. this isn't the first time she's come over and made me dinner but it smells amazing. throwing my keys down and unbuttoning my shirt I holler out " it's smells amazing in here" I'm greeted by Mr whiskers. yes he's still here and we're learning to live peacefully with each other she apparently can't have pets in her building. I give him a pet as he rubs against my leg " just shrimp and pasta". she hollers I'm assuming the kitchen so I make my way there. my mouth falls to the floor when I see her. some lingerie black lady her t**s spilling out and straps on her legs I'm itching to pop against her skin. I take her in as she does a spin blushing and I get sight of her bare ass. " f**k me Nichole" she giggles. " woman what are you doing to me?" I ask still frozen in my spot she simply shrugs " just wanted to surprise you" she looks down and I got to her grabbing her chin and pressing my lips to her making her body melt into mine but pull away slightly. and she whimpers I smirk at her " business first little one" my voice comes out deep and her body shivers " what business?" she looks confused so I pull out the envelope in my back pocket a my surprise for her she takes it and looks at me then it then opens it slowly and squeals " oh my God Nathan! no way" I stand there smiling at her excitement " yes. talked to ms Sally and got you s little time off and I'm taking a few days. everything is ready and booked" she looks at me teary eyed and throws her body at me wrapping me in a hug as she sniff " hey it's nothing really baby". she sniffs again " it's so much more than you know. thank you" and she smashes her lips into mine who would've thought simple game tickets would make her this happy
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