chapter 23

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Nicole. last night was amazing, I was so nervous about him finding me basics naked in his kitchen but of course he didn't let me down with his reaction. my body was still sore as we made the trip down here to our hotel. he really did take care of everything I think to myself as I look over our room, we have a balcony view of the pool area downstairs and a massive king sized bed. I small couch and the bathroom is one of our dreams, it has a huge tub and a shower that if you get in there isn't any hiding behind anything everything is out in the open. I walk back into the room where he's setting our things down on the couch he comes up behind me resting his head on my shoulder giving me light kisses " everything okay? do you like it" I turn in his arms giving him a kiss on the lips " this is amazing Nathan. you didn't have to go all out" she smiles down at me " oh yes I did it's our first official get away just the two of us " I giggle at that like a school girl before furniture and taking it all in again. I lay on the bed my body exhausted from last night still and we didn't get much sleep before the drive down. he comes up and kisses my head " why don't you take a nap while I get a few things done before we have to get ready" I roll so I'm looking up at him " mmm that sounds nice this bed is like heaven". he chuckles before putting a blanket over me and kissing my lips gently " rest little one" and it's like as soon as I closed my eyes I fell asleep. I wake to him coming back in the room hands full of bags and I look at the clock and see I've been out for two hours. he's trying to be quiet and he looks over and sees I'm awake giving me a smile as he sets the things down he comes and crawls over my body kissing my lightly " hey sleeping beauty" " hey sorry I didn't know I was so tired". he shakes his head smiling down at me before he puts one hand under my bottom squeezing. he claims these lazy day yoga pants are his favorite. " you deserved your rest little one. how are you feeling?" he was a little more than concerned when I told him my body was extra sore this morning and then the ride didn't help any smiling giving him a kiss " I'm feeling better" he sighs closing his eyes resting his head on mine " you should've told me if it was to much little one. I don't ever want to hurt you" my mind flashes back to last night. bent over his counter. the plug. being handcuffed and spanked as he watched me come undone just by him simply touching me at one point. I sigh out happily " trust me I wanted all that I got. don't worry" she shakes his head still against mine " promise to tell me if anything is ever to much" I can't help but smile at him " I promise" he spreads my thighs resting he's body between them as his hands go beside my head kissing me gently like I may fall apart if he's to rough. I snack my arms around he's neck and put more pressure into the kiss, he catches on and were soon making out like two teens. when we both pull away for air our bodies still pressed together eyes still closed. he kisses down my neck " as much" -kiss- " as I'd like to" - kiss- " tangled up with you" he nibbles my collar bone making my head fall back " we've gotta get some food in is before we get ready. and that body of yours needs rest" I groan Arching my hips into him making him grind back into me " plenty of time for that but we can't miss the game naughty little one" he says playfully as he gets off of me, his member on display in his jeans I sit up trying to get my mind out of the gutter. hopefully that means he isn't going to start pulling back from me, I've enjoyed him being himself with me. we ate and got dressed me in jeans and an LSU long sleeve with my hair down and some light make up. it isn't supposed to be to cold just a little chilly out tonight. when I come out of the bathroom he has on a black long sleeve with the sleeves pulled up mid arm showing off his veins that run down, it's something I never knew you could be attracted to. he has a bama hat on his head " I never asked or looked. which side are the tickets for?" he laughs " well since it was a surprise for you. LSU" he makes a face and I can't help but laugh and put it in my mind to remember to get him some bama tickets soon he comes and kisses my lips " you look hot" I snack his chest and he just shrugs Nathan. man last night was intense, the way her body reacts to mine. the way her body responds when I have her at my complete mercy, even though I hope she knows she can always tell me to stop at any time. I've always liked things a little different but I've never really found someone willing to actually be into exploring them with me. I'd spanked my ex a little but nothing compared to Nicole and it was only a handful of times. most of the time she just wasn't that into s*x with me it was like a chore no matter what I did for her or how much time I spent trying to get her body ready she never realized wanted it. at the end we basically just did it because we were a couple and that's what you do. and I'm a guy it's always on my mind, but trying to get off with someone under you who is maki noises that sound like they are dying or she's just lay there. I knew she'd been with quite a few people before me that wasn't a secret but I'm just not sure what I was doing wrong. but with Nicole even if it's just plain s*x it's always exciting, there's always a rush of energy that runs through me when I get my hands on her body. I'm a little worried last night was a little to rough on her. at one point I had her handcuffed and on her knees in front of me as I f****d her mouth and when I say she was dripping after I'd finished I was surprised. I'd let myself go and let myself be what felt right. I just don't want her to think she has to do things to please me. is being along some vibrating panties for her to wear and I control since we plan on going out tonight night and seeing what this town has to offer but I'm not sure if I'm going to even bring them up. we will see. she's been so excited about this game.nand I am too. it isn't my first college game but her excitement is contagious. even if I have to sit with a stadium full of Lau fans, they say there isn't a stadium like death valley so we're gonna find out. as we walk in hand in hand she's all smiles with a little skip in her step " you are probably gonna get hate for that hat ya know" she asks smiling at me and I chuckle" oh I know but it'll be worth it trust me." we find our seats and we have a great view lots of people around and everyone is busting with excitement as they have music playing and the players are warming up. she leans over into my arms where we are standing and pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of us I kiss her head. I love that she wants to remember these things. I love that she wants to do simple things like take pictures with me. we've been doing more of that " well I'll ask if you guys want a picture but girl you know he's got a problems right?" an older man from behind us says laughing and I know he's seen the hat. she turns smiling " hey I've got him this far won't be long till I have him in the right clothes" he laughs and the two guys beside him I'm guessing his son's look her over and I can see they like what they see she hands him her phone and we smile taking a picture and then she brings my face to hers and lands her lips on mine as he takes another. he hands her phone back " anything to keep them happy huh?" the older guy asks and I laugh nodding " oh yeah even sitting here with all of y'all but can't have y'all thinking I'm a fan when my teams on the field" we share a laugh. soon the game starts and we didn't actually sit for long as it gets exciting we both end up on our feet cheering along with the rest of the crowd. " I'm gonna grab us beers. you want anything special?" I ask right before we go into half time she turns looking at me thinking " nachos please " and she does a cute little pout, she's starting to feel a little buzz same as me and she's damn cute with it I kiss her cheek and head off. grabbing myself a snack also. thankfully since we ubered here we will do the same back to the hotel and we can both just enjoy. when I get back halftime has started and the half time show hasn't yet started so others are heading to get snacks and drinks. I see one of the boys that's with the older man behind us leaning down talking with her. her face looks confused and then I hear him " ya know if you ever want a real man all you've gotta do is holler, I'd be more than happy to show you around " she shakes her head " I'm pretty happy with my relationship thank you " she sound polite but I can hear the irritation in her voice. I walk up behind her and he sees me and just smirks " keeping my lady company?" I ask and he laughs as her body presses into mine she doesn't look up I know she is worried I'm mad at her, but hell I'm jealous yes but I'm not surprised she's hot and any man can see that. " just thought I'd shoot my shot. she seems like fun" I hand her her beer kissing the side of her head " oh you have no idea" with that she blushes and he sends me a wink " damn it boy where'd you find her? got anymore?" I laugh as she finally looks up at me blushing as she takes her nachos " she actually cut my hair. but no sorry don't know if anyone else like her" he laughs again sending me a wink and we take our seats to eat and watch the halftime show she steals one of my fries and I glare at her as she just shrugs so I take one of her chips and she glares at me as we laugh " sorry about that" she whispers to me and I shake my head " little one don't be sorry. your hot, I know other men see that" she just shakes her head the guy must of heard us " he's right ya know. men can't help but notice you. hell I'm sure when my brother gets back he will shoot his shot also" she just rolls her eyes and I shot him a glare and he throws his hands up after that we finished our the game. it was great game with lots of s**t talking back and forth between me and the older man which was fun. they lost but surprisingly none of them were upset we all shook hands and everyone was still just as happy including Nicole. we were both pretty tipsy as she held on to my hand and we walked out the stadium " that was f*****g amazing Nathan!" I smiled down at her giving her a wink " it really was. more fun having you by my side enjoying it just as much as me" she kisses me " we've got to do this again " I nod throwing my arm over her shoulder " oh definitely." " hey bama boy!" I hear from behind me and it's both brothers and their dad " here beautiful y'all missed the team sighing things " he says handing her a football signed and her eyes light up " oh I can't take this from y'all " he waves her off " don't worry this isn't our first rodeo I can tell this is your first game. just think maybe one day we will bump into each other and you want have this ol bama lug on your arm " he sends her a wink and they all walk off she stands there holding the ball before handing it to me " I can't possibly take this" I raise a brow at her " whynt it's pretty cool even if it is your teams" she shrugs " because he obviously meant it in a flirty way" I hand her the ball then tilt her chin her face has fallen " hey no ma'am I don't care how he meant it. he was flirting sure but you got a signed ball out of it. you keep that thing and remember our first of many games together" she looks at me confused and I kiss her lips " trust me little one. he's a smart guy he has full view of that ass all night in those jeans I don't blame him" I whisper against her lips and she blushes biting her lip as the crowd of people slowly fade from us " you aren't mad I want to keep it?" I laugh " are you mine?" she nods " then keep it. be excited you got it. damn baby he gave you a ball and you will probably never see him again no harm done" she crashes her lips into mine " thank you" .. on our ride back traffic is insane so I'm thankful we aren't driving. she's cuddled into my side as we watch the traffic. she posted our pictures on f*******: and I saved them to my phone. the one of us kissing with the stadium behind us now my screensaver as I look down at it smiling. my phone's been blowing up from ma Sue and some of the guys talking about how happy we look together, of course there are a few saying I'm finally on the right side of the field just guys joking around. she looks at me phone and it's a message from Luca luca - I have to say as your best friend I'm so happy for you. the happiness shows. y'all enjoy and be safe. she smiles up at me " sorry didn't mean to snoop." I pull her in for a kiss. damn how did I get so lucky? how did this woman basically just fall into my life and be so f*****g perfect for me? I haven't had this much fun in I don't know how long. our kiss was way more heated than needed to be in the company of the driver but I couldn't care less at this moment. " I love you Nicole" I whisper against her lips and she looks at me with wide eyes so I just kiss her again to stop the thoughts she has running through her head. she pulls back " I love you too Nathan" and she crashes her lips back into mine. I bite her bottom one making her gasp " any way we could find a shortcut?" I ask the driver never letting my eyes leave hers he chuckles " just after this bridge we should be home free you two." I don't say a reply I just let my lips fall back into hers. she loves me. I can feel it. I can feel her heart beating fast in her chest I can feel the passion she has with the kiss. f**k this being in a good relationship thing may give me a heart attack because it sure as hell feels like it may burst out of my chest. we can't get to the room fast enough so I can show her just how much I truly love her. all of her
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