chapter 21

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Nathan. we had a really good weekend I think. Sunday morning when we all got up and moving we went for pancakes and her and had seem to get along great, I didn't miss that she's started calling her auntie. I'm thinking I maybe getting replaced by my girlfriend. she's been back at her place since Monday so it's been a few days since I've seen her, I've had to work a few extra shifts so we've talked over the phone and text. it's weird being with someone independent, like she wants me around but isn't constantly nagging me about having to work. Luca and me are headed to look at the progress on the house, they called and wanted me to look a few things over before continuing and I had invited Nicole so I could spend some time with her but she had a doctor's appointment she couldn't reschedule. at first I was worried until she laughed and told me it was to just refill birth control. thank f**k for that because there have been a few times especially in the shower where we've not used a condom, she hasn't ever complained and honestly I prefer it without but I guess it's something we need to talk about. we pulled up and talked with the contractor as he showed me around, I have walls and that's about it at the moment but he says now that that's up the rest will come along quickly. after I gave them the go ahead on a few extra things he left leaving me and Luca standing in what will be my home. I look around sighing and he pats my shoulder " won't be long man" I chuckle " I know seems like I've been planning it forever now and now to see it actually happening is crazy" " you deserve it man." we look around a little and I'm pretty excited. " so after Saturday how'd everything go? I know you were confused when we showed up and then y'all talked privately about something. but y'all still insisted on Hadley staying. so what's going on man?" we've been working separate shifts and between that and Katelynn jumping him every second we have had time to actually catch up so I guess it's good thing he came out with me today. I shrug my shoulders and tell him what happened Saturday and how we haven't seen each other all week because of my schedule being s**t this week. " so honestly man I don't know. I guess I'm in my own head because it's so weird, like she pushed me away thinking I needed better than her and then when we figured things out and agreed that we both wanted this we just fell back into our old routines. which don't get me wrong isn't bad, I'm happy she is independent but I just don't know how to handle it I guess. I'm constant waiting for the other shoe to drop" he laughs shaking his head " look man you love her I can see it, Katelynn can see it hell mama called letting me know not to let you mess this up because she sees it. but you've gotta let go and just be happy for once because I think this might actually be the time you could be" I think about it. " you know she said the same thing to me about herself, told me she couldn't run from our relationship just because she was scared to finally be happy " I sigh " so this is what a happy relationship feels like? actually communicating and being able depend on her when I need to huh?" I ask because I need the answer more than I care to admit, I've never had this and I'm so scared of f*****g it up. he slaps my shoulder " promise bro, you will fight and damn it'll suck but the making up will always be better. but yes this common understanding is what a good relationship feels like. refreshing ain't it?" I nod breathing in. " and as for not seeing each other because of the schedule it sucks I know but trust me on this, even if she isn't being a b***h about being with you doesn't mean she doesn't want to be. so a few extra late night never hurt anything" I look at him and he's smirking at me and I shake my head. " yeah because a booty call at 3 in the morning when I get off is what she wants" he shrugs " would you want it?" " well f**k yeah I mean I'm a man" he laughs " and she's a woman, Katelynn used to not tell me when she needed things like that from me. but now that we've been together for a little while waking her up after coming home late is like a game. some late nights I still come in to find her butt ass naked" I look at him and laugh hard. " I just haven't wanted to push this to much I guess the worry in me keeps me holding me back from being myself completely" he shakes his head " and if you don't you are never going to know where this relationship is going to go. stop holding back, I can't watch you do this to yourself in another relationship" I nod my head agreeing with him but his phone starts ringing so he holding his finger up. and I can still hear his side of the conversation so I know it's Katelynn "hello gorgeous" he laughs "well that sounds amazing we will meet you there in 30 minutes" I raise a brow at him " I love you too" they hang up and he shakes his head chuckling " well seems them girls have found each other, they are gonna be leaving the park in a minute and want us to meet for dinner at the Mexican restaurant" I pat my pockets and realize I've left my phone in my truck If she's tried to call me. " sound alike a plan I am hungry" we get in my truck and I see a missed call and two messages -appointment went good. so means you weren't lying you are clean ( tongue sticking out smiley face) - bumped into Katelynn and had at the coffee shop so now we're headed to the park. don't forget to let me know how your house is coming. xoxo I shake my head. okay I need to go all in. I need to stop holding myself back. we make the drive to the restaurant and find our girls standing out front with Hadley who is dancing around. she's in a long sleeve shirt that hugs her t**s and those damn jeans I already know has her ass looking perfect. her hair down as she laughs throwing her head back at something Katelynn has said. she looks so damn beautiful. we make our way to them and I don't stop myself she smiles at me walking up but I pull her in my arms and kiss her hard, it's been days since I've had my lips on her. she wraps her arms around me responding to the kiss " unc!" I hear Hadley squeal and I pull away resting my head on hers her eyes still closed but she has a soft smile on her face. I give her lips on more kiss and lean down to pick up Hadley Luca and Katelynn holding each other smiling at us " I got to go to the park" I smile at her " I heard did you have fun" she nods her head and kisses me cheek. we get seated and Nicole takes me hand which makes me lean in and kiss her head. with drinks ordered and chips and salsa being eaten I tell them the progress on the house and everyone talks about their day. I lean back watching everyone especially Nicole as she sips her margarita coloring with Hadley who is now between us. is this really what it's like to in love? and to actually be happy? Nicole. it's been such a long week, lots of people coming in for new colors for the changing season and Nathan's crazy schedule. so bumping into Katelynn was a nice surprise, they were just hanging out and invited me along which I happily agreed to. when I saw him walk up my heart fluttered, he still had on his work pants and his dark shirt he wears under his work shirt still tucked in nicely. something about him looking all put together all the time makes my core ache. when he pulled me in for that kiss I wasn't expecting it, I'm not complaining because I definitely needed it but he is usually more of a small kiss here and there when we're out and about so it caught me off guard. hearing him talk about his house his face lights up and I can't help but be so proud of him and happy for him. he's worked so hard for this. as we're eating Hadley moved into Luca lap and cuddled in, I'm sure she's finally getting tired and Nathan moved closer to me grabbing my hand again squeezing it. I'll never understand why he's picked me but I'm so glad he did. he makes me feel safe, wanted and heard when I talk about my day even when I know he's exhausted. he leans in " mind if I crash tonight?" I shake my head blushing a little I know we both have work in the morning " if not it's okay" he whispers again and I smile up at him " care if I stay? you get up earlier it'll just be easier for you" plus I have extra clothes at his places from the weekend I can throw on in the morning he smiles down at me kissing my lips " whatever way you want I just need you in my arms" I snuggle into his side more looking up and blushing Because I forgot me had company for a minute. " you guys are adorable. and it's so nice to be able to hang out with you. I've been needing a girl since Luna left town" I give her a big smile " I'm so glad to have you. trust me I hear nothing but drama out of these ladies all day while I do their hair and it's nice to be able to just relax" she nods agreeing. being with Nathan I not only for a great man but I got a wonderful friend and Luca is always fun to be around and Hadley is just a joy no matter what. we finish up and pay as we tell them bye Nathan walks me to my car and I lean against the door as he boxes me in looking down at me. " your place or mine little one?" his deep voice makes me shiver with delight " yours." he nods before taking my lips in a heated kiss he bites my bottom lip making me gasp and he lets his tongue slide in dominating mine. a moan slips out of me as I know exactly what he's promise me right now " don't drive crazy. but don't take to long. I need your to be in your p***y now" my eyes go wide at his outspokenness but my body craves his touch just as much. I can't find my voice so I nod as he helps me in my car giving me one last kiss and a wink before heading to his truck. we walked hand in hand to his apartment and as soon as the door closed he pushed me up against us and our my hands above my head attack I my neck. I moan out as he bites my collar bone soon clothes are flying and I'm completely naked in front of h as his hand slowly slides down my front to my core and he finds me wet and needy. he moans and throws his own head back as he dips his fingers in " Nathan" I moan out before his mouth finds mine again. but all to quickly he pulls away and pulls the clothes he still has on off and his body is back on mine as he picks me up and rams into me roughly making me scream out in pleasure. " yes Nathan yes" one hand holding me up and the other twist my n*****s making me scream out again " f**k yes Nicole" he moans as he continues to pound into me. we are both soon finding out high as I scream out his name and mines a whisper from his lips. he holds me closes as we catch our breath his head resting on the door behind us he gently kisses my neck. " what was all that?" I ask through heavy breathing and he shakes his head I can't see it but I feel it. he lean pulls back some looking at me " I was told to stop holding back, be myself and let you know what I need. so I guess this is me being myself. I hope that's okay" I chuckle " if I get more of that then by all means yes!" he chuckles at me smiling as he kisses me. he slowly pulls out of me and looks down letting his hand slide back to my core I watch as his lets his finger run through our juices coming out of me my body is on fire again watching him " this maybe my new favorite sight" he pats my core making me moan out. then he drags his fingers through it before dragging it along my breast making a mess of me. I've never experienced this before. he looks into my eyes and then back at my core as he dips his finger back into my then brings it to his mouth tasting it " f*****g amazing " he moans and my eyes go wide how the hell is he turning me on again by doing this. he takes his finger one more time and holds it in front of my face and I wrap my lips around it closings my eyes sicking our juices off as I moan at myself for doing this. " let's go get you cleaned up dirty girl" I nod and he carries me to the bathroom our bodies still pressed together. .. that night we fell into bed together completely naked and wrapped in each other's arms. I have no idea why he's been holding back but I'm liking this side of him. I think I like every side of him to be honest. my body will be sore and I definitely didn't get much sleep but man was it worth it. being with him and experiencing new things in life and in the bedroom I had no idea it could be this way. I didn't know I could be this happy being myself.
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