chapter 1

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nate. most days working around this little town the most excitement you get is a traffic stop or helping a little old lady with something I'm her yard. but I love it, after being in and out of war it's nice not to have to watch my back all the time. I'm going to meet luca, katelynn and of course my favorite miss hadley for dinner tonight but I decided to swing by ms sally's to get my hair trimmed up. I walk in and greet ms sally with a smile and a hug " how's my favorite lady today?" I ask her and she playfully pushes my shoulder " boy you only say that because you need a haircut is the only time you visit" I fake as if she has hurt me " oh now Ms Sally you know I would visit more if it wouldn't distract you" I wink at her and kiss her cheek Ms sally is in her late 60s and lost her husband a few years back so she keeps herself busy in the shop saying it keeps her young. " oh hush you flirt. I've got a new girl working today you mind if she does yours? the arthritis is bothering me today" I give her a warm smile " of course as long as you trust her" she nods her head and as I look up I see a gorgeous woman stepping out of the back drying her hands. her dark brownish red hair is pulled on too of her head in a mess. she's wearing a t-shirt and black ripped pants with a apron over her clothing but even with it covering her I can tell she has curves for days. as I'm letting my eyes take her in Ms Sally smacks my arm " don't scare her off I think I really like this one" I stop checking her out and rub my arm " hey I didn't say a word" she rolls her eyes and calls out to the girl grabbing her attention. " Nicole honey we have one more for the day. do you mind taking it?" Nicole that's a sexy name I think to myself and she never actually looks towards us just prepares her station " of course Ms Sally just send them over" I give Ms Sally a warm smile then I make my way and sit in her chair when she finally turns around with the cape in her hands to put on me her eyes go wide in shock as she takes me in but she's quickly recovers " uh I'm Nicole what are we doing with your hair today?" her voice is so soft and sweet " just getting it edged and cleaned up. you okay with cutting african american hair right?" I ask watching her every move as she throws the cape over and does it up her soft hands make contact with my neck. before saying anything she grabs her things and gently lifts my head from behind getting it where she needs me as she raises the chair. we make eye contact through the mirror and I take in her face, she has dark green eyes a button nose and big pink plump lips that'd I'd love to taste. she has a few freckles scattered around her face. " uh no it's not a problem I've been doing this for a couple years" she speaks looking away beginning to work on my hair her voice hardly a whisper. " so how are you liking town?" I say trying to make conversation but she continues to work with a small smile on her face " so far it's lovely, haven't actually explored yet but I will one day. Ms sally here says it's a beautiful town" " yes definitely is. I'm sure you will enjoy it, well if small town life is what I are looking for that is" she smiles at me as she cleans my extra hair off before she pats the powder along my neck her small hands feel amazing on my skin my eyes close at the contract " definitely what I'm looking for" for a moment a had even forgotten what it was she was talking about but then I remembered. " well I'm Nathan Freeman but everyone calls me nate, in an officer so I'm sure I'll be seeing you around but let me Sally or myself know if you need help with anything" she gives me a small nod " thank you officer Freeman." she takes the cape off before asking " so is it okay?" she questions " hm oh yes you did awesome thank you!" I say forgetting she had even cut my hair she did it so fast I give her a small smile as she starts to sweep up the extra hair. knowing Ms Sally doesn't charge officers for cuts I quickly lay down a generous tip on her station " well I hope to be seeing you around." she smiles " of course come in when you need a trim" I nod and give Ms Sally another hug and kiss " alright lady I've got a special lady waiting for me" this makes her laugh because she knows I'm talking about hadley " don't spoil her to much nate" " wouldn't dream of it" I send her a wink and take one last look over at Nicole but shes cleaning up. Nicole. I just got into town a few days ago. I moved here looking for a fresh start out side of the busy city, the day Ms Sally had called to let me know she had an opening I was over the moon excited. my best friend Avery wasn't. she stayed back in our apartment we shared but her newest boyfriend was basically living there anyways so she won't be lonely, we just haven't ever been apart since grade school. my parents don't really bother with me and that's how it's always been both of them off on some new adventure trying to a new business or just avoiding being a parent at all the only time they call since I moved out of their house is if they get into trouble and need some extra cash. so far I'm loving the little town I was able to walk to the salon from my small one bedroom apartment. I meet Ms Sally the first day I came into town, and honestly she's the sweetest old lady ever. today is my first official day workin for her and it'd been good, I few of the locals came in and a couple of them had no problem letting me cut their hair. I'm pretty sure the older gentleman are my favorite they are so sweet and chatty. during lunch Ms Sally and I got to know each other a little better, she's owned this salon for 25 years and lost her husband a couple years back so she keeps busy in the salon. I told her a little about myself, really not much to tell. I'm a single woman just looking to start a life I guess. it was almost closing time and I'd just used the restroom as I was walking out Ms Sally hollers over " we have one more for today do you mind taking it" I let her know I don't mind she had said earlier her arthritis was starting to act up today. I go to my station and get the things ready and grab a cape to throw around the client when I turn I'm met with the most handsome police officer, he has dark skin and his eyes are even darker, his lips are plump and Beautiful. his body looks like he's built like a brick wall. his uniform hugs his body in just the right way. I quickly recover from my drooling moment when he asks if I can even cut African American hair. as I assure him I can I get behind him and get started. I lift his head and his skin and so warm where my fingers make contact and he smells amazing! i quicklime get started when he tried to make small talk but my voice only comes out as a whisper because his deep voice makes my head all crazy. once I'm done and have placed the powder on him he introduces himself. I just start cleaning up because he seems like such a nice man, good manners, and good looking I'm sure someone has already claimed him and I'm definitely not looking for any drama. he lets me know he likes the cut and hugs ms sally and playfully winks at her as he leaves. this brings a smile to my face, you can tell she's loved by the small community. once I'm done cleaning I take the apron off and set it on my station where I notice there's a 20 dollar bill sitting there. " uh ms sally?" she's getting her things together " that officer left a 20 for his cut doesn't he know it's free?" she laughs " yes honey, nate always leaves a great tip best not to argue with him because he will just find a way to make you take it " I just nod my head. wow back in the city most men don't even bother I think to myself. I grab my things and hug Ms Sally goodbye before ducking into the Mexican restaurant down the street to grab some tacos to go. I'm tired and hungry and honestly don't want to eat alone. as im walking out with my order I see nate with a beautiful blonde woman and he has the most beautiful little girl in his arms as she's laughing running her hands along his fresh cut hair I let out a long sigh. I knew he was taken. before I'm able to look away he looks up and sees me, he smiles and waves at me and I give him a small one back and continue walking towards the exit. after I've showered and eaten I call Avery to update her on my first day at work and of course she ask if I've found a man yet. shaking my head even though she can't see me " there was a very nice looking officer but I later saw him in the restaurant with his family" my voice sounding more sad than I meant it to be " well maybe be has some friends! you never know. you are young and beautiful you need to get back out there" this time I roll my eyes " yeah yeah let me get settled before I start looking okay" she updates me on her life before she's gotta leave for her shift at the bar. as I'm sitting alone in my small apartment with the only noise coming from the tv I can't help but be a little lonely.
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