chapter 13

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nate. last night was good and comfortable. we didn't have s*x we just enjoyed each other's company, talking about our week. she opened up a little more about her family, it's amazing how she seems to have such a good head on her shoulders even if she didn't have parents to lean on. me on there other hand went off the rails then finally got on track when I got into the military, really don't know where I'd be today with out the structure I got. I listened while she talked and she listened while I did, it was nice to talk to her about it and have her actually listening. she asked about my last relationship's which really isn't a hard one for me I mean I end up going all in and the girl always seems to find a reason to leave or find someone new. she gave me a sad smile. she explained a little about hers also and I could see the fear in her eyes that I was gonna judge her. she explained that her first real boyfriend didn't ever have a job and she basically took care of him before she caught him in her bed with another chick. dumb ass. then the she talked about the last one and I could tell she didn't want to. I had told her she didn't have to but she said she wanted it out in the open. they had met at a club one night and her words exactly were " he had said all these sweet things and made me believe he was into me. then after sleeping with him if was like a light was switched he became rude, always talking about my weight never actually staying to spend time or even hold much of a conversation. I found out a couple months in he was engaged to be married and I felt horrible and told him it was over I wasn't going to be a homewrecker to which he informed me k was already a homewrecker and id come crawling back" she had cries a little as I held her she had even asked if I was going to break up with her knowing she was a homewrecker. I had to explain to her that she wasn't in the wrong he was because she had no idea. she accepted it but I can tell she doesn't fully believe that. I lay here with her laying on my chest with the sheet over us, her hair is everywhere and her leg is wrapped around mine I can tell without looking my shirt she's wearing has rose up while she was sleeping. I watch her looking so beautiful so peaceful and I know I'm already in over my head, I'm not gonna runaway because I'm scared of her hurting me but I'm definitely trying my hardest not to get hurt or hurt her. her eyes slowly flutter open as she stretches a little, when she makes eye contact with me she blushes and tried to move away from me " I'm sorry" she whispers but I just pull her closer and she lets out a sigh " I didn't wake you did I?" I question and she shakes her head no looking up at me " how long have I had you trapped in here?" she asks playfully and I smile at her " no other place I'd rather be trapped. but I haven't been up long" she smiles sleepily at me as I run my hand down her back. damn she's so beautiful and I want nothing more than to be in the heaven I know is between her legs but I don't want to lose control again and I definitely don't want her to think this is just s*x. as if reading my mind I notice she blushes a little as she tried to hide her face in my chest. I gently roll her over so I'm half way on top of her now face to face looking down into her eyes smiling " why are you hiding little?" I ask and she bites her lip making things harder for me. she looks at my lips then my eyes then back at my lips as if she's trying to think something through the. she wraps her arms around my neck and brings my lips to hers it's a sweet kiss. my arms are still holding me up and one leg is over on of hers as she pulls my body closer if possible then I can't take it I bite her bottom lip making her open her mouth for me and our tongues fight for dominace. she moans into the kiss and grinds her hips into my body making me groan and grind back into her. one of my hands find the bottom of the shirt she's wearing and I run it up her side making her shiver under me. I grip her hip then trail my fingers lightly around her stomach till I reach her t**s. her n*****s hard and begging for me. I play with it letting my thumb run over it, making her body grind into me again. I then take it and pinch a little making her moan. fuck me! she's gonna be the death of me I'm tried my hardest being a gentleman. we're brought out of our make out session when there's a knock at my door. not wanting to I pull away from the kiss groaning and I swear I heard her whimper. put my head in her neck breathing her in and she doesn't let me go. we lay there for a moment both Hoping whoever it is will go away but of course there's another knock. I look down at her, her lips swollen and her face flushed. ugh! I was so close! " we both know if that's Luca he's gonna let himself in" I say groaning and she giggles " definitely don't want to get caught again" she replies making me chuckle I kiss her lips one more time before hoping up and throwing on some sweats " I'll tell him to go away" she blushes and nods her head her breathing deep as she pulls the covers around herself. I take one more look at the angel in my bed and curse Luca for ruining my moment. getting to the door " I swear if something isn't wrong I'm gonna kick your ass.." I say swinging the door open but I'm cut off when I see who is on the other side. I freeze. a face I didn't think I'd see again. my ex, Julie. or as she likes everyone to call her Jules. she smirks at me as she pushes her way into my apartment " we both know you do like it s little rough Nate" she throws at me as she throws her hair over her shoulder. I close the door still dumbfounded she's here and Nicole is I'm the next room. Nicole is probably gonna flip s**t. I finally come back to earth and follow her into my own house as she walks to the kitchen like she owns it throwing her bag down. not saying anything she places herself at my bar so I take the time to get coffee started for myself knowing she will tell me why she's here with out me asking. once I have it going I turn and look her over, nothing has changed. she's still half dressing and still has her nose up. no wonder Luca and his family never liked her I think to myself. I lean against the counter arms folded as she runs her eyes over me " why are you here Julie?" she scoffs " really Nate? you act like I need a reason just to visit you" she says rolling her eyes which makes me roll mine. " well last I checked you up and left me to become some big shot decorate in the city and said I quote you will just bring me down once I get there" she acts like she's hurt but I know she's not. girl is the devil and it took me a while to see that there wasn't any changing her. she huffs out and folds her arms but doesn't talk so I turn and fix my coffee. turning back I take a sip trying to calm down and she begins talking as she leans in pushing what little breast she has out because the shirt she's wearing definitely isn't covering them " look I know we didn't end on good terms.." she stops talking when she sees my eyes aren't on her. my eyes are wide in fear because I see Nicole dresses and coming towards us. Julie follows my eyes line and turns to me smirking. Nicole makes her way into the kitchen looking like she's rather be anywhere else " Nicole this is my ex Julie. Julie this is my girlfriend Nicole" Nicole being polite does a small wave and says hi and Julie just looks her up and down as if she's nothing. Nicole. I laid in bed for a few before I decided he wasn't coming back. so I brushed my teeth and got dressed in the black skinny jeans with holes in them and long sleeve LSU shirt I brought with me. I hadn't gotten to ask him yet who he liked in football, but I was hoping he either like LSU or a fun rival to make game days fun. yes I'm a chick that likes to watch football. it's my dream to go to a game. I pull my hair up as I hear a woman's voice and Nathan's. okay now I'm a little worried. I put on some smell good and look myself over in his mirror one more time. now or never I guess. I make my way out and I see a beautiful dark girl sitting at his bar. it's supposed to be chilly today and she's definitely not dresses for it. I feel Nathan's eyes on me as I make my way in. as he introduces us I feel my stomach drop. great he was dating the chick who looks like a freaking model! I said hi and she just looks me over with a sore look on her face. then she looks back at Nathan who is looking at me with big eyes. I'm not sure what to do or say but I don't have to say because Julie speaks again. " look as I was saying" Nathan nods his head but turns and starts fixing another cup of coffee as she talks and hands it to me. he then wraps one arm around me pulling me close. I feel my body tense, I decide to just drink the coffee " I heard from a friend your land was ready so I'm assuming you will be building soon so I came to offer you come decorating help of course." she stops and looks me over then back at Nathan batting her eyes " I also thought maybe it'd be good for us to do some talking while I got then ready for your house. I mean I know it's gonna be just great and I think it'd be great for us to." he cuts her off by holding her hand up " so basically you thought I'd let you decorate my house and we'd get back together?" he chuckles " yeah neither of those things are happening" her eyes go wide and I can see she's pissed my body tenses again I really don't think I should be here. I try to remove myself but Nathan just holds my tighter. " look Nate babe I know things weren't great but I'm trying to change and I know you love me still and I also need this. I messed up a solo job in the city and I was told if I can't find a house to complete I'm gonna lose my job" she pouts at the end and I feel Nathan's breathing pick up. oh boy this might not be good at all. I watch his jaw clinch and unclinch a few times " Julie over my dead body will any of the things you just said happen. now know where the door is" he says and I can tell he's trying to remain calm " nate! now can you be this way towards me" she basically screams and he pulls his self from me and leans closer to her pointing a finger " because I can see right through this act of yours now Julie. it may have taken some time and Luca but I finally see the b***h you are" I jump at his deep calm voice and she looks like she may cry " they never liked me! that b***h just wants you around for when she leaves his sorry ass and you are a lost puppy following them!" she yells then she looks at me before he can respond " and you." she scoffs " trust me honey you won't last. he's dirty and sweet little girls like you can't handle him." I stay quiet because my life isn't her business. she gets up and starts to walk towards the door. I see Nathan release breath until she turns around " you'll be begging me back soon when sweet and innocent doesn't let you f**k her like I do." I swear I hear Nathan growl as he grips the counter his knuckles turn white. I places my hand on his back " trust me he won't be back. I'm a big girl I know what I got myself into" I tell her and I feel Nathan's eyes on me as she looks like she's gonna have a meltdown. but instead she turns and walks away slamming the door on her way out. Nathan takes the coffee from my other hand and pulls me into his arms. and I let him hold me as he calms down. " I'm so sorry" he whispers and I pull away looking at him I can see the stress I give him a small smile. " sorry I got into it. I just couldn't take it any longer' he smiles at me. a big smile " trust me. I appreciate it because she's the devil and wouldn't have left until she was in her place" I give him a small kiss " well I'll get out of your hair and let you be" I say pulling away but he pulls me back " I know the morning is ruined but I'd really like to show you something if your up for it? and I promise we will have breakfast before." I smile at him " what do you want to show me?" he kisses me cheek " that's a surprise darling" I can't help but blush and get excited. I pull away. " well get going get ready then!" I tell him and he laughs before taking my lips with his own. " be right back beautiful. don't run away"
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