chapter 12

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Nicole. I woke groaning at the sound of Nathan's alarms going off as he turned it off I snuggled back into him not ready to actually be awake. I heard him chuckle. " sleep Beautiful I've gotta get ready" he whispered against my hair and kisses my head. when he got up I missed his warm body. he left I'm assuming to shower and get coffee and I rolled trying to fall back asleep but couldn't. peaking from under the covers when I heard him come back in I could smell his body wash and coffee. he had a towel wrapped around his lower half taking a sip before he def it down. I blushed at myself for watching him like a creep but damn his body is delicious. he dried off and I had to close my eyes go stop myself from jumping him right then and there and making him late. when I finally peaked he was putting on his belt as he sat on the bed to put his boots on he chuckled " enjoy the show darling?" raised a brow and I hide my blushing face from him in the pillow. making him laugh again. he pulled the coveres down a little and kisses my lips lightly " thank you for last night" I smiled " have a good day" was all I could come up with with the thoughts of last night flooding my mind. be kissed me again and pulled away " I'd love nothing more than to crawl back in bed with you but I gotta get this done" I nodded my head in understanding " make yourselves at home and lock when you leave" " thank you" he smiled " I'll text you later. be safe" I kissed him one more time " always." after he left j couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and had a cup of coffee not wanting to over stay my welcome I quickly rushed home and showered throwing on my leggings and shirt and headed into work. Ms Sally was her usual chipper self and was asking if Nathan and I were officially seeing each other to which I told her yes. she seemed more excited about it than me. I couldn't help but laugh at her. Nathan had texted and asked about my day and also invited me to dinner at Lucas tonight said there would be a few other people there also. I agreed even though I was nervous about meeting the people he considered his parents. it was a little after lunch when he texted again nathan- hope your day is good. sorry again my alarm woke you so early me- it's fine really. my day hasn't been bad, my body is a little sore ( pout face) Nathan- I'm sorry darling I really should have controlled myself better. me- I'm not complain just can't wait to soak in a warm bath aha Nathan- well after dinner tonight I will make sure that happens that made my heart flutter. did that mean we were staying together again? part of me feels like this is moving way to fast but the other part is telling me to jump all in with the guy. we texted through out lunch and I let him know I'd just meet him at Lucas since I needed to go change and he was already with him. I was finishing up a cut on a guy who looked to be in his late twenties. he was cute in a boyish type of way with his blonde hair and blue eyes be bad introduced himself as David. he made small talk about how I was enjoying the new town while I cut and when I was finished k turned him in the chair and flashed him a smile in the mirror " not bad for a new girl huh?" I teased because when he first came in Ms Sally was busy and he was a little nervous about me cutting his hair for the first time be laughed and ran his hand over it. " not bad at all sweetie. thank you" I laughed " mhmm I understand really but I wouldn't mess up your hair on purpose" he laughed " glad to know someone will be here when Ms Sally finally decides she's done" he winked at me and I smiled. he said his goodbyes to Ms Sally and they hugged. apparently she's been cutting his hair for years. which I think is sweet. that's what I love about this town they all seem to really care for each other. I went home and changed into some shorts and a cute tank with a plaid shirt since it's a little warm tonight then I texted katelynn letting her know I was headed to her house if she needed anything. when I arrived I knocked and waited trying to calm my nerves katelynn opened the door and smiled pulling me in for a hug " I'm so glad you made it! the boys just got here" I smiled " thank you for having me!" she walked me to her kitchen where Nathan was standing looking sexy in his uniform pants and t-shirt still tucked in, snacking on some chips I couldn't help but smile when he met my eyes " hey beautiful." he said as he hugged me " hey yourself. how was your day?" I questioned curious on the out come of the case he smiled down at me " it was good. guy got what he deserves in the end" I gave him a small kiss " I'm so happy for you!" he was holding on to my waist smiling at me but before he could speak again someone spoke " well if it isn't the sassy hair dresser" I turned my head and saw David standing on the other side of the bar with Luca and hadley in his arms I laughed " well if it isn't the stubborn blonde" he rolled his eyes " small world huh?" he questioned and we laughed katelynn was looking between us but Nathan spoke " you two know each other?" " she cut my hair. well after I may have made an ass of myself" David replied and I laughed making Nathan's body tense for some reason " yes you definitely did that." I said Nathan. I'm so glad today is over! the case really hit too close to home for me and I couldn't be happier the dude is behind bars. Nicole looks beautiful tonight as always and I'm really hoping she will come back to my place and let me help her relax I know I was to rough on her body last night and I had to rush away this morning. after I realized her and David know each other I can't help but be jealous. he's a good guy. works at the station with me and Luca. but he's definitely someone I have to watch with Nicole, their ages are close and I can see he's got a boyish charm about him, life hasn't made him as f****d up as if has me. them laughing together at their own little jokes isn't exactly helping things. Luca sees my face and raises a brow at me I just shrug it off and try to continue to enjoy my night. Nicole is a little sad that Lucas parents aren't able to come, his dad has come down with the flu. I'm really wanting them to meet her they mean alot to me and I know they'll love her. I just gotta try not to f**k if up in the mean time. the guys are all talking while nicole and katelynn are sitting watching Hadley in the yard. Luca closes the grill and turns to me and David " you know nate didn't think you'd actually come tonight given the week you've had" he says and I can't stop my eyes from going to Nicole, if it wasn't for her talking me out of my head the other night I probably wouldn't be here. I smile " yeah, she definitely helps more than she knows" he nods his head " and you laughed when I told you Kate fixed me" we share a laugh " because I watched you push the girl away and she didn't give up on your dumb ass" we make our way to the girls and I sit by Nicole I rest my arm in the bench behind her and we join their conversation about mud fest, she hasn't ever been and her eyes light up " well if your up for it we can definitely try it out" I tell her and she smiles at me " I think I'd like too as long as y'all don't mind me crashing the party" she looks around and katelynn assures her shes more than welcome. " so Nicole, tell me how you just got to town but Nate here has already laid claim to you. I don't think that's really fair for the rest of us" David says and I feel my body tense beside her as she laughs. " well for starters he wasn't an ass when I cut his hair" she replies back sassy and he raises a brow " hm so there's hope next time I get it cut then" he flirts and she just laughs. Im holding on to the back of the bench and I can feel Lucas eyes on me. " guys! are the burgers done yet I'm starved" katelynn says changing the conversation thankfully. Luca asks David to help him out and katelynn goes to get Hadley cleaned up. we're sitting there in silence when she gets up and gently takes my hand, so I get up and follow her without a word. once we're on the other side of the porch out of everyone's view she turns to me, her eyes dancing over my face looking for something. " everything okay?" I ask her and she smiles and nods " just wondering if you are, you seem a little tense tonight and I know you've had a Long week" she looks away when she's talking like she isn't sure what she can actually say. I gently pull her body into mine and wrap my arms around her holding her for a moment and breathing in her smell of coconut. " just a little jealous to be honest" she giggles lightly and looks up " what are you jealous of Nathan?" I raise a brow at her, did she really not know he's flirting with her? " David seems to of taking a liking to you" she rolls her eyes " yeah because I'm something new it'll fade" I chuckle and kiss her head " you don't see it do you?" " see what?" I gold her a little tighter letting one hand brush some of her hair behind her ear and she leans into my touch " just how wonderful and beautiful you really are" she rolls her eyes at me again but blushes " oh hush it. and don't let being jealous ruin your night" I nod at her and pull her in for a kiss our lips both hungry for each other as her small hands hold on the the front of my shirt and I hold her waist and cup her face holding her as close as possible. " uh sorry guys but they are ready to eat" I hear from behind her. I don't let her go and she doesn't move just rest her head against my chest catching her breath, I look up and I see David with wide eyes watching us " we will be right there Dave" he nods and slowly turns away. " you hungry beautiful?" I look down at her eyes and she smiles " yes I actually am" I kiss her forehead but neither of us move " you look extremely hot today" she says blushing running her hands along my chest and I breathe in enjoying her small hands on me " thank ya ma'am. you look sexy ass always" she blushes and turns to walk away and as she does I smack her ass making her gasp and glare at me I just shrug as I wrap an arm around her waist, her curves drive me mad. when we sit down to eat Luca wiggles his brows at is and katelynn slaps his shoulder, Nicole turns red but laughs. hadley sits in my lap as we eat and we enjoy small conversation, I try blocking Dave out until he finally actually speaks to me " well Nate looks like you'll be in charge of me this week." I nod in his direction " yeah you'll be riding with me while luca is on nights I hear" Nicole gently runs her hand over my thigh " so Hadley how is school?" she asks and Hadley gets all excited and starts talking a mile a minute about her days at her daycare while nicole listens with a big smile on her face. she actually ate tonight and didn't seem to be forcing it in front of me so that makes me happy, baby steps for both of us I guess. we help clean up and Hadley hugs us goodbye we both thank them for dinner and I walk Nicole to her car she leans against the door looks up at me as I lean with one arm beside her " so any plans tonight ma'am?" I ask and she smiles " not that I know of. just a long bath!" I smirk at her " well are you wanting to be alone or would you like to come over and keep me company?" she looks away and I'm not sure if I have overstepped I got to speak again but she cuts me off by giggling " I'd love to keep you company, but let me swing by mine first and grab some clothes" I gently kiss her and her body falls into mine. I try not to smirk at the affect I have on her. I help her in and let her know not to rush. headed to my truck Luca comes out " you okay bud?" I nod and sigh " yeah. I guess I'll have to be, price you pay when trying to keep s pretty girl" he laughs and shakes his head " just keep your guard up, but trust her also or you'll push her away" I groan " harder than it looks" and he laughs again " just treat her right and she won't go anywhere" I roll my eyes " dude I'm a couple weeks in this relationship and I've already had a freak out to which she was a witness too, really not sure if she's up for my baggage. you know how it is once it gets to much they leave" he sighs " I'm telling you Nathan don't count her out" " I'm not, just trying not to fall in love with her so I don't get my heart broken" he rolls his eyes " you gonna be okay with Dave next week?" I chuckle " yeah as long as he keep his mouth shut we should be fine". " that's what I'm afraid of" I nod agreeing " well call if you want to hang out tomorrow. I'm sure katelynn won't mind" I rub the back of my neck " well I may be hanging with Nicole depending on what she has planned I'll talk to her when I get home " we say our goodbyes and I head towards home. when I get there I clean up a little and turn the tv on, I change into some comfortable sweat and run her a hot bath with a few candles. if she's always gonan have guys falling at her feet even if she can't see it the only way a guy like me will keep her some what interested is trying to spoil her, so spoil her it will be. I hear a soft knock and I get excited to see her even though I just left her, when I open the door she's standing with a bag and small kitten looking at me with big eyes, both if them are. I raise a brow at her and lean against the door " Nathan isn't he cute? he was all alone I couldn't leave him" she gives me her big eyes again and I can't help but chuckle I take the bag from her as we make our way in " you know looking adorable won't always work on me" I let her playfully and she turns " well it did this time that's all that matters" she bats her lashes at me and I laugh at her cuteness I take her hand and lead her to the bathroom where she keys out a small gasp " Nathan you didn't have to do all this" I look her over the shock on her face has no one really never taking care of her I wonder? " really wasn't much to it love. told you I'd help you relax. you hop in and I'll find the cat a place to hang out" " mr whisker's" she says looking at the cat " okay I'll find Mr whiskers a place to hang out" she smiles at me handing me the cat and I leave to let her enjoy. after a few me and the cat are on the couch and it's fallen asleep so I set it down and pour her a drink to bring to her. I softly knock and enter she blushes and sinks down in the tub " nothing I haven't seen love" she giggles " yeah but still I'm not very confident about it" I lean against the counter letting my eyes run over her body until they fall on her face I've gotta remember I was to rough on her last night I can't ask for that tonight " well I for one love every curve on that body" she blushes again " need a hand?" I ask with a smirk but to my surprise she nods her head agreeing. I slowly make my way into the tub with her rest against my chest I let out a sigh of content we sit and enjoy a comfort silence but I'm lost in my own head. how do I not fall in love with her? how do I get her to stay with me and open up to me more? is she even serious about us?
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