chapter 14

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Nicole. we ate our late breakfast while he was driving. I watched out the window trying to figure out where we were going but of course he wouldn't tell me. I did notice not to far back we had passed Lucas driveway but he kept going. after our interesting morning we shared a laugh and light bickering over the fact that he's come out of his room with an Alabama cap on his head with a wide smile. maybe football season would be fun after all this year. he had finally relaxed after that and we enjoyed small conversation as we were driving. we soon turn into a long driveway both sides covered by trees, I lean up a little looking at the beautiful scenery and I can feel his eyes watching me. after a shirt drive down the driveway it opens up to an empty area with a few trees around and I see a pond " this place is beautiful" I breathe out he smiles at me before hoping out of the truck and coming to my side offering me his hand. " this is my land. hopefully Itll have a house and a few kids running around one of the days but for now it's my hide out" he says and I watch him as his eyes look around the place. he smiles down at me and pulls me towards the pond. there's a small dock that we sit down on " so why'd you show me your hide out?" I ask and he chuckles wrapping an arm around me " figured you'd need to know. sometimes when things get crazy I come out here to let my mind ease." I nod my head in understanding " it's definitely a great place to do it. everything is so beautiful here. mind me asking why you haven't started a house yet?". he sighs and I worry I may have over stepped " honestly. I needed the land cleared and the pond dug first and of course the guys will tell you I had to have it perfect" he laughs a little before continuing " but really I don't know. I'm not even sure where to begin with a home and I always had this idea maybe I'd have a woman to help make those choices with.". he pauses again looking at me in my eyes and I'm so nervous for some odd reason it's not like he's about to propose sighing he continues " Luca made it very clear while I was with Julie he didn't think she needed any input in that area because he saw her for what she really was. a b***h just looking for money. but with you I know it's still early in our relationship but I'd like to think that maybe one day it'd be your input" my eyes go wide and he notices as he places a small kiss on my head. " no rush babe" he smiles at me and I try to smile back " why would you even want those things with me? I mean I've got my own issues and I can tell you are holding back with me Nathan. hell I wouldn't even know what I want in a home, my whole life I've just wanted to be stable enough to get away from my parents" he pulls me closer holding me as he gently rubs my back " because I see the real you. the one who is so sweet, caring and understanding. I know that me talking about the future makes you scared and that's okay because it freaks me out too. and your right I have been holding back but only because I'm scared I'm gonna hurt you or make you scared of me." my head is spinning with so many emtions. I honestly don't know what to say I just look up at him for a moment I know he's waiting for a reply because his face is still so tense. looking away I'm sure my face is red as a tomato " I'm definition scared because you make me feel things and your so confident in yourself and what you want while I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you even want to be with me. I don't know what the future looks like but I do know I'm enjoying spending my time with you and your family." I pause and he give me a smile as he gently kisses my forehead. I have more to say but lord I don't want to sound desperate. he gently moves some hair from my face " babe what's got your mind spinning?" he questions already reading me so well and that also scares me. " I'd like to explore more with you" I whisper out and he looks at me confused for a moment then I see the relaxation hit him. he pulls my lips to his roughly. when we part he's smirking down at me " you don't have to do anything you don't want to" he whispers I claim his lips again trying to explain to him that I want this but I don't know how to make the words come out. he must get the picture Because he pulls me into his lap straddling him. my arms make their way around his neck as one of his hands holds my head in place and the other is gripping my hip. we part catchings our breath resting our foreheads together " let me show you a few things" his voice is deep and sends shivers down my body as he nips at my swollen lips. " okay" is all I reply before he gets up with me still in his arms walking us back towards his truck. Nathan. I help her in the truck and buckle her in. I laid my feelings out on the line and she called me on my bullhead about holding back. God when she told me she wanted to explore things my d**k about jumped out of my pants. adjusting myself before hoping in the truck I reach over and grab her hand. but of course my work phone starts ringing. I let out a string of curse words while she tries to hide her giggle. I answer. and I look over at her as she watches me her small hand still in mine. once the conversation is over I let me head down. this is why girls don't stick around. " I'm extremely sorry. trust me if I had a say I wouldn't be going in but I've gotta help Luca out." I wait for her to get pissy after a minute she hasn't said anything do I look up and she has the cutest pout on her face I can't help but chuckle " promise to show me some other time?" she questions and I'm sure my face shows my shock I lean over and kiss her " scouts honor" she giggles making my heart beat crazy. ... I dropped her off at her car but not before one last make out which didn't really help my issues then I went straight to the station I have an extra uniform there. I make my way in and get changed grabbing a coffee. I find Luca and the captain talkies and when Luca sees me I can tell he feels like s**t for having to have me called in. we get the run down. gotta go watch this house and wait for our guy to come out so we can make an arrest. normally Luca would be able to handle it alone but this guy said in open court before his parole he was gonna kill Luca for putting him in there. we make a few passes of the house then find a place to park. he gives me the run down on katelynn and my Hadley like I didn't just see them. then he starts going on about wanting another and how he can't wait because he wasn't here for the birth of hadley which still hurts him. I'm saying a few words keeping the conversion going. but my mind wonders to Nicole, I know I out alot on her today. but damn I want this with her so bad I'm just scared of her running. Luca looks at me " dude you okay" I nod my head " you sure? she wasnt pissed you got called in was she?" he says sounds a little pissed himself because he knows exactly how my ex was about things. I shake my head " no man she was cool with it. or she said she was." I sigh shrugging. then I tell him everything that happened today. he looks me over and bust out laughing. I punch him in the arm " why the f**k are you laughing?!" I holler and that make his laugh more " I'm sorry I'm sorry" he says outta breath " it's just hilarious your in deep s**t dude. you are in love!" my eyes go wide.then I realize he might be right . " okay okay but let's not go around saying that. she's not ready to hear that." he laughs again " but she called you out on your bullshit and wasn't fazed when your ex showed up. think you need to trust her a little more also. and stop being a puss and f**k her like she wants to." he shakes his head and I'm about to hit him again for talking like that about her but he raises his hands " look you know katelynn didn't come to me already ready for the things we do. but we learned together what we like and don't. that's all I'm saying". I nod my head I agreeing " f**k I need a beer" I say with a groan " you and me both. you might not be having s*x but katelynn has been on me like no other trying to get pregnant. think she forgets I'm older than her" now it's my turn to laugh. Nicole. after spending the morning with Nathan I went and for groceries, did some laundry and took a relaxing bath before starting dinner. figured if I make a pot of gumbo I won't have to keep cooking every night. I've got my hair pulled up and in my silk robe one of the perks of now living alone I don't have to worry about about Avery's guy friends walking in while I'm just in my robe. I was a little disappointed okay alot that we once again for interrupted but I know with work he can't help that. I thought about trying to help myself while I was relaxing in the tub but felt foolish. I'm now chopping up onions and peppers to go in my gumbo when my phone rings and I see it's Avery. since our last talk we haven't talked much I sigh answer the video call avery- hey girl! she is talking extra slow and as I look her over she looks like she hasn't been sleeping much or taking care of herself. me- hey! what's up? avery- oh nothing well not nothing just need some advice. I sigh trying not to let her see how angry I am with her right now. me- okay what is it? avery-okay you remember my boyfriend? well I'm pretty sure he took off with my car and credit card. it's been a couple days and I'm just not sure what to do me-well have you cut the cards off? or reported the car? she giggles literally giggles making me roll my eyes avery-well no not yet what if he comes back? there's a knock at my door so I tell her told hold on while I go answer. so many things are going through my head. I know she's not just drinking and I'm so worried but I also know I can't fix her. opening the door i find Nathan standing there with a single rose smiling looking all sorts of sexy in his police uniform. I'm not sure how long I drool over him because he soon is chuckling " I definitely like what I see too" he says looking he over and I realize I'm in my robe. I blush and pull the strings a little tighter " uh sorry I wasn't expecting anyone" he kisses my check " just wanted to swing by and say I'm sorry about our day being ruined I know it's late now" I give him a big smile taking the rose from him " thank you but you don't have to apologize I get it really" I think for a minute looking away " you uh wang to come in? gumbo is getting started but I could use the company" he nods and I start leading him in then I remember I'm on the phone with Avery Turing I look at him and he looks confused " sorry um Avery is on video call I'm currently trying to help her fix a problem" I say embarrassed of what he's probably about to hear he just smiles at me " no problem won't even know I'm here" I continue back to the kitchen while he stays on the other side of the bar away from the sight of the phone. avery- your back okay so do you think he will be back? I roll my eyes while putting the flower in water then going back to cooking me- honestly I don't know but I do know you need to cut the cards off at least before he messes with your credit. she once again giggles avery-maybe he had an emergency and just hasn't been able to call yet me-yeah maybe I don't know I don't know him Avery- yeah well you would if you'd come home! you know I may have slipped up and told you know who the town you are in this makes me look up with wide eyes looking at Nathan me-why would you do that?! Avery- well he misses you ya know and he seems like he just wants to talk me- yeah okay. look I love you but I really need you to stop telling people my business this makes her angry Avery- yeah whatever Nikki I don't know why you think you are so much better now but you need to stop judging I called for help but I need to get to work me-aves are you really going to work you look like you haven't slept that doesn't help her attitude avery- yeah because I have a life unlike you! the she hangs up. I look every where but Nathan and try to continue with dinner. I throw everything in the pot and when I turn around he's standing right behind me watching me " you okay?" he asks and I fight the tears " uh yeah just really wish she'd get clean and now I have to worry about my ex finding me" he pulls me into his arms " no you don't because he won't bother you as long as I'm around" I believe him and trust him I feel safe in his arms " well dinner won't be for a little while sorry I didn't know you'd be dropping by" this makes him smirk " good then I can have my dessert first" his deep voice right by my ear before he starts kissing down my neck already has my knees weak with need as I cling to his work shirt
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