chapter 20

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Nicole. waking up in Nathan's arms felt like home, I finally got some much needed sleep even though we didn't actually do much sleeping I felt refreshed. I've gotta listen to him, ivw gotta stop running. I've gotta let myself be happy. we had a simple breakfast with my cuddles and then a shower together, which in my small shower wasn't easy and we still found a way to fool around. I swear when I'm with him my s*x drive goes up. I didn't know that was possible. now we're headed to lunch with his " parents" and I'm nervous and excited, I told him to invite Katelynn and Luca but they are still recovering from their fun last night and also wanted to give this time with them to us. I'm wearing jeans and a LSU tee, simple but sort of cute. he told me casual because we aren't going any where fancy and they are down to earth people like him. he's wearing just a black tee and his jeans with his Alabama hat on backwards.he looks drool worthy and I have to remind myself where we're going. I figured we'd have to go to his place this morning, but no he thought of everything last night and brought himself some clothes thankfully so we didn't have to rush around. LSU plays tonight and Alabama before that, so after this he invited me over to watch the games. should be interesting, I just have to survive this first. my anxiety is through the roof as he pulls his truck into the restaurant and he seems to sense this as he kisses the back of my hand. " they will love you just be yourself" I take a deep breath nodding and he hops out coming to open my door and takes my hand. he lets the waiter know we were meeting someone as he looks around and he must spot them because he gently pulls my hand and I finally come in few of a beautiful lady and a large man who looks so much like Luca. " ma, dad this is Nicole. Nicole this is the ones I call parents, Sue and Jamal." I smile at them and tell them it's nice to meet them and Mrs Sue comes around and hugs me. it catches me off guard but I quickly return it. " oh she's beautiful Nathan!" she gushes making me blush. " don't scare her ma" she slaps his shoulder before hugging him then taking her seat next to her husband. we take a seat also. " so Nicole tell us about yourself Nathan here seems smitten" I look over at Nathan whose ears are red and I smile " um well I'm a hair dresser, and I enjoy reading. there really isn't much to know. I'm pretty boring" she waves her hand " oh dear not at all! I love a good book and I'll have to let you cut my hair one of these days!" she's got so much energy and Mr Jamal hasn't said much so that makes me nervous. we all place our food and drink orders and Mr Jamal finally speaks up " seems your in for a heck of a season Nate" at first I'm confused but then I remember my shirt Nathan laughs beside me " hey I didn't say she was perfect I'm working on it" I elbow him and he just laughs more " I tried to tell him bama wasn't as good as they think they are. then Louisiana boys will pull through " Jamal says and I know I'm smiling like an idiot " well I'm glad someone here agrees with me. I'm making him watch the game later " he nods approving " good he needs it" Nathan scoffs playfully " remind me not to bring her home during a game" he says and I laugh " why I think that'd be fun!" he looks at me smiling. we enjoy our lunch and I was able to relax a little. as we were walking to our vehicle Mrs Sue pulled Nathan in for a hug " I'm proud of you my boy. I like this one don't let her go" he smiles down at her " I'm trying ma but you know I'm a mess sometimes " I grab his hand squeezing it and they both smile at me before he pulls me in for a hug Mr Jamal comes over and pats his back " anything worth having will need a little work. she's strong than you know so lean on her too" and with that he takes his wife's hand and they turn to go I look at Nathan and he just kisses my lips gently " told ya they'd like you" I roll my eyes at him and head for his truck when he smacks my bottom " watch it little one" I give him my best innocent smile and he groans " get in woman and stop teasing me" Nathan. I knew they'd love her, they've been waiting for me to introduce them to a nice girl for years, let's just say Julie met them once but not on purpose they had popped by when in town seeing Luca and she didn't exactly give them a warm welcome. after that ma Sue told me she wasn't the one for me but would always support me if I really wanted to be with her, and I thought I did I stayed in that relationship way longer than I should have. but having Nicole talk with them and just being able to sit back and not worry about what was going to come out of her mouth was refreshing. I know she was nervous going in but I felt her relax also. I know ma Sue will be calling soon to give me her full opinion like always. now we're just at my apartment while her and Mr whiskers snuggle in my bed, yes the cat has some how made it's way into my bed. my game starts soon so I was standing in the living room finding it on TV and hers because they will overlap some so we will need to flip back and forth. I'm thinking of finding some tickets, maybe when they play each other. just a small get away for us also. my phone starts ringing but I ignore it. and it starts again " Nathan babe is Luca again" Nicole hollers from my room. I sigh and walk in and find her cuddled up right where she belongs. " mind if I take over your kitchen?" I raise a brow at her " you can do whatever you want but what are you making?" she shrugs sitting up " just snacks and stuff can't watch football with our snacks. oh and I need to run and get beer" I dramatically fall on the bed causing her to giggle " where have you been my whole life?" she straddles me smiling " well you are a big older than me" I flip us so she's under me and tickle her making her squeal " stop it Nate!" "take it back" she laughs and man is it a beautiful sound " I take it back I take it back" I smirk down at her " that's better" our lips find each other but my phone rings again and I groan sitting up answering it me-hello? Luca- hey man everything okay? I look at Nicole whose getting up with the cat she kisses my lips and walks out. I sigh me- yeah man just hanging out with Nicole he laughs luca- well how'd it go with the parents? me-good. which I already knew it would Luca- yeah I figured. me-so why did you call 3 times everything okay? he sighs out and I hear shuffling in the background luca-yeah man we were just gonna stop over for a few and watch the game, had was asking about you. but you seem busy so no sweat okay. I run my hand down my face, it isn't like I don't want to hang out with them because this would be normal me at there's or then here just hanging out but I don't think I can just keep asking Nicole to always hang out with them. it's only a matter of time before she gets tired of it like the rest. and Hadley will more than likely demand on staying with me. we do pillow forts then usually wake up late and go out for pancakes. I walk into the living room where I can still see Nicole looking around the kitchen for whatever it is she's looking for smiling as she hums the song she has playing. Luca- look man really I understand okay? I forgot he was still on the phone I got lost in my own thoughts. I clear my throat me- look let me call you back it isn't a no yet but let me just. ugh. I don't know just give me a minute. he sighs and I know he doesn't want to make things worse for me but he also knows how hard this is for me to choose things like this. I walk into the kitchen and find her making a list so I go behind her letting my head rest on her shoulder. she turns her head and kisses my lips then goes back to bed list. " you have like zero groceries. your such a guy" that makes me chuckle. " sorry I'll run and get whatever you need" she shakes her head " nope your game starts first I've got this just let me know anything you need me to grab" I sigh holding her a little closer she turns and looks at me " hey everything okay with Luca and Katelynn? oh goodness is Hadley okay?" I worry warms my heart I nod my head " yeah they are fine. he was just checking in" she nods looking me over then goes back to her list " whenever you are ready to actually tell me what he wanted I'm all ears" my eyes go wide in surprise, how can she read me so well she laughs looking over her shoulder and I sigh standing against the counter rubbing my face then crossing my arms " they were seeing if they could come over for a few." her eyes light up " okay and the problem is?" I shake my head " no problem. I just know we're just getting back on solid ground and I also know that it's us in the relationship doesn't mean you want people around all the time" now she turns to me crossing her arms " if your friends want to come watch the game then that's perfectly fine" I try to find something in her body language or face that tells me that is actually isnt fine. " if they come they will more than likely be late. and had will try to stay and I just" I throw my hands up groaning " I don't know what to do. they are my family but I want this to work. I just . I don't know" she grabs my hands and kisses my lips " I'll call Katelynn. look the list over and let me know what you need" and with that she walks away leaving me standing in my kitchen. I don't know if I have company coming or if she's calling to let them know we need space Tonight. I just look the list over and I can't think straight so I don't add anything. a few minutes later she comes in with her purse and kisses my lips grabbing the list " I won't be long. be nice to me whiskers" and with that she's walks out the front door and I'm standing in my kitchen trying to figure out what to do. so I need to call Luca and see if he's pissed? do I need to just ask her what she told Katelynn? Nicole. I will never understand why he stress so much about his family being around, I don't have family and it's so nice to have Katelynn to talk to. and little Hadley is always so much fun. I called her and asked what they'd like to snack on and if we needed anything special if Hadley decided to stay the night. I also let it be known if she want comfortable with me staying the night with them I could always go back to my apartment but she told me they didn't mind and would just get her to come home so we could be alone. alone. like we have kids and aren't ever alone. the ex was a real b***h but I let it rest and told her I'd grab everything we needed and I shouldn't be gone long. after grabbing the groceries and some things for me and Hadley to make her a special pizza I stopped by the liquor store and grabbed a bottle of whiskey I know we all like it and some beers since they are driving and we will more than likely be taking care of Hadley we don't need to get to drunk. walking back into Nathan's I realized I just let myself into his apartment. but shrugged it off I'd apologize later my hands are full. the game is started and the guys are standing watching so a good okay must have been made. Hadley sees me first and botls for me " auntie nik" I give her a big smile " hey sweet girl let me set this stuff down" she follows behind me. I got stuff for nachos, cocktail weenies, cheeses, chips and dip, the stuff for her pizza and if course sweets. I set her on the counter and she giggles " so who wants to make their own pizza tonight?" her eyes go big " me! mama let's me help" I laugh " well thank goodness because I'm gonna need help for sure" she nods sitting up straighter. " so Nate was rather surprised when we showed up at the door" I look at her confused " I don't know why I told him I was calling you" she shrugs but I'm now confused. I thought he knew they were coming. she helps me get everything set away and get the food going as we make small talk and Hadley went to find her toys she keeps her. " so any luck yet?" she sighs shaking her head " not yet but hopefully soon I have baby fever so bad" we share a laugh and the guys come in grabbing a beer Nathan kisses the side of my head whispering " can I talk to you for a minute" I nod and follow him to his room and he starts pacing so I sit and wait for him to tell me what he's thinking " I thought you called Katelynn" he finally turns to me and asks and I'm now even more confused. I nod my head " I did. I asked if they wanted anything special" he looks me over " was that not okay?" I ask worried and he shakes his head sighing then he gets on his knees in front of me looking me in the eyes " Nicole baby I need you to understand I can't choose between y'all. I don't want to. I want to be with you but they are my family. but I also know we can't always hang out with them like when I was single, trust me there have been times where they've told me they needed alone time just the two of them and that's okay" I grab his face and make him look at me " I'm not asking you to choose babe. we're gonna have a fun night, do whatever it is you normally do with them and Hadley and just let me enjoy the family. when I need alone time with you I know I can tell you, and yes I would love nothing more than to have a repeat of last night but that doesn't have to happen tonight. we are okay. I promise" he looks at me confused and honestly looks like he wants to cry I gently kiss his lips and he sighs " can we go watch your teams ass get kicked now?" I ask and he laughs shaking his head giving me one more kiss. we walk back into the living room and everyone is looking at us so I break the ice " okay food shouldn't be long, miss Hadley is going to make us pizza and there is also whiskey" Hadley thankfully starts jumping around excited and everyone starts going on like normal. I sit back and enjoy a drink before letting her make her pizza since it's still a little early. I can't help but laugh at the guys bickering back and forth, Luca is apparently cheering for whoever plays bama any time they play. he being brought up by his dad likes LSU also. Katelynn and I chat a little between the guys hollering and Hadley cuddles with Mr whiskers Nathan. I was surprised when I opened my door to find them. I just knew when she got back we'd be fighting but that didn't happen. this is just going to take some getting used to. we enjoyed the night, I watched as she laughed with Katelynn and giggled and played with had while they made pizza and a huge mess. and it was rather hilarious to watch her get upset about calls during her game. Hadley did end up staying and she helped us make a fort for her to sleep in like she always does. tonight the cat cuddled in with her, we settled in the couch waiting for her to fall asleep before got changed and crawled into bed. I was holding her close thinking about the day and trying to figure out if I could honestly be this lucky. most woman run at this point. I breath her in " oh goodness I forgot to tell you I let myself in earlier sorry my hands were full" I chuckle behind her and kiss her shoulder this is what she's worried about while I'm over here trying to figure out if she's real or not " don't be sorry. let yourself in little one" she snuggles back into me and I groan as her ass hits my manhood, I didn't have this problem with my ex because Hadley never stayed when she was here. she giggles " be good maybe I'll give you a reward tomorrow sir" I hold her tighter groaning again " looking forward to it" we share a kiss before we both fall asleep. some time during the night Hadley must have woken Nicole because when I woke up I found them both snuggled next to me with the cat in tow. shaking my head sighing the look beautiful and it has my thoughts on babies, would I even be s good dad? would she even want kids? I snap a picture and send it to Luca letting him know my bed has been taken over and some how this cat seems to be here to stay
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