chapter 6

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neal. I woke up feeling excited about the fact that I get to see nicole before I get to go to work. I through on my work pants and go ahead and go ahead and do my morning routine. Nicole had just texted asking for the address so now I'm spraying on cologne and smiling at myself in the mirror like an i***t when I hear a knock at my door, I look at my phone and think to myself there no way she is already here when I just sent her the address and I make my way to the door and open it " hey dude! thought I'd catch you before work" my buddy lee says when I open the door I just nod and let him jn and lead him to the kitchen " what did you need this early?" I ask and he looks at me " were you expecting someone else" he fakes being hurt and I raise a brow at him wonder what all I should tell him I mean nicole and I aren't dating " a friend is bringing my things I left last night over". now be raises a brow " hm is she pretty?" he ask teasingly " yes she beautiful" I say rolling my eyes " well I just need to sign these papers and cut that check so we can put your electric pole up" I nod. when he got out of the military he started working for the electric company and I bought some land in hope of building some day but clearing it to a little longer than expected and he's been waiting for it to be done so he could put my pole up before I could even start thinking of building my house. " great! so that means the lands ready, I need to check it out soon" he laughs laying the papers down " well if you hadn't wanted it cleared a certain way and a pond dug this process would've been faster" he says and I chuckle because I know it's been a pain with how specific I want things " let me grab my check book there's coffee" I let him know walking away to find it. as I'm looking I hear a small knock on my door and for some reason my heart rate picks up, I'm so excited to see her it's crazy. I hear lee say he's got it and I roll my eyes he's so nosey. I hear only his side of the exchange " you must be looking for Nate" pause and a chuckle " you are just as beautiful as he said" another pause and I make my way to the door " lee let her in" he turns and smirks at me and let's her in she looks simply beautiful, black leggings and a t-shirt with her hair up and I can tell she has on some make up this morning. be hands full one holding my work belt with my shirt slung over her shoulder and the other with breakfast. lee made his way to the kitchen and I grabbed a few things from her hands I smiled at her " good morning" she smiled back " morning" I lead her into the kitchen where lee was sitting finishing his coffee and she handed me my belt and shirt and I set them on the counter next to the food. " sorry didn't know he'd show up this early, nicole this is lee, lee this is Nicole" I said introducing them and they were polite I could tell she was shy. we dug into the food she brought over while lee made jokes about the donuts because I'm a cop and we all laughed. her laugh is beautiful. he walked away to use the restroom leaving us alone and I decided to be to test the waters on flirting. I was standing behind her rinsing my hands while she was leaning against the counter doing something on her phone giving me a nice few of her ass. I stood behind her and she straightened as my hands held the counter around her body boxing her in. I leaned into her ear " ever been hand cuffed?" I whispered and I felt her body shiver under my making me smirk she turned around facing me blushing and I just looked into her eyes as she watched me trying to figure out my next move. " never have" she said biting her lip I smiled at her leaning into kiss her when lee came back in " hey there kiddos let's get these papers signed so I can leave first" he said laughing and Nicole blushed I kissed her check and glared at lee for ruining the moment. I went over and signed the paperwork and gave him a check " so what are you signing your life away to?" Nicole joked " I've got some land he's gonna put electric on for me" I explained and she nodded looking a little shocked. lee said his goodbyes and left leaving us alone. as I walked back into the kitchen I saw her eyes going over my bare chest and I couldn't help but smirk. she looked down at her watch and her eyes went wide " oh boy I've gotta get going" she said grabbing her things and she quickly peaked my lips then realizing what she'd done her eyes went wide and she blushed walking away quickly I went after her and spun her around her eyes were wide my hands on her hips I pulled her in for a proper kiss. enjoying her sweet taste on my lips " don't ever run from me darling" I whispered once I pulled away a little and she nodded slightly " I'll text you later" she said and I kissed her cheek. " counting on it. be safe" after she left I got myself ready for work with a smile on my face Nicole. my head was spinner as I drove to work I was so nervous to bring him his things this morning then on too of that his friend was there. but he seemed like a nice guy. I know Nathan caught me checking out his body but dang he looks so good, he has a couple tattoos on his chest and arms but the biggest is a large angry looking lion that for some reason I just want to run my tongue over. then he asked about the handcuff and I swear I almost lost it, I've never had these kind of thoughts when it came to s*x but he does something to my body. getting to work Ms Sally had music playing and I couldn't help but think it was gonna be a good day. around lunch time I texted Nathan Nicole- hope your day is going good. Nate- well since my mornings started so great I can't complain. how are you? Nicole- it's going the rain has me wanting to sleep! nate- wanna come watch a movie tonight? I bit my lip thinking about this. I mean I want to but what if he's just trying to get in my pants? I don't want to seem like a hoe. before I could answer him the front door swung open and Avery walked in looking like she hasn't slept at all and still in yesterday's clothes, Ms Sally looked her over " Nikki babe! I came to say goodbye!" she basically yelled. I'm so glad we don't have people in here right now. I mouthed sorry to Ms Sally and she nodded going back to her lunch " bye aves Hope to see you soon" I replied and she hugged me " well I came all the way here to bring you back and even brought you a friend that you turned down" she pouted and I tried not to roll my eyes " I'm sorry aves." " would you happen to have any cash? I need some gas money" .this time I rolled my eyes. of course she's here for a reason I thought to myself. I grabbed my purse and got her some cash handing it to her " please be careful Avery" I told her seriously and she just giggled " see you soon babe!" she said as she basically ran out of the salon I looked over to Ms Sally who was watching me " I'm sorry" I said and she just shock her head " just be careful with here Nicole she seems to be into something bad" I nodded agreeing. last night I thought she was just excited to see me but I'm pretty sure she's getting mixed into the wrong things and that worries me. my phone chimes again bringing me from my thoughts 3 new messages from Nathan nate- we can order in also. Nate- okay now I see how this sounds I'm so sorry I know it isn't a proper date but with the weather I just figured it would be easier. nate- nicole? nicole- sorry something came up. movies and take out sound great. I sent back trying to calm my nerves he's so sweet he wouldn't try anything crazy. right? the rest of the day was pretty busy and Ms Sally left out a little early because she was hurting I feel so sorry for her some days. I locked up and made my way to my apartment and cleaned up throwing on clean leggings and a sweater since the weather is so nasty. my phone rang. " hey darling I'm just getting home come over whenever" Nathan's deep voice came over my speaker making me smile " just getting changed and I'll be there" we said our goodbyes and I grabbed my things before heading out. I quickly made it to his apartment trying to avoid getting soaked but that didn't really work. I'm front of his door I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I looked down at myself wet from the rain and wanted to turn around and go home because I look a mess! damn it. I knocked softly and he answered quickly. I took him in, his hair still wet from a shower, a black shirt and his grey sweatpants making me drool. " uh hey" I said lamely trying to bring myself from my own thoughts and he smiled " come in darling let's get dry" he said leading me in. he turned and walked away and came back with a towel " here. I really should've came to yours with this weather but I wasn't thinking" he said being sweet as usual I just shook my head ." it's fine really" he smiled ah me making me want to melt " there's a shirt and some pants on my bed you can borrow while I dry your things" I nodded and went to change looking around his near room. you can definitely tell he's military. I pulled his clothes on leaving myself without a bra ugh! stupid weather. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled the shirt smells just like him. when I got back into the living room he had the lights dimmed and the tv on and hoped up from his slot taking my clothes " I'll get these going make yourself comfortable" he said kissing my cheek I sat on the couch under his big blanket and he soon came back and got under it with me pulling my feet in his lap massaging them just like yesterday. I let my head fall back Nate. she looks so sexy in my clothes I'm trying so hard not to be an ass but damn it's been a while and she is killing me! rubbing her soft feet I watch as her head goes back and I try to calm my little solider " you don't have to do that" she whispers and I look over at her looking at me " I know but i want to. tell me about your day" we each talked about our day and she told me how shes worried about her friend I tell her not much happened today but that luca and katelynn invited us to dinner her eyes went wide for a minute then she recovered. " are you sure about this?" she asked and I just looked at her " what do you mean? I question and she looked away. " are you looking to get laid or something more? I don't want to look like a fool in front of your friends" she whispers and I pulled her into of my lap straddle me I could tell she was a little startled but she soon relaxes as I ran my hands up her arms. " I want to know you Nicole. I want to start a relaxing and s*x will come when it comes" she slowly nods her head and I kiss her gently but it soon turns heated as her hands make there way aroma my neck and mine to her waist holdings on tight. I bite her bottom lip causing her to gasp and I slip my tongue in as we both fight for dominace of course I win as she keys out a small moan and I pull back resting my head on hers catching my breath " pizza or Chinese? I ask taking her off guard " uh pizza" she says blushing a little. damn I love when she does that
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