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Dean looked angry, most likely because I kept yet another thing from him, but how was I going to tell him? Up until a few hours ago, we were at odds. “No, go get ready,” he said, standing. “We need to get back on the same page, so we are going to go out for dinner. Like old times and we’re going to talk.” I panicked. “No Dean, I would rather just stay in.” “Ivy, just go get ready.” “No, I can’t. I’m sorry, Dean.” “Why can’t you? Will you just stop being angry at me already, please?” I couldn’t tell him why I didn’t want to go. I caved. Arguing with him right now was too risky. “Where are we going on this date?” I needed to know what to wear. “Dress casual.” I stood and went back to my room to get ready. It had been forever since I had the chance to just sit and talk with Dean about anything and everything. I missed it, and it would help take my mind off things. It would also be horrible at the same time. But I was hopeful that my feelings would stay dormant. Dinner went great; Dean and I talked a lot about how I was feeling about everything and how things were going as of late. Some things made him angry, like hearing about Zac and me. He wasn’t a fan of our relationship, but he had his reasons. Everyone around me got hurt and Dean was always the one that had to clean up the messes. The whole time during dinner I avoided eye contact. Dean noticed and always had to ask why I wasn’t looking at him. I never answered. When we got home, I went into my room to sleep. I was happy about getting my life on track. Tomorrow, I had to work, Demetrius told me he needed me in, but today I had made plans to have a picnic with Zac. I was nervous to go back to school and was praying that I could hold on to my job while doing schoolwork. Since I didn’t start till next Monday, I figured spending time with Zac would help calm me down. I made myself look beautiful and picked out a nice sundress; the weather had gotten nicer. I dressed light, putting on a pair of black flats and doing my hair and makeup. Walking downstairs, I saw Dean sitting in the living room watching TV. I still hadn’t told him about Zac and me. He didn’t agree with our relationship, so I thought there was no point in upsetting him. I tried to make it to the door without him noticing, but Dean didn’t miss much. “Where are you going, Ivy?” he shouted, walking up to me by the door. “I’m going to the beach for a bit,” I replied, lying. “I don’t think that is a good idea. At least not alone,” he said, blocking my way. “You promised you were not going to hold me, prisoner, again. I will be fine. I will have my phone to call you if I need anything.” He huffed. “Please be careful.” “I will, I promise.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek, regretting the contact, then ran out the door. I got in my car and drove to meet Zac. I felt bad for lying to Dean, but he would have never let me leave if he knew I was heading to Ozzy and my campsite. Zac and I planned to spend some time there, cooking over the fire, and talking about how to keep our relationship from everyone. When I got there, Zac’s car was already parked near the firepit. He had already started the fire and was getting the chairs out of the shed. I parked my car, got out, and walked over to him. “Hey Babygirl, I missed you,” he said, pulling me into a hug and kissing my lips. “I missed you too,” I replied, grabbing one of the chairs from him and setting it up. “So, you said you wanted to talk about us. I’m kind of nervous, you haven’t changed your mind, have you?” “No, not at all. I just know that you didn’t want to keep us dating a secret, but I feel it is what is best now.” “Why? Some people already know about us like Colin, Ozzy, Daryl, and Dean.” “Well, I told them all yesterday that we broke up. Ozzy still hasn’t replied to my text, but he knows. I’m sorry, but if it is found out by my stalker that we are dating you could be in danger, and I don’t want that.” “What if he already knows?” “How would he? Has he gotten a hold of you?” “Last night, I had gotten a text from an unknown number. I believe it was your stalker again. He was not happy with me. He said that the only reason I was still breathing was that we weren’t together anymore. Now I know why he thinks that.” “See, that’s why we have to keep it a secret. He knows things,” I replied, as we both heard a rustling sound. We looked behind us and there stood my stalker. He was still wearing his ski mask, with blood-red eye contacts. He was dressed in blue jeans, black boots, and a black hoodie covering a white T-shirt. Even with his hood up, I could see the rage in his eyes. I also noticed the gun hanging out of his right hand. He was breathing heavily, with the tool covering his voice, his breath came out as low growls. “I was apparently misinformed,” he growled, making my body shiver with fear. I wasn’t sure what he was going to do, and I was almost frozen to the spot. “Please, don’t hurt him,” I begged, pushing Zac away and out of the line of sight. My stalker stared at me before he raised the gun at Zac. “Stop, please don’t. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please,” I pleaded, tears forming in my eyes. “Ivy, you brought me to this point. I have told you many times not to get a boyfriend. You’re not a single girl you know, you are mine, and I will not tolerate cheating.” His finger went to the trigger and pulled. A loud bang rang through the trees, and I don’t know what came over me, but I was in front of Zac pushing him out of the way as the bullet struck me in my chest. It was as if I flew for a moment. I must have been running before my mind even noticed I was. I tried to stay standing, but a rush of pain flowed through my chest, neck, and head. I looked at my stalker; how dare he hurt me? I watched his eyes fill with his own tears, and he dropped the gun as I fell to the ground. My stalker was by my side a second after I fell. He was cradling me in his arms as I started to feel my body go numb. My vision blurred, but I was still able to see him clearly. I looked around and Zac was getting himself up off the ground from when I pushed him down. When he turned around and saw me, I could instantly see the hurt and rage come flooding to his face. I had never in my life seen Zac look as angry and out of control as I did then. “What have you done? Get away from her!” Zac shouted as I lost sight of my stalker. I was able to turn my head just enough to see Zac tackle my stalker and continuously hit him in the face and stomach. Surprisingly, my stalker wasn’t fighting back and never once did he take his watery eyes off me. I was able to read his lips as he mouthed the words, I’m sorry repeatedly. When my stalker finally had enough, he turned his attention to Zac and quickly took Zac to the ground, but he still didn’t attack him back. He came back to my side and held me once again. “I’m so sorry, Baby. I never meant to hurt you. I have to go and get you help. Please, forgive me, I love you.” My stalker stood and ran off into the woods. Zac got back up, but instead of chasing him down, he rushed to my side. He lifted me until I was lying in his lap, then my eyes shut. I wasn’t sure what happened, but everything became dark. I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t breathe.
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