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“Where are you going to be staying tonight? Colin told me you left Zac’s last night.” “He has asked me to go back to his place tonight. I’m sure I could stay there.” “That isn’t happening, Ivy. Look what happened with the last guy you stayed with.” “What do you mean?” “As I said, Colin told me everything about last night,” he replied. I could see the anger on his face. He wasn’t happy. He didn’t want me getting close to Colin, I understood that, but I didn’t want my feelings for Dean to grow. “What happened between Zac and me was my choice. I don’t regret it,” I said. “You should, how do you think he will hold up with your stalker? Men have been hurt for less, Daryl was only taking you on a date. Now the only way I can make sure you are safe is if you stay here.” “He doesn’t know about it. Zac will be fine.” “You are staying here, Ivy. End of story.” “You can’t keep me here, Dean.” He looked down and grabbed a piece of paper off the coffee table. “Do you remember when I told you there was an easy way and a hard way, I could go about doing this?” “Yes,” I replied, and he handed me the paper. It was a legal document stating that I was to remain in his custody until further notice. Meaning, until my stalker was found and imprisoned. This was all because of the protection program; he had all legal rights over me. I was angry; I wasn’t informed that this was part of the process. I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t tell me this. It hurt to be around him with my feelings; I could never act on them, and I just wanted to try and get them to go away. That wouldn’t happen if I was still living with him. “So, what now, Dean? You are going to lock me up and hold me, prisoner, now,” I said harshly, still staring at the paper. “I didn’t want to do it this way. You are not giving me much of a choice here. It’s my job to keep you safe.” “I’m really starting to dislike you, Dean,” I lied. “Don’t be like that. I promise you will not be held a prisoner, as you put it. I even signed you back up for school, including summer school, which you must attend. This is what is best for you, Ivy. Now go get your things out of the car and take them upstairs to your room.” “What am I going to tell everyone at school when they ask me why I have been gone half the year, what am I going to say? They’re going to have questions and I don’t want to talk about what I have been going through.” I was happy about going back to school; it was a plus. I missed seeing everyone. They would have questions though, and I didn’t want an interrogation. It would just bring back old and confusing memories. There really was no reason. “Just tell them you don’t want to discuss it. I’m trying my best to keep you safe here, even with your hurtful comments about hating me. Will you just trust me with this, please? You used to trust me with everything and now, I can’t believe you’re acting like this with me.” I put my head down. I trusted Dean, I just didn’t trust myself, but I didn’t want to hurt him anymore. Just like every other time Dean sat me down and talked things out with me, I caved. “Okay, can I still keep my job?” “No, you will have school. You can’t be up till two in the morning.” “Can I try?” “I will give you one week. If I feel that it is affecting your schoolwork then you’re done,” he replied. I leaned over and gave him a hug and he returned it, thankfully. “It won’t, I promise,” I said, smiling. “I will go get my things.” I grabbed the few suitcases from my car I had brought with me, then went back up to my old room and put everything away. I had to admit, I missed this room. After unpacking, I took a seat on my bed. I was uncertain about living with Dean, only being away from him for a short time didn’t help the feelings I had for him, and I caved to him once again. I had to stop doing that. The love I felt for Dean was the craziest thing I had ever felt. It was wrong, but somehow, I just felt like I should be with him. I just knew that we could never get past him once being my stepfather. No one was going to accept something like that, Dean included. I was scared about it, and I had to try and distance myself. I grabbed my phone to make a few phone calls. My first one was to Colin. “Hello,” he said. “Hey, so I will be staying with Dean.” “You let him manipulate you into staying there.” “Even if I wanted to say no, I didn’t have a choice in the matter. He has all legal rights over me, what he says goes.” “What?” “He showed me the paper that I signed when I left six months ago. That is what it says, he is my guardian, so this is how it has to go.” “I will take care of it.” “No, just let it go. Maybe this is for the best. Every decision I have made has gone from bad to worse so please, just leave it be.” “How am I going to get to be with you, if you’re staying there?” “You don’t, but that is okay because you have a girlfriend and I … well, it is for the best.” “I broke up with her the second you got home, Ivy. That’s for the best. I knew that it wouldn’t last with her, she knew it too. I want you, damn it!” “Why didn’t you tell me? Why would you break up with her? I told you not to,” I shouted back at him. It angered me. “You know why, I was straight with her from the start. She was okay with it.” “You shouldn’t have done that, Colin.” “Fine, I’m done trying to get you. One minute you want me the next you don’t. I’m over it,” he replied, hanging up on me. I let out a sigh and called the next person on my list, Zac. “Finally decided to call me?” he said. “Sorry, I have been busy.” “Are you coming back?” he asked nervously. “No, Dean has asked me to stay with him. I told him I would, not that I had much choice in the matter.” “So, you meant what you said? You want to be done with me.” “No, I was only angry. I’m sorry I said that; I shouldn’t have.” “So, you still want to be with me,” he replied. I was able to hear how hopeful he was. “Yes, I still don’t like what you did to Daryl, but I understand.” “I’m sorry for doing things the way I did. I will also apologize to Daryl if it makes you feel better.” “It really would,” I replied, smiling. “With you staying there, when will be the next time I can see you?” “Dean said that he has enrolled me in school. So, Monday hopefully.” “Okay, that’s only a few days away. I will talk to you then, Babygirl. I have to go,” he replied. “Okay, bye,” I said, hanging up. I stood and went back downstairs to find Dean. It was almost dinner time, and I was hoping that we could order out somewhere. He was in the living room watching TV and I took a seat next to him. “What took you so long?” he asked. “I had a few phone calls to make,” I replied, thankfully my second call was better than the first. What Colin said made me upset but at least he will move forward and not be in danger. I didn’t want Zac in danger either, but my stalker didn’t know about him, and I didn’t plan on telling anyone about our relationship, and if anyone asked, I was going to tell them that we broke up. I was hoping that Zac would be okay with it for his own safety. “Calls?” “Yes, I had to call Colin and Zac.” “Yeah, what did they have to say? I’m sure Colin isn’t happy about you staying with me.” “He said he was done with me, and Zac and I broke up.” “Broke up? I thought you did that last night. Why didn’t you tell me you were still together this morning?” “I have learned that the less I tell people about my life, the less they’re in danger,” I replied honestly. “Colin told me everything that happened. Was it actually your stalker this time?” “Yes, it was surprising. Can we order something to eat? I’m hungry,” I replied, trying to change the subject.
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