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I heard a beeping sound. It was annoying. Every few seconds, there was another beep. I tried to open my eyes, but something was stopping me; they felt heavy, so I kept them closed. I felt pressure on my right hand. It felt warm and soft. Then I heard a voice that sounded like Ozzy, but it was so far away I could barely make out what he was saying to me; I had to focus hard to hear him. Ivy, please wake up, he said, sounding like he was crying. I didn’t understand, I wanted to hug him, but my body was stiff, and I couldn’t move. Please, I can’t lose you, I need you. Please wake up, he pleaded. I tried to talk; I wanted to tell him that I was okay. I felt weird, but I was happy that he was there, even though I didn’t understand what was wrong or why he was saying these things. Before I got the chance to think, everything went silent, and I could no longer hear or feel Ozzy. The next thing I knew, I felt something soft and wet on my forehead. I couldn’t see what it was, but it felt nice; I recognized it. I heard Colin’s voice this time, but it still sounded as if we were miles apart; I focused so I could hear. Colin must have kissed my forehead. I didn’t mean what I said, I will never give up trying to get you, I love you so much, he said. Just like my brother, he sounded as if he was crying. I don’t know if you can hear me, but I will always be here for you, Giggles. I wasn’t sure why everyone was upset. I was confused and thought that maybe I had missed something. If you can hear me, I really need you to wake up, he said, as I felt the warmth of his hand in mine. Before I could try to do anything to let Colin know I was awake, my mind went blank, and he was gone. I woke up to someone weeping next to me. I wasn’t sure who it was. Their sobbing was so loud and so strong, it was all I could hear. Whoever it was, was sad and really upset. It was hard to focus. I felt pressure on my chest, and for some reason, it hurt. I fought through the pain when I realized someone was hugging me and hugging me very tightly. It felt wonderful, warm, and familiar and made me feel safe and loved as I had never been loved before. Why this person was crying so hard, I wasn’t sure, but I was there for whoever it was, until I heard the deep voice of my stalker. I know you will never forgive me for this. I’m sorry, Baby. I never meant to hurt you, but you jumped in the way. I can’t even forgive myself. I will do anything, just please wake up. I couldn’t live with myself if … if … He started crying louder, and harsher; I kind of felt bad for him. s**t … I’m sorry I have to leave you again; Colin is coming back. I love you so much, Baby. I felt something soft touch my cheek once again, so close to my lips, then heard a door slam shut. Everything went black after he left. Hey, Little Red, I heard Dean’s voice. I miss you a lot. I know you might be in pain, but I need you to do something for me. Dean sounded like the others. I could tell that he had been crying. I just need you to squeeze my hand, Sweet Girl. Just once. I felt his hand slide into mine. I had never been good at telling Dean no, so I tried my best to squeeze his hand, but I was struggling to do so. Come on, you’re not going to leave me hanging, are you? I tried my best; I focused on moving my right hand. I wanted him to know that I was there for him as well, that I would help with whatever was making him and everyone else so upset. It took everything in me, and I think I managed to move my hand. It must have worked because Dean shouted out for someone named Doctor Grey. Dean sounded excited and that made me excited. I wanted to get up and celebrate with him, but I couldn’t. Moving my hand made me feel weaker, but I wasn’t sure why. I didn’t understand, but soon after, I couldn’t hear or feel Dean’s touch anymore and I was in the dark again. I heard the door open once more and footsteps slowly coming over to me. I felt the pressure in my hand and the soft kiss on my forehead. Something wet then dripped onto my face; it felt like a teardrop. Hey Giggles, it’s me, Colin, again. It has been way too long since I have seen your beautiful eyes, maybe you could open them for me, he said. I tried, but I still wasn’t ready to open them. I felt like I could, but it was hard. No one will believe Dean that you squeezed his hand a month ago, you haven’t done it since. I thought it was only a few seconds ago that I had squeezed Dean’s hand. Nothing made sense to me at all. Everyone was talking nonsense. I panicked and was thrown back into darkness. It has been three months since you went into a coma. The doctor said that you have to wake up on your own, but I need you to wake up for me, please. I can’t handle this, this is all my fault, please wake up. I listened to the voice talking; it was Dean again. I was confused when he told me I was in a coma; I don’t remember anything. I started to panic. I had been in a coma for three months; he said it himself. He was right, I needed to wake up. He was weeping over me, and I finally knew why. Come on Ivy, please, he begged me. I caved to Dean again and tried my best to open my eyes. I knew now why everyone was upset and crying, it was because of me, and I had to put an end to it. You wiggled. I heard Dean say, that was a good sign I thought. Wake up, wake up! he shouted, and I felt him heavily shaking me. He was screaming at me to wake up; I even thought he hit me at one point. He was squeezing my hand so hard it hurt, but I knew he didn’t mean to hurt me, he was simply happy that I moved. His breathing was heavy, and I felt another tear fall on my face. Please wake up. With my last little bit of strength, I managed to open my eyes. I was blinded by a bright light, but it soon went away when I saw Dean’s face hovering over me. His eyes were wide, and he had tear-stained cheeks. “I knew you would wake up for me. I just knew you would, you even squeezed my hand.” He looked happy, but I was confused again. I tried to ask him where I was and what had happened to me, but there was something uncomfortable in my mouth. My arm was tingling but I moved it up to my mouth anyway. I wanted to talk. A tube was in my way, and I panicked even more. I started shaking and I saw Dean hit a red button on my bed. Thank you for reading thus far. I love all the feedback.

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