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“Most of the people that come here are regulars, friends of mine. You will get used to things quickly. They order the same s**t every day. The room in the back is off-limits to you. There is normally no dress code, but your father has asked me to make sure you don’t look like a hooker, so no less than what you have on now. Any tip that is left is yours to keep; don’t let Jesse or Lexi take half of it; they will try.” “Okay,” I replied, giggling. “I haven’t seen you since you were ten. You have really grown up. You’re a beautiful young lady, so be ready for ignorant men and even women. If you have any problems, just let me know, and I will take care of them. If I’m not around, you can go to Jake, and he will handle it. This really isn’t a place for someone your age, but I am giving you a chance. If I find it is too dangerous for you here, I will let you go. There is a reason my waitresses are evil,” he said. It made me want to laugh, but he was serious, so it didn’t seem like the time. “Alright, follow me, and I will introduce you to Amanda.” I nodded once again and stood. We exited his office and went over to the bar. He waved a woman with dark brown hair over to us. She came over with a smile on her face and she was beautiful. “Evie, this is Amanda. She is the woman training you.” Amanda and I shook hands. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said. “You as well. Are you ready to start?” “Yeah,” I replied, still a little fearful of the night, but having someone by my side during my first day helped to calm me down. Amanda took me into the kitchen, where I met Bobby. He was a nice old man, but you could tell he was a badass back in his day; he was even missing a finger on his left hand. Amanda showed me where everything was and explained how to take down people’s orders to make it easier on Bobby, who was missing his right eye and needed writing in a bigger font. After showing me how to run things, she dragged me back out of the kitchen and handed me a pen and a small pad of paper. “I will help you with the first table and then you will be on your own, but if you need me, I will also be out there. Just find me,” she said. “Okay.” I went and took care of my first table, which was quite easy with her by my side. Two hamburgers, two sides of fries, and two Bud Light beers, table five. After taking the order, I took it up to give to Bobby. I felt anxiety grow in me when Amanda left me on my own. Thankfully, my next customer was someone who would just laugh at me if I messed up and not get angry. “Hey Zac,” I said as I walked over to him. “Finally, I’ve been waiting for you. How’s it going?” “Nervous,” I replied. “Do you want anything?” “Yeah, I will help with your test run,” he replied with a chuckle. “I will have a bacon burger with fries and a side of ranch.” “Drink?” “You need to calm down, smile, and make a joke or two. You seem so tense. Also, I will just have a Mountain Dew,” he replied. I took his advice; I figured what’s the harm in trying. Angus Burger with fries and a side of ranch; MD to drink, table nine. “Alright, I will try. I will be back shortly,” I replied and turned around to take his order to Bobby. The rest of the night went fast; I was impressed with myself. Surprisingly, I only messed up once, and thankfully, it was on Zac’s order, and as expected, he just laughed it off and ate what I brought him. I was back in Demetrius’ office, and he came in and took a seat in front of me. “What did you think of your first day, pretty easy?” “Yeah, it wasn’t too bad. I thought I did okay. I only messed up once, and the customer didn’t care.” “That’s good, but try not to let it happen all the time,” he replied, and I nodded. “Anything eventful happen?” “No, not really. Lexi and Jesse ignored me all night. Amanda was awesome. I like her. Bobby is a great guy, along with Jake. They are both nice men. A couple of customers commented on my boobs, but I handled it okay; they didn’t seem harmful, just drunk.” “Well, that’s good. The weekend shift was just to see if you could handle heavy business. You will be working weekdays unless I call you in if I need you. Weekdays are easier, with fewer people than on Friday and Saturday nights. You are to be here every Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday by nine o’clock. You will work until closing, which is two in the morning, so make sure to get sleep. I don’t want you sleeping on the job.” “Yes Sir,” I replied. “Don’t call me that. It’s Demetrius,” he said. “Understood.” “Alright, get out of here. Have a good night,” he said, ushering me out of the room. “You too, and thanks for letting me work here. I know it could get you in trouble, but I really do appreciate it.” “I was underage when your father let me work with him. I owe him one.” I smiled and left the room; Zac was already outside waiting for me by the car. I was tired. This was the first job I had. I hadn’t worked a day in my life besides babysitting, but I don’t consider watching TV while a baby slept a job unless he woke up, but it was rare. “Are you hungry or do you just want to go to bed?” Zac asked while opening the door for me. “I just want to go to bed,” I replied. “Alright,” he said, getting into the driver’s seat. He started up the car and the radio started. “It’s Not Over” by Daughtry started playing at high volume. I looked at Zac. He looked confused. He quickly turned down the music. “I didn’t know you listened to that type of music,” I said. “I don’t. You didn’t come out to the car at all, did you?” “No.” “Then someone was in my car. I don’t understand why they blared the music but look around and make sure nothing was taken.” I started looking around everywhere; I wasn’t sure what was in the car to begin with, but I didn’t see anything unusual. I dropped the visor over my head, and a rainfall of red rose petals pooled around me. My eyes went wide, and fear made itself present in my mind. “My stalker,” I said. “No, Evie, there is no way he could have found you. I made sure of it,” Zac said quickly. “How? Because this,” I said, holding up some rose petals, “this is him.” “I have hidden you. I may not be as good as Colin, but you were hidden. Unless Ozzy told someone he shouldn’t have,” he replied. I looked up and checked out the visor, and there was a piece of paper sticking out from under the mirror. My breath hitched in my throat, and my heart felt like it had stopped. I grabbed the paper and pulled it to me. “Evie, don’t even let it start. Throw the note away, brush the petals out of the car, and let’s go home and forget about this,” Zac said, grabbing my hand. I shook my head; I may have been scared, but this was all going to go down differently. I opened the paper, and only two words were written on it. Yours, Always
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