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“Don’t do it, you will regret it,” Zac said, as I took my phone out. “He will help,” I replied. “What has he helped with since you came home? Nothing, he doesn’t care anymore. He has done nothing but treat you like s**t since you came back, I can handle this, Evie. Trust me, please,” he continued. “It doesn’t matter if he is mad at me or if he hates me. He will help, I know he will.” “Should we really worry everyone right now, it could just be someone being stupid.” “I can’t take the chance,” I replied. I finished typing in Dean’s number and hit the call button. He didn’t answer the first time, which hurt, but I called again. I was trying not to let his lack of answering upset me, but I had to admit, I hated that he was ignoring me. After calling back another two times, I gave up. I took a picture of the paper on my lap and sent it to him. It didn’t take long for him to call me back after that. I answered the phone; he already sounded upset, and I knew I was in for a big “I told you so.” “Where are you?” Dean asked. “At the bar, it was my first night tonight.” “Stay there, don’t touch anything, I’m on my way.” “Okay, I’m sorry Dean,” I said, as tears spilled from my eyes. “Nothing we can do about it now, just sit still and lock the doors. I told you this would happen.” “I will see you soon.” I ended the call just as Demetrius tapped on my window, spooking both Zac and me. I rolled down my window but locked the doors as Dean told me. “What are you still doing here? I thought you were on your way home,” he asked. “I’m pretty sure my stalker was here,” I informed him. “Well, this s**t isn’t happening on my watch,” he said, turning around and heading back into the bar. Zac and I shared a look of confusion. “Maybe he went back in to check the security footage,” I said. “You need to call Ozzy, see who all he has told about you being home and working here. This isn’t a good first day.” “I don’t think it was Ozzy who told people. I have a feeling it is someone who knows of my return and that doesn’t want me here.” “Are you saying, Stacey?” “Or Daryl, I mean he is an ex-boyfriend. Maybe it was weird for him to see me.” “I will call him and see, but I doubt he would stoop that low,” he replied. Zac got out of the car and started calling Daryl, but I knew deep down that Daryl would never stoop to this level either, this wasn’t him. I felt like we should’ve left it to Dean to figure out who outed me. That would be the easy part, not that it would be a crime, but maybe they could help us by telling us everyone that they told. I studied the piece of paper; something was off about the writing. It didn’t look the same as it did before. Knowing that, I felt a bit calmer. My stalker had always used the same handwriting. He never played music on the radio to get my attention. He always tried to be romantic, as much as he could be for a stalker. He had never tried to make me deaf or make a mess with roses. There was a way to figure out if it was him or not. It was just too risky; Dean would have my head. I still remembered the email address that he first used to get my attention, and I still remembered his phone number, although I was sure it had changed. My thoughts were that he just up and ran after I left. It was always my plan to confront him face-to-face if he ever showed back up when I came home. Now that the time had come, I was too scared to do so. Plus, everything felt off about this. It may not even be him and I could put myself in harm’s way if I go into this blindly. Hopefully, Dean would be able to figure out if it was my stalker or someone else playing with me. Dean showed up, and Wilson was with him; it felt like old times, and I hated it. Dean walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, and I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. I missed his hugs; they always made me feel better and always comforted me during my time away. Dean was still pissed at me, and after the hug, he went off. Zac was helping me forget my feelings for Dean or at least not think of them, but as soon as he hugged me, the confusion came back. “I told you this was going to happen. We should leave again before it gets any worse. Who did you tell already? You said you were going to take coming back here slow. Here we are again in the same f****d up situation because you got a little homesick over Christmas,” he yelled. “I’m sorry,” I replied with tear-stained cheeks. “Sorry isn’t going to cut it, Evie. If this is him, we must go,” he said, still yelling at me. “Dean, lighten up,” Wilson said, raising his voice just a bit, but it got everyone’s attention. “I’m not impressed with it being your first day and the cops already being at my bar.” Demetrius spoke up when he came back out. “If you would have waited a bit, I could have told you that the person who did this, is not the smart person that hides well that your father described to me. It is a woman, with brown hair, about five foot five.” Demetrius handed a picture over to Dean. I didn’t think it possible, but Dean looked even angrier than before. “It’s f*****g Stacey. I never liked that girl,” Dean said. I knew it was horrible to do, but I was relieved about it. It felt different; this just wasn’t the way my stalker did things. I wasn’t going to let Stacey get away with something like that. I took out my phone and dialed Ozzy’s number. It was so late at night, but he answered anyway. “What is it? What’s wrong?” he asked, panicked. “Everything is fine, no thanks to Stacey. She got into Zac’s car and pretended to be my stalker. She turned the radio up and played a song, left rose petals, and a note. It was all caught on video and there is even a photo. Where is she, I’m going to kill her,” I replied. “Okay calm down, I will meet you at Zac’s and we will talk about it.” “I want to go get her now. Dean is here and not impressed with her either. Can’t she get in huge trouble for doing something like this?” “I’m sure there’s something but you would have to ask Dean about it. I will meet you at Zac’s. How long are you going to be?” “Not much longer, I will see you soon. I love you.” “I love you too,” he replied, and I hung up the phone. I walked over to the car and got in. Oz was right, I should just let Dean and Wilson handle it. There wasn’t much I could do about it besides punching her a few times, but that really wasn’t who I wanted to be. Dean came up to the car and I rolled down the window. “You scared the s**t out of me tonight. I wish you hadn’t come back here. I think it would be best if you came to stay with me. We don’t have to leave, but at least I can watch out for you.” “I will think about it. I don’t want to be a burden on you anymore, or the rest of my family. Everything is okay at Zac’s; I like it there. This was just Stacey being a b***h, he hasn’t found me.” “I have never thought of you as a burden, nor the rest of the family. You put that thought into your own head. Anyway, you’re free to go, we are done here.” Dean shouted over to Zac and let him know that we could leave. I let Demetrius know that I was sorry for causing so much trouble on my first night. The thing that upset me the most was that if this were my stalker, I’m sure he wouldn’t have been seen on any of the cameras, and if it was him, in a way, he still wasn’t seen on cameras.
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