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Evie, where did you and Zac head off to? I swear if there is something going on between you two, I won’t be happy. Daryl was one thing, but not Zac. With what had just happened between Zac and me, this message annoyed the crap out of me. I finally felt happy again. Not regretful because of Colin, not guilty because of Daryl, not confused because of Dean, but happy because of Zac. “Did you get the same message from Ozzy as I did?” “Yeah,” I replied sadly. “What do you want to do about it?” “I’m not sure, what do you want to do about it?” I repeated. Ozzy is my brother, and I could be putting Zac in danger. “You may not like my answer,” he said. “I would say f**k him, he is my best friend, but I don’t do well with people telling me what I can and cannot do. My parents ran from me for a reason.” “We could always not tell him,” I replied, but it didn’t look like he liked the idea. “I don’t like to hide things, even relationships, plus we wouldn’t be able to hide it forever.” “Forever?” I said, giggling. “You know what I mean, Evie. I wouldn’t want to hide you; you have been hidden enough lately.” “If you think it’s best, we could end it here,” I said. “Not an option,” he replied. “I don’t want that. I will hide it for now, but sooner or later, you are going to have to tell him. By sooner or later, I mean sooner.” “Will you tell him?” “No, but I will be by your side when you tell him. However, I wish you would just tell him now.” “All we did was make out, we don’t even know if it will go any further, so what is the point in telling him now?” I replied. Zac looked hurt, but only for a split second. “I guess it is up to you how far this goes. Tell him when you feel like it’s the right time,” he said. The rest of the ride home was in silence. Inside, I was freaking out; Zac was as calm as ever, at least on the outside. He pulled into the driveway, and we got out of the car. I had some thinking to do, and I was tired, so I went straight up to my room. I went into the bathroom and took out my contacts. Then I put on some of my fuzzy pajamas, turned on the TV, and put on my show as I lay down and tried to fall asleep. After a good hour of lying there, I finally managed. I had a big day tomorrow, starting my new job. I needed to get sleep, at least I would be on the right schedule and able to stay awake all night. I just hoped I would do a decent job on my first day. I woke up around eight o’clock at night. The sun was starting to set, and I almost went back to sleep. I heard a knock on my door that woke me back up. I got out of bed and went to open it. Zac was standing at the door, leaning on the frame. “You sleep in that?” he said, eyeballing my pajamas. “Yes, I sleep in this. What do you want?” I replied. “Do you want me to come with you tonight?” “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind. I’m most likely just going to be screwing up the whole time.” “Get yourself ready, we have to be there in an hour and a half.” “Alright, I will be ready soon.” After I shut the door, I ran to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and put some gel in it. I had to try and look older. Demetrius could get in trouble if someone found out I was underage. I put in my contacts and did my makeup. I wasn’t sure what to wear, but tight clothes were normal, so I just went with that. I put on a tank top that hugged my body perfectly and stopped above my belly button, a pair of blue jeans, one of the only pairs I had that made it look like I had an ass, then my biker boots and headed downstairs, hoping my look was suitable for the job. “You look nice,” Zac said as I entered the kitchen. “Thanks, you too,” I replied, and he smiled. He walked around the table and came close to me. He pulled me into a hug and lifted my chin, placing a kiss on my lips, which I returned. It felt just as great as the first time; I didn’t want it to end. He pulled away and smiled down at me. “We have to get going, Baby Girl.” “Are you sure,” I replied, kissing him once more. “Don’t test me, Girl. Now come on, you have work to do,” he replied, ushering me out of the kitchen and to the door. We walked out of the house and got into his car. He started up the car and backed out. It was quite a long drive; it was on the outskirts of town and a good thirty to forty minutes away. I turned the music on, and we sang along with whatever song came on the radio. Zac held my hand the whole way there and it was a nice feeling. I almost felt like a normal teenager again. It reminded me of Daryl and the party we went to. When we pulled into the parking lot, the first thing I noticed was a large green light-up sign that read, “Owen’s Bar & Grill.” We got out of the car and walked up to the door. The place was overly packed, which I was not looking forward to. I looked at Zac and began to feel nervous. “You’ll be fine, come on,” he said. He placed his hand on my lower back and basically had to push me into the bar. Once inside, I looked around. The bar was filled with biker men and their girlfriends. I didn’t expect any less from an old friend of my father’s. It reminded me of home. Heavy metal music was playing in the background and there were TVs set around the building showing the football game. I noticed a few pool tables in the middle of the floor along with dart boards set up against the wall. Black leather jackets were lying everywhere. It seemed like my kind of place. An exceptionally large man with dirty-blond hair was dressed in blue jeans, boots, and a black T-shirt, covered by a leather jacket. He was muscular and tall, from the description Ozzy gave me, I figured that he was Demetrius or at least someone who could point him out to me. Zac was already at the bar, and I walked over to the man. “Hello, I’m Evie. I’m looking for Demetrius Porter. Do you know where I could find him?” “Evie Goodwin, your father called me. Follow me, please,” he replied, and I followed him into a back room, his office. “Take a seat,” he spoke once inside. “Thank you.” “Okay, Evie, we are starting you off as a waitress. I’m sure I don’t have to explain what that is to you. You’re going to be trained by Amanda. She will show you how things are done. I have been asked by your father to keep an eye on you, so as for his request, you are to wear this at all times,” he said. He handed me a small microphone that hooked up to my shirt. “Make sure it is hidden. You will also be working with Lexi and Jesse. They’re not all that nice, but just don’t let them walk all over you. You need to have a backbone with a job like this.” I nodded. “Bobby is our cook; make sure you are there when food is done, and don’t forget to write down the numbers of the tables. I don’t like screwups. Jake is our bartender, because you’re underage, I did inform him. So, if you feel like drinking, just get it out of your head now. My brother Owen works around the bar. It is his, I just run it. You won’t see him too often, but if something breaks or needs to be done, just let Jake know to call Owen. Are you with me so far?” “Yes, I understand,” I replied. Honestly, I was filled with fear; I understood what he was saying, but I was so scared I would screw up and get fired.
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