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Zac got in the car and started the engine. I closed my eyes and kept them closed the whole way home; I hated feeling so helpless again, all because some girl hated me. I mean, I disliked her as well, but I wouldn’t have done something like this to her. When we got back to the house, I went right up to my room and into the bathroom to remove my makeup. After changing into more comfortable clothing, I turned the TV on. I loved the background noise when I slept, and I had a feeling I was going to need it tonight. I went to look out my window. Zac’s backyard didn’t have trees, but it was large. Outside was misty, and I could see the fog rising from his pool over the warm water. I jumped when someone knocked on the door. It was Zac, and I opened it to let him in, after making sure the window was locked. “Are you okay?” he asked, taking a seat on the bed. “A little jumpy,” I replied. I lay down on the bed and started watching TV. Zac lay down next to me and wrapped me in his arms. “Ozzy is downstairs, he seems upset. I told him I wasn’t sure if you were already sleeping or not, he said that he would talk to you tomorrow, and then fell asleep on the couch.” “I forgot he said that he was coming over,” I replied, feeling like the worst sister alive. “That’s okay, he didn’t seem angry at you,” he replied, placing a soft kiss on my lips. “Ozzy might get upset with us tomorrow, but will you stay with me tonight,” I asked. “Of course, I don’t mind, even if Ozzy gets angry. He will either get over it, or not, but that is up to him,” he replied. I cuddled into his chest and fell asleep. It felt nice lying next to him, and when I woke up with nightmares that night, he was already awake and soothing me back to sleep. What happened tonight caused my nightmare. The next morning, I was the first one up. I was surprised to see that Ozzy wasn’t the only one that slept over last night. Sometime after everyone went to bed, Dean came over. He was sleeping in Zac’s Lazy-Boy chair. I crawled into the chair next to him and used the extra blanket on the back of the chair to cover us up. I knew this was something I needed to stop doing, but I needed Dean. I lay with Dean for a bit. It was uncomfortable, but I wasn’t ready to move. He moved his arm around me and unknowingly put his hand under my shirt and laid it on my stomach. I panicked at how nice his touch felt on my skin and I quickly moved from the chair, growling at myself for loving him. I hated it and I needed Dean, but I couldn’t even get comfort from him anymore because of my feelings. I walked into the kitchen and started making everyone something to eat. When I finished making breakfast, I set up the table. I walked back upstairs and woke up Zac first, he growled at me but got up anyway. I then went to the living room and woke up Ozzy and Dean. “Ozzy wake up. Food is ready,” I said, shaking him. I moved over to Dean and did the same to him. Dean woke up, looking a little startled. “What’s wrong?” I asked. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. “Are you not wondering why I’m here?” “It was a surprise. I was wondering more about how you got in,” I replied. “Do you know that Zac sleepwalks and talks? It is a bit weird,” Dean replied, yawning. “I agree, so, what are you doing here?” “I took Stacey in for questioning last night. She told me that she was paid to put the flower petals in the car and to leave the note. She said that she was told to leave that song playing on the radio. Even though I got a strong sense that she was lying to me, I got worried,” Dean replied. “So, it was him, wasn’t it?” Ozzy said, sitting up on the couch. Dean looked back and forth between Oz and me. “I don’t believe so, Stacey was stuttering the whole time. She also wouldn’t look at me, kept playing with her fingers, and twitching. She’s the worst liar I have ever seen,” he replied. I looked down at my hands. I didn’t even make it here for a week before someone hurt me. My plan only consisted of getting home, I hadn’t planned what to do if my stalker found me. I was scared, but for some reason, I didn’t panic. I figured he would find me, but I was hoping he would’ve moved on. “Well, I made breakfast, so let’s go eat,” I replied, turning around and leaving the living room. Everyone sat down to eat, and Dean kept staring at me. I’m sure he was wondering why I ended our conversation. I made up my mind that I wasn’t going to run, I was going to stand my ground. I was going to ignore my stalker; I was going to live my life. I wasn’t going to let him scare me any longer. “Ivy, shouldn’t we talk about this and figure out what to do about it,” Dean finally spoke up. “No, I don’t care. Just eat,” I replied. “What happened, did I miss something?” Zac asked. “No,” I said at the same time Dean said, “Yes.” “Evie’s stalker has found her, he paid Stacey to do everything last night,” Ozzy said, filling him in. “Did you not hear Dean; she was lying to save her own ass. Just eat!” I shouted angrily. They all gave me a concerned look, but they didn’t say anything anymore and started eating their food. When I was done, I put my dirty dish in the washer and went up to my room. I wasn’t in the mood to be around anyone now. They all just wanted to talk about one thing, and I didn’t want to discuss it. I figured since my return was already falling to pieces, I wanted to see my friends. I grabbed my phone, looked for Danny’s number, pushed the call button, and put it to my ear, hoping he would answer. He didn’t pay attention to random numbers that called him, but to my surprise, he picked up. “Hello,” he said, and I was happy to hear his voice again. “Danny, it’s Ivy. I’m back in town and want to see you. Are you able to come to the bakery today?” “Holy s**t, I’ve missed you, girl. I will be there.” “Okay, I am going to call Blake as well to see if he can make it also. I will see you there in about an hour or so.” “Okay, but you don’t have to call Blake, he is right next to me. He already said he was coming as well, so we will both be there.” “Okay, love you guys,” I replied. “We love you too, see you soon,” he replied and hung up. I took a quick shower and got dressed. It was still a bit chilly outside, so I dressed warmly. I did up my black hair and put in my green eye contacts. I made my way downstairs and heard the boys arguing back and forth in the kitchen. “She needs to come back and stay with me,” Dean said. He kept his voice low, but I had gotten used to eavesdropping. “I think so too,” Ozzy replied. “Or at least come back to Dad’s house.” “I think she should stay here. Do you not wonder why he had to pay Stacey to do his work? Do you not wonder why he hasn’t come anywhere close to my house? I have this place wired up like a Christmas tree. If he steps one foot on my property, even in my backyard, he is going to be busted. He can’t get to her here,” Zac explained calmly. “I think you just want to keep my sister here so you can play your games on her,” Oz snapped. “No games are being played, Ozzy,” Zac replied. I decided to ignore them and sneak out the front door. They were too busy arguing to notice that I was leaving. I went to my car. Ozzy, of course, left the keys in it. I started up the engine, backed out, and made my way to meet up with my boys. The bakery I was meeting the boys at wasn’t too far away. It was one of my favorite places to go when I wanted something sweet. They sold cakes, muffins, cupcakes, and my favorite peanut butter pie. They had other kinds of pie, but I had never tried them. When I got there, I saw the boys were already sitting at one of the small tables in the back corner. I walked over to them, and it took them a few seconds to even recognize me. Once they did, they both wrapped me in a hug, and I smiled. I really missed them. “What’s with the hair, Girl?” Blake asked. “Well, I was undercover for a bit, it didn’t work out as I wanted.” “I have missed you,” Danny said. “I have missed you too, both of you,” I replied, pulling my best friends into another long hug. We all sat down, and Danny waved over to the waitress. “Hi, what can I get for you all today?” she asked. I noted that she never stopped staring at Blake; it was the eyes again and she was focused on them. I missed the blue-and-green combo as well.
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