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I took a seat next to Danny, to let her know that Blake was open if she wanted to make a move, I didn’t want to get in the way. Blake ordered, and she finally turned her attention to Danny and me. After Danny went, I said I would take a glass of chocolate milk and peanut butter pie, and she left. “Give her your number,” I told Blake. “What? No, I’m not here to get girls today, I’m here for you only,” he replied. “So, what has been going on?” Danny asked. “Well, I got back here four days ago. I wanted to take things slow when telling people. I told my dad first, Ozzy, Colin, and Zac already knew because they were the ones who helped me come back. I tried to hide by dyeing my hair and cutting it short, I even got these green eye contacts, but it didn’t work. Last night, Stacey said she was paid to torment me. She and Daryl know I’m back because I went to the movies with them, Ozzy and his new girlfriend, along with Zac.” “So, we were the last to know?” Danny said sadly. “It wasn’t supposed to be like that, but I got overwhelmed. I got a job at the bar just outside of town and I worked my first night there last night and I have to go back tonight.” “Where are you staying?” Blake asked. “With Zac at the moment, he, Ozzy, and Dean are arguing right now on if it will stay that way,” I replied. “How’s your dad feel about you working at a bar?” The waitress came back and set down our food. When she turned to leave, I stopped her. “I am going to give you my friend’s phone number, he is a bit nervous.” I wrote down Blake’s number and handed it to her. Her smile grew on her face, and she thanked me and skipped away. “Ivy, come on,” Blake said. “What? She was into you,” I replied, and he smiled. “Dad wasn’t sure about the bar, but the owner is an old friend of his named Demetrius. There are rules I have to follow, but everything is fine.” “So, what happened with Stacey?” I explained everything to them as we ate. By the time we were done, it was time for me to go to work. I was excited for my second day but wasn’t ready to say goodbye to my boys just yet. I must have hugged them a hundred times before I got in my car and started making my way to the bar. When I got there, Demetrius was already waiting for me in the parking lot. “Dean told me what happened. I’m going to escort you inside from now on,” he said. I nodded and walked over to him. He put his hand on my back and ushered me inside. He was right. It wasn’t as packed as it was last night, and I was grateful. I went into the back room and got ready and made my way out to the floor. Then someone caught my attention. Colin was sitting in the corner. He was staring at me and waved me over. “Hello,” I said. “What can I get for you?” “Don’t play, Ivy. I heard about what happened.” “What’s your point?” “Why are you ignoring me lately? I have sent you so many texts and have tried calling you.” “You have a girlfriend; it isn’t like we can go back to the way things were. Plus, I’m not sure if I have a boyfriend, but I might. So, I feel like we should only be hanging out if it involves your job.” “You’ve got a boyfriend, huh? Well, hopefully, he is better than that Daryl guy.” I let out a sigh. “Can I get you anything?” I asked once more. “The old Ivy would be nice. However, I’m afraid she is gone,” he replied dramatically. He stood and left the bar, leaving me to think about if I had changed that much. I had changed my look, but my personality was still the same, I thought. I went about the rest of the night, taking orders and serving customers. It was time to go, and Demetrius was waiting for me at the front door. It made me feel like a small child having him escort me back and forth to my car, but I wanted to keep this job, so I did as he told me. “How was your day?” he asked once outside. “Would it sound like I was giving up hope if I said it was normal,” I said, giggling. “Kind of,” he replied. “I don’t think you have much to worry about though. I know you don’t want a stalker, no one does, but from what your father has told me, he doesn’t seem to want to hurt you. Doesn’t seem like he wants to hurt anyone if you ask me. When people get in the middle of it is when he snaps, maybe you should just try and ignore it until something has to be done about it.” “I have tried that, but the people around me can’t seem to let it go. I must go with the flow of things and the problem is, it may be too late to do anything when the time to do something arrives. He has said many times that he was planning on coming to get me. I don’t think he will give a warning when he does it.” “When I was younger, my mother had a stalker. He said the same thing, over and over that one day they would be together. She let things go and she did as he asked her, in turn, nobody got hurt. One day, she went missing. She was found a few days later, unharmed, thankfully, but traumatized. I’m not trying to tell you to be like her, but I’m trying to tell you that maybe it would be easier to find you than to find him.” “You’re probably correct on that one. However, I know my friends and family will fight until the end, and they will not stop. It is also harder to go about it when you have a powerful father and an even more powerful stepfather. I’m sure I would be found quickly, Colin would find me, I’m sure of that. It is difficult to ask them to not try and protect me because I know how much they all love me. My father, it is his job, and he will never stop. Dean is the same way, not only because he is my stepfather, but because he is head detective. He would never forgive himself and he would feel like it was his fault.” “Well, Dean isn’t your stepfather anymore, not now that Amy has passed away. I always wondered why he married her, it isn’t like she was a nice person, sorry to say,” he said. I waved my hand at him. He was right, my mother was not a nice woman. She was to Oz and me, but not too many others. “I know,” I replied. “But I better get going. I will see you tomorrow.” “See you tomorrow,” he replied. I got in my car and drove off. I never thought I would have that kind of conversation with Demetrius, but it was nice talking with someone about it that wasn’t trying to control me. Someone that wasn’t trying to get me to move away or trying to tell me how to handle it. I made it home around three in the morning. I admit I took my time getting home. I wasn’t really in the talking mood, and I was hoping to just go to bed. I parked my car and went inside. Ozzy must have gone home, but Dean was asleep on the couch. I went up to my room and saw Zac sleeping on my bed. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I went into the bathroom and cleaned off my face and changed into some nightclothes. I crawled into bed next to Zac and he wrapped an arm around me. “How did your second day go?” “It was fine, Colin showed up, but he left shortly after.” Zac laid a gentle kiss on my lips, and I returned it. After everything, I felt safe in his arms. I smiled at him, and he winked at me. I kissed him again with more passion. I couldn’t get over how great it felt to have my lips locked with his. He placed one hand on my cheek, the other behind my head, and pulled me in to deepen the kiss. When I felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore, I pulled back from the kiss. Zac started leaving small kisses and love bites down my jaw all the way to my shoulder, making small moans escape my lips. I started to feel hot, and my body was shaking. “Is this alright, Ivy?” he asked. I didn’t say much, but I nodded to let him know he could continue. I went back to kissing his lips and his hands roamed all over my body. We enjoyed the feeling of each other most of the night. Zac was respectful about me not being ready to go any further. He did try once, but I stopped him. If my stalker found out that I wasn’t a virgin, Zac would be in a lot of danger, but I was happy. We both fell asleep as the sun was starting to come up.
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