
1968 Words
Last night’s activities with Zac had taken a lot out of me. My neck was sore because Zac had left love bites and markings all the way down to my chest area. My lips also hurt a bit. He liked to nibble on them, but I didn’t mind at the time. I never would have thought I would be with Zac, but I was happy about it. Zac had always been sweet to me, even if we didn’t talk all the time. I didn’t regret a thing, and I knew I wouldn’t. I almost gave in and went all the way with him, but sadly, my stalker was still controlling my life, and I was scared to let Zac go any further than touching and kissing. Instead of taking a shower, I filled up the tub, hoping the warm water would help calm me down. I even filled the tub up with bubbles, I hadn’t had a bubble bath since I was thirteen years old; I missed it. After I got in, I laid my head back and relaxed in the tub for some time before I heard a knock on the bathroom door. “Evie, it’s Zac, do you mind if I come in?” I thought about it. There was no reason to be embarrassed after everything that happened last night. I trusted him. “No,” I replied. He came into the bathroom and took a seat on the edge of the tub. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. He had a smile plastered on his face, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit prideful that he was happy with last night as well, even if he didn’t get everything. It was nice. I may not be able to make myself happy, but I was at least able to make someone else happy. “How are you feeling?” he asked. “I will be okay,” I replied. “I thought I should inform you that Dean is planning on taking you home with him today. I wish you would stay here though. I know it is your choice where you stay, but I want you here.” “I’m going to stay here. I don’t want to let things go back to the way they were. I will not be locked up again,” I replied. “That’s good, I was worried you would give in to him,” he replied. “No, I like it here. I like being with you as well. I feel safe.” “Happy to hear it, although, I’m sure you are not going to be very happy with me in a few seconds.” I gave him a worried look. “Why?” “Well, Ozzy and I were arguing yesterday before you left. He told me that he thought I wanted to play games with you and told me I wasn’t good enough to be with his sister. I tried to stay composed, but once he said that I lost it, and I told him about us,” he explained. “I didn’t want it to happen like that, but at least it’s out there, now he can work on getting over it. Dean knows as well?” “Yes, I kind of shouted it in front of both of them,” he said, hanging his head. “I’m sorry, I don’t normally lose my temper like that.” “I know that, I guess you saved me from an awkward conversation with my brother,” I replied. “It’s okay, I did want to keep us quiet, but I’m not mad about it.” He looked up at me and smiled. “That’s good news,” he replied. “I should go talk to Dean,” I said. “Will you hand me my towel?” Zac turned around and grabbed my towel. I pulled the plug, stepped out, and wrapped the towel around me. I gave Zac a kiss, put on some clothes, and made my way downstairs. Dean was awake now and in the kitchen. He was trying to make breakfast but wasn’t doing so well. I walked in and started helping him. Dean turned and looked at me. “You’re coming home tonight,” he said. “No Dean, I’m staying here,” I replied as Zac walked into the kitchen. He quickly turned back around and left, not wanting to be a part of the conversation. “Evie, don’t argue with me. After breakfast, go up and pack, we are leaving tonight,” he said. He was speaking softly, which made it harder to say no to him, but I couldn’t go back to living with him, not with the way I felt toward him. I had to stand my ground. “No Dean, I’m staying here,” I repeated. “Evie, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, please do it the easy way,” he said. “I’m almost eighteen. I can do what I want,” I replied, raising my voice to get my point across. “Yes, almost eighteen, but almost isn’t enough.” “Damn it, Dean, I’m staying here! It isn’t your decision anyway; it is my father’s. I will speak to him.” I started shouting at him and instantly felt horrible for doing so. “What does that mean?” “Your dad title was lost when my mother died!” I instantly regretted my statement. I could see the hurt and betrayal all over Dean’s face. Tears fell from my eyes as I ran up to him and hugged him. “I’m so sorry Dean, I didn’t mean it,” I repeated multiple times, but he didn’t hug me back or tell me that it was okay. He was hurt. “You’re right, I’m not your father, I’m not your stepfather. So, you do what you think you need to do, and Evie, when all this goes horribly wrong, don’t call me, call the police. When you have a nightmare, don’t call me, you clearly have Zac to help you now. When that doesn’t work, make sure you go to your dad’s house, don’t come to mine. I’m done with this, I have given up everything for you, not anymore.” “Dean please, I’m sorry,” I said, wiping my tears away. “No need to be, maybe it is for the best.” He turned around and walked away, slamming the door on his way out. I was ashamed of myself. Demetrius was only trying to talk to me, to help me, not give me ammo to use on Dean when I saw fit. Zac came back into the kitchen and moved a skillet on the stove that was burning. “Dean left here smiling, but from what I heard it didn’t go well. Are you okay?” “He is smiling because he knows I’m going to learn my lesson the hard way. No, I’m not alright,” I replied. Zac came over to me and pulled me into a hug. I cuddled into his chest and continued to cry. I had turned into such a baby again. When Dean and I left, I was able to get my emotions under control, but here I am, crying into Zac’s shirt. “I’m sorry for ruining your shirt,” I said after pulling away. “That’s okay, I’m not worried about it,” he replied. He wiped my cheeks with his thumbs and removed the rest of my tears. “So, where did you run off to yesterday? When we were arguing, I didn’t see you after. I was worried but didn’t want to bother you.” “I went to the bakery and got something to eat with Danny and Blake.” Zac looked almost jealous, only for a quick second, then back to normal. I didn’t think about how he would feel about my relationships with Danny and Blake, although, I wasn’t exactly sure what kind of relationship Zac and I had either. “What are we, Zac?” “That’s up to you, Evie. I want you as my girl, but I am not a pusher. However, you really should let me know soon if your stalker really is back. I need to be ready for him. He isn’t going to like that you have a boyfriend or what we did last night or what we did on the beach.” “Yeah, he will hate everything to do with you and me. Maybe we shouldn’t continue.” “Don’t even, I can handle whatever he’s got. I have been on my own for a long time. I’m ready for him if he has an issue. You just have to let me know what you want,” he replied, placing a soft kiss on my lips. “I would love to be with you,” I said, and he smiled, kissing me again. “Good, I was hoping that was your answer.” He chuckled. “Since breakfast was burnt, I will go out and pick something up,” I replied. “Alright, can it be something unhealthy? Ozzy only got us healthy food, and although I want you well taken care of, I really miss my takeout and sweets.” I laughed. “Yeah, I will grab some doughnuts.” I kissed him once more and grabbed my keys. I left the house and got into my car, looking around inside to see if anything had changed. There was nothing from my stalker. I started my car, backed out, and made my way back to the small bakery. The place always had an amazing smell to it. When heading to the counter, I accidentally bumped into someone, and I jumped when I realized it was Liam. I hadn’t seen him since I falsely accused him of being my stalker. I felt terrible about it, and I never got the chance to apologize. “Hi Liam,” I said lowly. It took him a second to reply, understandably. “Hey Ivy.” “I’m so sorry, Liam. I was frightened, I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry,” I said. “Dean had everything cleared up ten minutes after you left. It’s fine, I understand. He told me why you thought it was me, but you need to be careful making accusations like that, you could ruin someone’s life.” He spoke softly, and I could tell he wasn’t angry, but I could hear the warning in his voice. He was right, I could have easily destroyed his life because of my jumping to conclusions. “What’s with the hair?” “I was trying to disguise myself when I came back. It didn’t work out well. Well, we’re not sure yet, still looking into it.” “Are you coming back to school? You have missed a lot of days.” “I don’t know, I want to, but I have already missed too much school. I’m so far behind,” I replied. “There is always summer school.” He smiled at me for the first time since we started talking. “That really makes me want to go back. Every student loves summer school,” I joked. “It wouldn’t be too bad, think about it.” “I will,” I replied. We said our goodbyes and I went and grabbed some doughnuts and other unhealthy cakes and pies. I went back out to my car and opened my door. Rose petals lined the driver’s seat and a single red rose sat in the middle of them with a note attached to it. I pushed everything out of my car and ripped the note off.
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