13 - Just a Dead Bird

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Reaching home, Rayne felt much more at ease. Leaving Greece had been affecting when saying goodbye to Billee. It was hard to leave someone so close to her heart since they were nineteen.  But the reason and smiles, on both Angelos and Billee’s faces when looking at one another, was worth every tear she shed saying goodbye.  Rayne knew it wasn’t goodbye forever but definitely not see you real soon either. Coming to terms with the separation that was now reality, Rayne wept on the way home. Her home smelled like coconut and limes thanks to the plug ins and room diffusers she left out while gone. Rayne decided she would give the house a good cleaning and prepare the guest room for Kris & Miranda. Spending half the night she got in from her seven o’clock arrival, Rayne tackled every room starting at the back of the house. She started with the office and moved onto the guest room. Changing sheets, fluffing pillows, dusting and vacuuming, she felt empowered. What she had seen and experienced in Greece had changed Rayne. She wasn’t afraid anymore. What happened, happened. She would tackle anything that came at her with the same fortitude and work ethic she had utilitzed to build her business from the ground up. Zane’s room was fairly clean. She was thankful he was the kind of child that liked order instead of chaos. It made her chuckled that he did have his pig stuffed animal in a chair with a sign handing on its neck that said, “Needs discipline.”  He would definitely be someone in control of situations and demanding things done correctly when he got older. One week or another there was always a few stuffed animals that weren’t – “following the rules” and would have signs punishing and explaining there behavior issues. She laughed at his creative mind but reveled in the fact that he liked things just so. Moving into her master suite she looked at it. Plain. Uninviting. It was a four-poster mahogany bed with an ivory duvet cover, ivory curtains and mahogany wood floor. All her furniture matched and everything was so neutral. With her hands on her hips she decided it needed color. It should be warm, appealing and full of life. It was time to stop drowning in the past. Cleaning the room and finishing up with the vacuum she closed the door. Pulling out her phone, 3:10 a.m. She should sleep. Heading to the front door a wave of panic hit her gut. Had she forgotten to close the door? The front door was slightly ajar. Picking up the broom she held it in weapon ready repose and looked out the front door. No one. Nothing. Closing the front door she locked it and proceeded to set the alarm. Had she been so wrecked from the flight she left the door ajar, when dragging in her suitcases? The thought was scary and although she lived in a better, gated community it still freaked her out a little. Walking into the kitchen she grabbed a bottle of water and turned on the overhead stove lamp. Checking the rest of the rooms quickly with the broom still in had like a heavy combat wielding weapon, she made sure no one had entered. Turning on the shower, Rayne stripped down to her naked body and stood in front of the long mirror. She couldn’t believe the bruising on her breasts and slightly on the wrists from the last encounter with Dimitri. He had been rough but not to hurt her, because it seemed he needed her. She shook her head. NO MORE DIMITRI.  She turned a few times from one side to the other, of course taking in all the imperfections she saw looking back.   The shower beating down on her was relaxing. The way it hit her skin and caused chills was exactly what she needed. Her mind rushed over the week to come. The prospect of finding a new home and living close to Kris was so exciting. Billee was far away and honestly the friendship of Miranda being near wouldn’t compare on a larger scale but would definitely be welcomed. She heard her phone ding several times from the counter as a reminder that she hadn’t read some texts and emails. As she ran water through her soapy locks the house alarm went off causing Rayne to scream. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around tucking it in to hold. Grabbing the broom once again, because don’t you know it would kill anything she came in contact with, that was dangerous. Her house phone line started ringing and the alarm, no matter how many times she punched in the code, wouldn’t top going off.   Checking the front door again. It was closed. All the lights on in the house now and nothing. No one. She ran to the office to answer the landline that was buzzing off the hook. “Hello?” She screamed into the phone. “Ms. Mills? This is APT Security. Are you safe? Should we send an officer?” She took the phone and walked around the house. Nothing. No one again. She opened the front door and there on the stoop in front of the long entry window was a dead bird.  “Can you shut the alarm down? I can’t get it to stop!”  It took about a minute and the sound ceased. “Geezus. Thank you. Now. I don’t see anyone in my home or around the perimeter. She peaked around once more before closing and locking the door. “There is a dead bird on my porch that seems to have run into the window by the front door. Could that have caused such a ruckus?” “Perhaps, we would suggest an officer just in case. We have reset your alarm so it should work with your code again.”  She said thank you and agreed to having an officer come by just in case. She went and put on pajama pants and a tank top with a towel on her head. She waited about ten minutes and there was a knock at the door.  Opening up the door there was a very attractive dark skinned, green eyed officer standing staunchly in her doorway. “Ma’am, I am Officer Reddy. I am answering a call, in reference to an alarm system going off.” “Yes sir, I am sorry you had to come all the way out here but the security company insisted. This dead bird,” She said pointing, “hit the window here were there is a blood splat and I am thinking that is what set my alarm off?” The officer looked and grimaced. It actually looked like the bird had been forcefully slammed into the window and smushed slightly. “Let me take a look around outside. Would you like me to look inside as well.” “I suppose since you are, it might be a good idea. If of course you don’t mind. I feel silly for you coming out here.” The officer looked her up and down smiling. “Some house calls are worth it.”  She nodded and beamed back at him. Opening the door a bit more he came inside and walked the house. Checking all rooms and closets. Looking in each space someone might hide. “Is your husband out of town? I couldn’t help but notice you have a child’s room. Are they here as well?” “I don’t have a husband it is just myself and my son, but he is currently with his uncle in California. So it’s just me.” He nodded and smiled looking her up and down once more then headed out the back door. It took him about ten minutes to do a full sweep. He came back into the front entryway.  “I didn’t see anything and likely it was the bird but I am glad we checked.” Handing her a card after writing something on it, “Here is how you reach me directly if you have any other worries. I am patrolling this area currently.”  She smiled and reached out to shake his hand. She was happy to be made to feel safe and wanted all in one house call.  Heading back in for bed, she retrieved her cell from the bathroom counter and looked at curiously. There was a text from Kris saying good night and showing a picture of Zane curled up in his lap on the couch. The second text was from some anonymous number that simply had the word. Gotcha. Rayne hit delete and moved on to the emails and there was over twenty from current clients and perspective clients. She was excited and exhausted all in the same moment. This was going to be amazing for her and Zane but really tiring to get started. Taking a selfie of herself holding a heart over her heart she sent it to Kris for Zane. He texted back they would be renting a car and be at the house around 11:30 in the morning. With that Rayne curled up and fell asleep.
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