12 - Nagging Love

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Walking into the villa it had taken her nearly the entire ride back to subside her s****l desire and frustrations. She recounted every moment in her mind. Dimitri, classically, would have gone off and punched things. He would have spoken in harsh tones and words as to not let his heart open even the slightest. Instead, this time, he simply kissed her. He needed Rayne’s body on his and wanted her more that she ever remembered before. That was what she couldn’t wrap her mind around. Opening her laptop she dialed Kris. “Geezus Rayne did you have to tell him about us before warning me. I am pretty sure I don’t have much of an ass left through a damn video chat. He is livid.” “Honestly, I didn’t intend on saying half of it but I was so mad the longer he stood there looking like he didn’t care. His stone face and crossed arms pissed me off. Did he tell you everything I said?” Kris recanted all he was told. Of course Dimitri left out the lustful make out session and his hearing me say that weakness isn’t loving someone and so forth. She told Kris ever sorted detail of what happened. How he reacted with s****l need instead of angry words and how she left him standing there with final words she had heard from Darius’ lips so long ago. “Damn. He didn’t even holler?” Kris questioned with a shocked look on his face. “Not once. I am embarrassed to say I couldn’t refuse his kissing and touches but I was strong enough to tell him how I really felt and how wrong he was to handle things as he did.” “I am so proud of you Sunshine. I knew you had it in you to finally stand up and say your peace. I am surmising you didn’t mention Zane?” “NO.” Rayne said adamantly. “I was saying harsh, mean things. I didn’t want to push my luck with his temper or what he might do. But I will once I come home. Send him something handwritten stating everything. I know that sounds like a chicken s**t way of handling it but it is all I have to give at this point. I do want to know one thing. After visiting Darius’ grave, did he really have the necklace in his hand?” Kris was quiet for a moment and put his face in his hands. Looking up at the camera, he sighed. “Yes. I don’t want to give you gruesome details but what they found of him; the necklace was tight in his left hand. I will always believe you were his last thought, which means he died happy and loved.” The silence was long and empty. For years he had wanted to tell Rayne what they had found but was unsure of her emotional ties to Darius and if she could handle it.  Looking up at the camera once more he tried to lighten the mood. “So what is the game plan from here on out?” She knew he was frustrated being stuck in the middle. That was the last place she really wanted him to be but he didn’t want Dimitri to come after either Zane or her in anyway.  Rayne wanted to just tell Dimitri everything and have it in the open but she decided for herself, for her comfort, it would be better at a safe distance. Like an Ocean, an ocean’s distance just might be enough. This might seem weird or wrong to some but it was how she was going to handle it. End of story. “The game plan is I will fly in tomorrow. I will then come out and get Zane and continue life as normal. His birthday is coming up and he will be seven. I want it to be amazing. I do want to talk to you and Miranda about maybe living closer. His tie to Arianna is strong and he is craving family. I don’t want to be away from you for any reason, anymore. If Dimitri doesn’t want to be around me then he can not come. I will no longer miss out on my time with you and yours.” “Finally!” Kris said louder than planned. They both laughed and she smiled. “Thank you for all you have done and kept secret Kris. I know it was a lot to take on and ask of you but no matter what, I do appreciate it. I hope you know that.” “I believe two things Sunshine. Number one, you would do the same for me. And number two, you love me and needed me as much as I did and still do you. I would never have come out of my broken emotional shell, found Miranda and had a beautiful daughter, if it hadn’t been for your nagging love and comforting.” He smiled widely. “Really? Nagging love? I am not a nag. Ok…I am… but really you are such a great catch. Part of me had wished for years I could see you more than a brother but I realize you were put in my life to be the solid family I never had. I also understand now you needed me just as much. I only hope I have been there for you half as much as you have for me…” They both teared up and he put his hand on the screen. She smiled and knew from here on out things would be different. “So, mushy s**t aside, Zane and I want to live close to you guys. We need to discuss that at length.” “Yes, we will. I have an idea. What if Miranda and the kids and I fly home to you and stay for a week. We can look at property and discuss where we would like to move to, I would really like to get out of California and I do love Texas. Your home is beautiful. We could buy a ranch and split it up the middle or something. Next door neighbors.” “Seems you have thought a lot more about this than you let on.” Rayne winked. “I will see you two when? Tomorrow?” “No, let’s get you home tomorrow and we will come out the following day with the kids. That way you can relax and have things set up for when we get there. I am going to go online tonight share some properties Miranda and I have been looking at, out there. Let me know what you think.” She smiled and told Kris she loved him. Rayne asked if he would pass her love onto Zane and she would see them in two days. As a mother she was excited for Zane to have family close. As a best friend she was happy for Billee and her new love. As a woman, she was ready to find her happy and know that Darius would always look down on her and keep her safe. 
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