14 - The Black Velvet Box

2781 Words
Zane came bounding through the door at precisely 11:32 a.m. that morning.  “Moooooommmmmyyy!! Where are you??”  Rayne came out of the office and smiled at her child running towards her with his arms open. She picked him up in a hug and they embraced for two long minutes.  “I have missed my lil, I mean medium scary dragon. I am so happy you are home!” Zane kissed her cheek and wiggled to be let down. He ran to Kris and pulled his hand so he rushed into the front door. Rayne had made it to the living room where she was met by Miranda and Arianna.  “You two are a sight for sore eyes.” Rayne hugged Miranda. Arianna reached out for Rayne. “You want to see your Aunt Rayne?”  Rayne took her from her mom and immediately got hugging snuggles with giggles. Rayne couldn’t hold the feelings it stirred. This lil wonder, her lil name sake wanted nothing more than to hug and hold Rayne close. Her little lush sandy curls and bright green eyes looked up at Rayne and smiled.  “Aww I love you too Ari. Aunt Rayne is so happy to see you. I have a present for you.” With that she walked the two of them into the office and emerged with a stuffed Octopus with each leg the design of the Greece flag. She had seen it and couldn’t help how cute it was. Arianna hugged it and said, “ray-ray”  Tears fell down Rayne’s cheeks. Arianna hadn’t spoken yet, not even a mama or a dada. Zero. But her first word was Rayne. Well ray-ray but close enough. Kris rushed over to Arianna and went to take her from Rayne and Ari refused. It kind of made Miranda and Rayne giggle. Daddy had been denied and he was pouting. “Well it seems our daughter has missed Aunt Rayne more than anything.”  “Ray-ray” Ari said again.  “How about Mama or Dada?” Rayne asked Arianna kissing her cheek. “No. ray-ray”  They all started laughing, even Zane. Well everyone but Kris. He was butt hurt and it was the cutest thing she had ever seen. “Now Ari, remember daddy is the best and he gives good kisses. You should give him hugs.”  Arianna gave a look to her aunt and then to her mom and then to Kris. She smiled, hugged Rayne and gave Kris the raspberry. It was quite possibly the funniest thing the ladies had ever seen. There was absolutely no question that Arianna was a daddy’s girl and was just doing this to torture him.  Walking over to Kris, Rayne gave Kris’ cheek a kiss still snickering. He furrowed his brow and tried not to smile too. Arianna, still sitting on Rayne’s hip reached over and hugged her dad. Releasing her to Kris, Rayne took their bags into the guest room followed by Miranda.  “You cleaned last night instead of sleeping, didn’t you?” Miranda asked  “That obvious? Actually the weirdest thing happened.” She proceeded to Miranda about the alarm and the officer and the weird text.  “Wow sounds like you had a morning to remember. Thank you for letting us come. I have been asking to move for the last year and this finally gives us the opportunity to look. I love it here and hope we find something quick. I hate California.”  Miranda was born and breed in Texas until her fifteenth birthday. While California was beautiful, it was a completely different lifestyle and feeling. Miranda had come from a poor farming family and had won a ticket to an exhibition ball in Dallas. It was for Art and she was excited to be at a black-tie affair with so many prominent people. As chance would have it, she was walking to the ladies room with champagne in hand and nearly slammed into a man not looking where he was going. In turn she stepped on his new thousand-dollar Italian leather shoes, spilled her champagne all over his new designer tux and silk white shirt and managed to catch herself by slamming her available hand into his chest.  To hear Miranda tell it he was a closed off cold fish who stalker watched her the rest of the night. To hear Kris tell it, it was love at first sight and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He harassed her several times to learn her name and number. Reluctantly and more to get rid of him, Miranda gave in. One date later they realize the connection and Kristos Monte Drakos was in love and asked Miranda to marry him. It should have been a crazy, easy love story but Miranda said no and ignored him for weeks. Rayne remembers walking him through how to court a woman out of his league and eventually it worked. Rayne was glad it worked. She was good people and true to heart and mind. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for family and no one she wouldn’t take out if need be to protect her own. Rayne appreciated her counsel and friendship more than she let on. “Ok. So. Tell me. I had to hear everything that happened through Kris’ mouth. I want to know where it all stands? And honestly sweetheart, I am glad you will be close. I know that I am the love of Kristos’ life but you are his sister. In his heart you are his soul sister that God placed in his life because is blood sister was taken. I hope you know that.”  Rayne recanted everything. She even told Miranda more than Kris. Angelos, after the cemetery meeting, had told Rayne what Dimitri had done from the moment she left almost seven years ago to the day they sat there at lunch.  “Angelos is convinced Dimitri is just broken but he is in love with me. I say he let me walk away three times so I don’t believe it. Although his actions the day I chewed him out baffle me, I can’t hold onto angry or hope. I have to let him go and find my life elsewhere.” “I agree Rayne. No matter how he feels if he doesn’t show up and explain, apologize and claim you, he isn’t worth it. You are so beautiful, so amazing. You will have no problem finding happiness.”  They hugged and Rayne walked to the kitchen for some water. Miranda set up the travel Crib for Arianna, as she would be needed a nap soon. Zane was also yawning from all the travel and excitement so he was put to rest on the guest room bed near Arianna for a small nap. Kris came out of the room five minutes later smiling.  “They are both knocked out. He is laying with his head at the end of the bed so he is closer to Ari. They are quite something. If she wakes up and he isn’t there she screams in waves until he shows.”  “Perhaps she needs a brother or sister?” Rayne said musingly.  “We couldn’t definitely work on that!” Kris said popping his hand down on Miranda’s thigh.  “Sure can. Soon as you learn to carry and birth a child. My body and sleep patterns need at least another year to recover!”  They all laughed and Rayne retreated into her office. She was only gone a moment and came back with her laptop and note pad with pen.  “I was looking at the properties you sent. I don’t know which one you like best but the Infinity Ranch out near Hempstead is gorgeous. I don’t know what you would do with Fifteen thousand acres but it is amazing. I would love to buy the mother in law house from you and live there.”  “That is the one I LOVE!!!” Miranda laughed and sat close to Rayne.  They giggled and looked pictures for a few minutes like two sisters picking out prom dresses. Kris sat back in the chair across the table and watched them. He didn’t care what it cost but he would buy anything the two of them wanted. Having Rayne and Zane so close would be heavenly but also far enough to have lives of their own. The main house was over six thousand square feet in a one story with loft, ranch house style. It was complete with wine cellar, six rooms, four baths, sitting, living and den. There was an office that overlooked the pool and even had its own pool house complete with small kitchenette, shower and sleeping quarters. It was to the middle of the right of the property. On the far left with about four acres white picket fenced off, there was a twenty-seven hundred square foot, three bedroom with study, den and living room called the “Mother in law” online. I was perfect for Rayne and her lil dragon to grow into. Perhaps at some point she would find a man and have a larger family she always talked about.    “And we could get golf carts to ride back and forth to our houses and some goats, the fainting kind of course.” Miranda was so excited when she talked. Usually she was thrifty and not ever asking to spend money. She was used to a simple life. She tried to maintain it but with Arianna here and Rayne close it seemed the sky was going to be the limit.  “Alright, Alright ladies. Let’s call and tour the property first. What’s it listed at?” They both scrolled up and gasped. It had recently been reduced for sitting on the market so long but was still just a touch over 9.4 million. “Ummm too much. Maybe we can just find a house in here really close?” Miranda said. “I asked how much it was Miranda.” There it was, that Drakos commanding voice.  “Nine point four million and some change.” Miranda said in a whisper.  “Give me the phone number for the realtor.” Miranda read off the number and Kristos stood up walking into the office. “Yes, I am inquiring about Infinity Ranch? Yes, I saw the reduction in price. I would like to tour it tomorrow if possible. Great. Let me know. Kristos Drakos. 325-789-5613.” He walked back in the living room. “They are going to see if we can tour it tomorrow.”  The girls giggled and high fived. They sat and chatted in detail about what they liked in the pictures and what needed to be changed. It was seriously a sorority girl party picking wardrobe. Kris shook his head and peaked in on the sleeping kiddos.  His phone going off nearly made him jump. Walking across the hall to the office he shut the door and answered it. “Hey Brother. What’s going on?” “We have some issues with one of our security details. Seems they mistreated a client’s woman and we are getting flack about it. We are meeting with the client next week here. Can you make it? He likes you best. It’s Mr. Peterman.” Kris rolled his eyes. This guy was worth billions and a royal pain in the ass. To be fair his money was made with more illegal means that legal ones but the clientele he brought to Drakos was legitimate and paid well for transporting.  “Let me call him. I will let you know.” Kris immediately hung up and dialed Mr. Peterman.  “Ahhh, my favorite Drakos. How are you my friend?”  “I am good sir. I hear there is an issue? Anything I can fix here and now or do we need to meet in person?” “In person, I have some other things to discuss and this matter is of the delicate nature. My mistress is making some wild accusations about Giovanni from your security detail. I do believe face to face will weed out the liar quicker.”  “I will agree with you on that. Look, you are important to me but I am in the middle of family things in Texas. Would you be willing to meet next Monday in home office Athens? I am not in any way putting you off, I just…”  “Oooh my friend, my friend…” he said in thick Italian accent. “We will always take time for our families. I do think Monday will be fine. I planned on spending a few days with my other mistress in Sicily. Let’s do Monday 8 a.m. sharp.”  Kris agreed and told Mr. Peterman whatever he wanted to do while in Greece was on Drakos’ dime. They both laughed and Kris hung up the phone dialing back to Sokard Business Solutions.  “Sokard Business Solutions, how can we help you?” Her voice said in perfect Greek.  “Angelos Drakos please. This is Kristos.” “Oh yes sir, he is in the conference room, let me transfer.” Kris sat on hold for a moment waiting. Rayne snuck in the door and mouthed ‘I am sorry’ to Kris.  With his hand on the phone mic slightly he said, “I am on hold.”  She laughed and kissed his cheek saying, “I love you Kris.” Loud enough for the conference room to hear when the call was picked up. Dimitri sat at the table and winced knowing that voice. Angelos looked at him in wonder.  “Uh Kris, Hello. What did Peterson say?”  “It will be handled fine. Next Monday morning 8 a.m. sharp. Giovanni and his Mistress Cara will be in attendance. Just us and them should suffice. I think one of them is lying and he just wants answers.” “No he wants free food and women at our expense” Dimitri chimed in. “True, he always wants that.” Kris said, “But that is ok, I will handle him as always and we will continue on taking his blood money.” They all got quiet. Angelos, loosing his head for a moment said. “How is Rayne and Miranda and Ari?”  Dimitri stiffened and stood. He didn’t want to hear this. He walked to the door and headed up to his office on the top level. She just wouldn’t go away. In truth six almost seven years had changed him. Nothing was the same without Darius, nothing was the same when he ran her off and closed off his heart once more. He needed change. Something to make it all stop…. Stop, aching.  He marched past his secretary without a word and walked in his makeshift office, shutting and locking the door behind. He looked around and was lost. Should he vent, should he scream? Perhaps dominating a female for the night would help satisfy his unrest.  If the female was Rayne. f**k. Stop talking about her to yourself. You let her go. Find someone else. There is no one else you dipshit. Pounding both fists down on the desk he bellowed in disgust at his own weakness. Closing his eyes and drawing in a deep breath he turned to look at his lower right-hand drawer. It was always locked. What he hid there always made him feel better. He pulled the keys from his top drawer and unlocked the right-hand drawer. Sliding it open there was a large black velvet box.  Pulling the box out on the table, he stared at it long and hard.  He didn’t want to open it but he did. It had been a year since looked inside. It was time. Lifting the lid and setting it to the side, there she was in all her glory.  It was a five by seven framed picture of Rayne. She was sitting on a lounge chair by the pool in her swimsuit of purple. She had looked over her glasses at just the right moment and smiled. How the picture was caught Dimitri didn’t know but it was perfect. From the lighting to her skin, to the look of hunger in her eyes, it was perfect. Dimitri had found this picture in one of the drawers of the office when packing to leave. He was sure it was from Darius’ stash but he had to have it. It was maddening. He knew his brother wouldn’t have acted the same. Dimitri had blamed things on Rayne that weren’t even plausible. He had made his pain about her disruption and it wasn’t true. Nor was it fair. But he had lost his temper and years ago hadn’t found reason to want to change it. It was only after years of trying to fill an empty space that both his brother dying had left and Rayne leaving. Women, booze even extreme acid trips to numb the pain. Nothing helped. Nothing killed her memory in his mind and Nothing, No one caused him pleasure like Rayne. It was ineffectual to even deny it anymore.  The week was full of client meetings and painful fixes needed for a rogue security crew not following protocols. Dimitri didn’t know his next step but he was definitely going to find a way to at least make peace for the past. She may hate him, but he had to gain some clarity and closure too. And possibly while he was at it, feel her lips on his just one more time. 
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