11 - What Scared People Say

2231 Words
The entire morning until nearly one o’clock Rayne had taken in the wonders of Greece. From the Parthenon, the Acropolis and the Erechtheion it had been a full day already. Stopping at a restaurant for some traditional Greek Cuisine as suggested by Angelos, Rayne looked up and noticed something odd. Throughout the day she had seen the same blue hat and white shirted man at all her destinations. While she didn’t think much of it until now, it almost felt like she was being followed. Rayne knew that was ludicrous as it was full on vacation season and she was following the internet’s suggest pathway of the sights in Greece. But still, it was a bit unnerving and she decided to head back to the villa. Rayne had always had anxiety about being alone and knew her own mind would make up things that didn’t exist.  Finishing off her lunch she decided to walk a few blocks and just take in some of the architecture and aged buildings in the area. The streets were busy and full of people which also made her feel more safe.  Not really having a map or plan on where she was going, Rayne ducked into an office garage and waiting to see if the man she though following her was still there. Her paranoia was building and she had to make sure it was just that, stupid paranoia. For about three minutes she watched and waited. Nothing. No one. She was just being dumb. An attendant from the company building approached Rayne and startled her completely. His accent was think but obviously she looked like a tourist as he decided to speak English to her first. “Ma’am. Can we help you? Are you lost?” Her gaze turned to this scrawny dark-haired mess of a young man and she tried to smile. She was feeling so foolish for hiding out in the first place. “No, I am sorry. I thought I saw someone I knew and was going to scare them but I was mistaken.” She looked at his confused face and then his name tag. ‘Tobias, Drakos Shipping International, Security.’ She busted out in laughter at the coincidence of the moment. Karma was playing a huge part in her life right now and this was definitely a sign of her next step. She patted him on the arm still laughing and headed in the door to the front desk. Ignoring his questions and trying to stop her, she stopped at the woman sitting at the information desk. “Can I help you?” She said in Greek. Rayne grimaced and shook her head no. The woman smiled and repeated her question in English. “Yes I wanted to see if Dimitri was in today. I have some important information he needs to be made aware.” “Mr. Drakos is by appointment only. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but I will be happy to look at his schedule and see what we can offer you. May I ask who you are and what this is in reference to?” Rayne had to think fast. This was her one chance to get into the building and say her peace. This was her closure and she wasn’t going let it slip away. She was smarter than this. “I am sorry.” She said her tone a bit more stern, “I was unaware I needed an appointment as we are soon to be family. My name should be on the admittance list without an appointment. Billee Creswell.” Knowing how the Drakos family worked, it was highly likely Billee was added to the list the moment Angelos realized who she was. They would securing her work Visa, adding her to the system and very probably there would be special notes that she was as important as a Drakos family member. Rayne had been on that list once and knew exactly how it all worked. “I am in the system and am the new in-house doctor at Sokard. My badges aren’t’ ready yet and quite honestly this is supposed to be a surprise. Ruining it wouldn’t be in anyone’s best interest. If you can tell me where Dimitri is, I will handle it from here.” She tried to play the confident, know it all that needed to dominate the situation. But on the inside her heart was pumping madly and her anxiety was screaming. After a few moments of typing the receptionist looked up with a large fake smile. Evidently what she read was unnerving in some fashion. Rayne surmised it was likely any notes Angelos had submitted in her profile. “Yes ma’am Ms. Creswell. I apologize I haven’t met you yet so I didn’t know you right off.” There was a large sigh of relief in Rayne’s brain. No picture came up in the system yet and she knew enough to fool the receptionist. “Mr. Drakos is hold up in the conference room on the second floor. He is in and out of meetings today but it looks like his schedule is clear for the next thirty minutes.” She said handing a temporary pass to hang on Rayne’s shirt. “Thank you.” Rayne headed to the elevator and as soon as the doors closed, she did a happy dance of success. It was a quick ride up the elevator and it opened to another large desk with a receptionist waiting to see the badge. Rayne walked up with it held out and the girl nodded pointing to the door on the right. The glass windows were covered by closed blinds and she could hear his voice loudly discussing something with unknown entities. Reaching the door she opened it slowly.  There he was in all his glory vigorously chewing out someone on the other end of his headset. No one else was in the room. Rayne turned the lock so they would remain undisturbed and watched him pace back and forth briskly. She walked in and stood on the other side of the table unnoticed. His back was to her most of the time. Whomever he was pissed at had his full attention. “Look. I don’t give a f**k what you think we should do. We will do what I want or nothing at all. If I have to come there, heads will roll. Get it together and don’t bother me with this s**t again.” Was the last of his conversation before throwing his headset on the table. There she stood right in front of him in her hip hugger capri jeans and white tank top with see thru electric blue overlay shirt. Her hair was less than perfect but still looked amazing. Her face was sunburnt enough that the simple thin eyeliner and mascara made her glow with natural beauty. His eyes looked her over and his face softened for a split second. He was about to open his mouth, no doubt with rudeness and force. She put up her hand up and spoke first. “Before you cuss at me and start throwing out demands and so forth, I have some s**t I need to get off my chest and you are going to hear every word. So you can sit or stand, makes no difference to me honestly.” She paused and waiting to see what he chose. Folding his arms about his chest he didn’t move. The look on his face was unemotional and stern. She expected this but was quite surprised at his actual silence. “Good. First and Foremost, it was not my fault Darius died. You loving me or pretending to love me had no bearing on what happened to him on that plane. It was cold and cruel to kick me out without letting me grieve as well. It was also shitty of you to not tell me of his funeral or any other details. I deserved to know that and be there if I wanted to.” He huffed and looked like he was going to speak but she slammed her hand on the table. “You will wait!” His anger seeped from every pore. “The love I had for him was just as strong as yours was and you were wrong for the way you handled it. Second. Asking me to marry you and giving me a ring then throwing it in the trash because your delicate f*****g ego couldn’t handle emotion was inappropriate. And lastly, you will never see or hear from me again. I will remain best friends with Kristos as I have since the Masquerade Ball, Billee will likely marry Angelos and I will be at family functions. THEY are MY family too now. If you don’t like it or are such a f*****g child that you can’t look at me then YOU can be the one that stays away this time. I am not going to hide because you are too scared to feel. Oh and one more thing. I know Darius’ crash was sabotage so when you are ready, which I am sure with your level of maturity is going to be never, I will hear the apology you owe me.” Her words were meaner and more formidable as she carried on. His face was an emotion she had never seen. This was what she needed. She felt good, angry, empowered. It was time to leave on that note and let him stew in whatever juvenile egotistical pot he wanted. She was moving on. Rayne turned and headed for the door. Two feet away a powerful hand grabbed her upper arm and spun her around. He was over her and breathing heavily. The look wasn’t hate or madness but pain and anguish. She tried to wriggle free and he held fast. “Let me go asshole.” “You said your peace. When do I get to say mine?” He asked through gritted teeth. “You already did…remember? Get out…there is nothing for you here… I should never have fallen for you…blah blah blah. That spoke volumes and I don’t want to hear more of it. Now let me go or this will get ugly.” She tried to shove him off and his other hand took hold of the other arm. She was trapped and he was in control. He lifted her up and planted his lips on hers. This was not where she thought this would go. The kiss was arduous and required. He slid his tongue into her mouth and walked flattening her against the door with a loud thud. She wanted to run, fight and scream but she also wanted more. He lifted one leg and placed it on his waist. Her other followed in kind. The making out was harsh and cruel. He bit her lip and caused it to bleed. “Let me down…I don’t…” she managed to get out between kisses. “You f*****g do, don’t deny me.” Dimitri said before nipping at her neck and collarbone. They went at each other like teenagers in heat with the need of two adults long since lost to one another. Taking one hand and pressing her into the door he held both wrists above her head and pulled up her shirts with his other hand. It was not but a few seconds and he had her n****e in his mouth and her hips moving with his thrusts. This was primal. This was not love or missing someone this was blatant desire of the opposite s*x and she was all he had craved for years.  They carried on touching and kissing for a few minutes until the intercom interrupted the lust fest. “Mr. Drakos your four o’clock is here and ready for the meeting. Let me know when I can send them in.” They both stopped. Rayne was screaming in her mind at how foolish she had been to let this get so far. Dimitri let her go and set her down instantly. Striding over to the conference table he pressed the button as he cleared his throat. “This meeting is almost done. I will open the door when I am ready. Thank you, Zoe.” He turned around to witness Rayne putting her breast back into the bra and fixing her clothes. His c**k was so hard and at attention he wasn’t sure how a meeting would be handled with other people in the room. “I am going to go. So this is goodbye Dimitri. But I do want to say something to you that a very wise Darius said to me once, a long time ago. Love is not something that makes you weak. It makes you stronger. The only thing that causes weakness in our hearts and mind is fear of the unknown and not trusting those we love. You should really f*****g think about that if you ever want to find happiness.” “I am not afraid; I am a realist.” Opening the door she stopped and took a breath. “That is exactly what scared people say when they don’t have a defense. We don’t need you in our lives Dimitri. Take care.” With that Rayne walked out the door. He watched her walk away from him for the third time in his life. He was pretty damn sick of people walking away from him, truth be told. Slamming his fist on the table and cussing under his breath, he readjusted himself and went to open the door for the next meeting. Looking down the hall watching her at the elevator he couldn’t help but wonder. Who the f**k is WE and why do I keep letting her go?
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