16 - Hello Daddy

2004 Words
Friday morning came entirely too fast. Rayne was not ready to watch them go but also excited that in the next month they would be moving to a ranch and starting a new life.  She had spent days filling in clients about their next steps and starting up with new clients. Her business was definitely going to be soaring in the six-figure category by the end of the year.  Life was good and she was very thankful. Laying there in her bed she looked at the clock again.  Six forty-three in the morning, her eyes were bright and mind already working overtime. She wasn’t sleeping and more. Jumping out of bed she stood in front of the mirror. Smoothing out her hair slightly, she then fixed her black tank top to hide the boob that was peeking out. Her pants were purple and fuzzy with lightening bolts. Even she thought this morning she looked rested, refreshed and looking kind of cute. Tip-toeing down the hall she went to see if Zane was still asleep or playing quietly in his room as he often did early in the morning.  Zane was passed out on the bed in a ball covered by all his stuffed animals and two fuzzy space themed blankets.  She smiled watching the covered rise and fall with his breaths. This child was going to be the best thing in her life and certainly the most trying at time due to his bloodline.  Closing the door she proceeded to the kitchen to make coffee. She was awake but lacked the focus needed to handle the tasks in her office for the day.  Pouring the creamer in and stirring there was a sudden, loud knock at the door. Only four or five taps but it was heavy handed and echoed into the kitchen making Rayne jump with a yelp. Looking down the hallway she waited a minute to see if Zane surfaced. Nope. He was still out. Reaching the door she took a long sip as she opened it.  Her eyes couldn’t believe what they saw. She immediately set the coffee down on the entry table and stood, staring. “What do you want?” was all she could manage to get out. His eyes raked over her form. She was barely awake, barely dressed and the long thirteen-hour flight thinking nothing but about this moment had exasperated him slightly.  He took a step inside and immediately leaned down gripping her face with his hands. The kiss was harsh, deep and more than she had felt in a long time. His need was jarring and she couldn’t resist. As much as she wanted to start anew, she wanted to start anew with one she loved. Lifting up Rayne she wrapped her arms about his shoulders and her legs on his waist. They were to finish what was started only a little over a week ago in his conference room. She had left it unfinished and with words that stabbed him fiercely in his heart. He didn’t want to be the lonely callous man who let love go because he was weak. Dimitri was far from weak and he intended on showing her in the next moments. Her hands touched his face, ran through his hard and gripped with need on his back. Their lips were fevered kiss after fevered kiss. The tongue stroking and heavy breathing was intense. He walked with her attached to him not really knowing where he was headed. The one thing Dimitri did know is he would have his woman. He would reclaim what he tried to toss aside and then tell her they were going to be together. This was non-negotiable. He couldn’t endure anymore time apart. Reaching the living room she was lay on the couch and he was over her in one graceful movement. Her legs still on either side of him wrapped at his waist. Her hips were moving to and fro with his soft thrusts. She wanted him. The rejection he worried would come to pass didn’t exist.  Reaching down to undo his jeans, his hot lips kissed down her neckline finding their way to between her breasts.  She was reaching down to slide off her pajama pants one leg at a time, stealthful without breaking contact. His hand was in her pants touching the wetness he created passionately. She moaned and threw her head back unable to move from the sensation. “I need you Rayne Mills. I always have.” Dimitri said in a low sultry voice while kissing her neck and ear. “I will always feel the same for you Dimitri.” She muttered under duress.  His hand worked her a bit more and cause her back to arch more. The feeling of him close, touching her couldn’t be matched by any other. She moaned and reached to slip out of her pajama pants entirely when it happened. She heard a yawn and little feet padding into the living room.  “Mommy?” Everything stopped. Dimitri retrieved his hand from her pants and she let her legs fall, still panting. Pushing Dimitri she sat up and smiled at Zane while Dimitri turned around and painfully adjusted himself back into his pants.  She adjusted her breathing and stood up walking over to him.  “Yes sweetie, I am sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up.”  “Oh you didn’t Mommy I had to pee. Ummm what were you doing with the tall man?”  Rayne looked to Dimitri who stood there with a look of shock and awe on his face. Damn she looked amazing for having a child. He thought to himself.  Rayne picked up Zane and held him on her hip. She was not ready for this but supposed she never would be.  “This is Dimitri. Dimitri, this is Zane.”  His jaw could have hit the floor. Focusing on this attractive child he realized it was a likeness of himself or Darius looking back. His name was Zane?  “That is my middle name.” was all that audibly could escape his lips. Rayne sighed and set down Zane on his feet. “Mommy wants you to go brush your teeth and your hair, then make your bed. Then you can come back out and talk to Dimitri more, ok?”  Zane looked from his mother to Dimitri squinting in question. “Ok, but he has to stay. I have some questions.” Rayne nodded and patted him on the butt waiting til he was in his room doing the tasks she requested of him. Her gaze, one of worry and interest turned back to Dimitri. “You had a child?” “Obviously, Dimitri.” “Don’t get smart with me Rayne, you know what that leads too.  You didn’t think this was pertinent information to share with me at any point?” His tone more angered.  “I didn’t know what to do with the information. I had a son of the two men I loved. I lost one and you shunned me away. I didn’t know what you would do.” She said in a moderately hushed tone.  “What I would do? To a child?? Are you f*****g serious right now Rayne?” he asked in louder anger.  “YES I am being serious right now. You kicked me out of your heart and your life. You threw away an engagement ring and married that could have benefitted us both in the long run. Your egomaniacal safety won out and I wasn’t sure tell you, HEY Guess what…You’re a daddy, would do.”  He was livid. Not only had she kept his and Darius’ son from him, she thought him capable of hurting a child by taking it away from its mother? The whole reason he was broken to start with was the loss of his mother! She had some nerve. His breath was heated and estranged. “I would never. You couldn’t really think me so cruel…” “I was in love with you Dimitri. I wanted to be with you forever!” She screamed.  It was time. All the niceness was gone. All the pent-up anger and frustration and all the love she still felt for him was coming to surface. It was time.  “Don’t you judge or reprimand me! I tried to stop this from being how it was and you told me there was nothing. I could have told you he existed but then what? You take him and raise him in memory of a brother who would be ashamed of you and the way you have handled everything? Get out! I have done fine by myself and I don’t need you here. Maybe what you need isn’t here anymore.” She continued to scream.  He punched the table close and walked towards her furious. She took a few steps back with tears streaming down her cheeks.  “Don’t you hurt my mommy.” Zane hollered coming out of his room and standing in front of Rayne with a yard stick held out like a sword. “She is a good mommy and you aren’t allowed to make her cry. Leave or I will teach you discipline! Trust me, why don’t you ask Mr. Piggy how that works if you don’t comply, you will find out it sucks.”  Rayne placed her hand on Zane’s shoulder. He leaned back into her as more protection. Dimitri was dumbfounded. This little hunk of a mini man sounded just like him during the days he would try to defend his own mother from the drunken beatings of his father.  He couldn’t move. Had Karma been so kind and cruel all in one moment that she placed a child in his path that would remind him of why he stopped being able to love. Obviously, it was working because it was like he had an epiphany. The instant respect and love he felt for this child was severe. Dimitri took a step back and put his hands up in relinquishment.  “Yes sir. I am sorry for scaring you.”  “You didn’t scare me Mister, you made me angry. And just like my nickname says, I am a medium sized super scary dragon, so beware.” Dimitri’s eyes widened and he looked to Rayne who still had a firm hold on Zane’s shoulder. “What is his name Rayne?”  “Leave Dimitri. We are done here.”  “Rayne Arianna Mills, what is his name.” She knew that commanding tone. It usually came before a good spanking or torture by device but it cause parts of her to ache no matter how hard she tried to combat it.  “Zane Ryker Drakos.” She said flatly and pointed her free hand and finger at the door.  His anger was mixed with curiosity and sadness. He had missed out on nearly seven years of his own son’s life. She had even named him after both brothers.  Stamping her foot she pointed to the door again.  “I am not leaving. You can’t…” Dimitri said forcefully.  “I can and I am. So do what I ask or it will be the cops taking you away.” She spat out and Zane held his yard stick sword forward and ready still.  Dimitri was annoyed and angry. He was going to leave and call this a day. He tried and she had been keeping a secret from him that was unforgivable.  As he reached for the handle he looked back with furrowed brow. Rayne’s tears were concentrated and Zane was squinting to look more angry and scary.  Reluctantly he walked out the door and slammed it in irritation. She had said to him once, “this can’t be how it ends.” In that moment he understood the gravity of that statement and the pain held behind it.  After making breakfast and calming Zane down, she left him to play in his room while she continued some work in the office. Truth be told her conversation and how it ended was prevalent on her mind. Focus wasn’t easy. She had wanted him so much to be the man she knew was inside and settle this seven-year stint of separation with a homecoming to both her bed and her heart. She knew it was her fault for not being honest but felt the reasoning was coherent. Looking at her computer screen she realized work today was not an option and headed into Zane’s room to help his stuffed animals learn discipline. 
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