17 - Her Love Can Save Me

1578 Words
Walking into the hotel room Dimitri threw the keys and wallet in his hands.  How could she not tell him there was a child? All he had ever wanted was his mother back but the day she was taken from him, his heart closed off. The was Zane had protected Rayne was gallant. His son. That thought ran over and over in his mind. The little dragon, as Zane referred to himself, was the eyes of Darius and the Jawline of a Drakos. His hair was the same of both brothers and his build looked just like Dimitri did when he was a boy. The fierceness in his heart and the willingness to defend his mother couldn’t get out of Dimitri’s mind.  He had to do something.  The way she smelled was consuming. He had gotten so close to culminating the love affair they started so long ago. He needed Rayne in his life. Not only did he need her for s****l enjoyment but also emotional. To be better controlled, in thought and action, he needed Rayne’s love. Her devotion and submissiveness gave him the sense of security his broken emotional psyche needed but her undying love and attention brought him out of the darkness and made him stronger. As he had once said in private discussions with his brother Darius so many years ago, Her eyes cause me weakness; her curves generate me powerless and that mouth could be my undoing. But her love, I believe, can save me.    This wasn’t how it would end. She had to be recoverable, she had to be his.  Picking up his phone he pushed the video chat button for Kristos. It ran a long time but finally Kris answered.  “Dimitri, what is the matter? You look enraged.” Kris asked without even a hello.  “I went to see Rayne.”  “Wait, I thought you were in Greece and she is in Texas. I just left there yesterday!” “After the fiasco in the conference room and the things she said I realized my whole problem for years is not having her. I didn’t need to be protected from her, I needed her to be the one protecting my heart.”  Kris sat and looked in the phone without words to speak. Dimitri had finally been broken but by the look on his face and sound of his voice it was too late. “What happened?”  Dimitri recounted the whole morning in sorted detail, more that Kristos wanted to hear. He told his reactions and hers and asked honestly how to proceed.  “Obviously my first thought is to tie her up and force submission but I know this is not the proper course. How do I get her to see the me she knew was in there all along is finally surfaced and ready?” Dimitri asked with a small level of insecurity.  “I don’t know cousin. I don’t know if she will let you. She tried so many times and you just…. Look. Let me talk to her. I won’t tell her I heard from you and will see what she says. She may not tell me anything but maybe I can gain a better way to help. Give me an hour.”  An hour? What the hell was he going to do for an hour while he waited? “Ok man, thanks.” And the video chat was ended.  Kris called Rayne to ‘check in’ and she mentioned nothing of the incident. She claimed she was playing it lazy that day and just hanging out at home. It was obvious she had been crying heavily, but Kris said nothing.  Telling her he loved her and asking her to call if she needed anything, she and Zane sent their love and hung up. Calling back Dimitri it was a conversation Dimitri was not looking forward too. She hadn’t mentioned a word to even Kris, which meant she either needed a bit more time or was going to just ignore it forever. Neither scenario was the best for Dimitri’s chances.  “Look Cousin. I would just text her. See if she answers. Make it concerning about Zane and her. Trying to at least make up for mistakes. Or something to that effect.  Perhaps you will get her talking. Obviously by the way you two are constantly on one another when you have been apart, she is still in love with you. Perhaps that will play to your advantage at some point.  I am going to be real with you though. If you hurt her again…I will f**k you up. Do we understand one another Dimitri?” Kris was serious.  Dimitri nodded and smiled. He knew it wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. Finishing the call he lifted his phone to text Rayne.  ‘We need to talk. I have the right to know and protect my own. I should have been more calm.” Hitting send he knew it was lame. He couldn’t put the words his body was thinking into text, it just seemed to vulnerable.  He waited.  Hearing her phone chime from the kitchen, Rayne hopped up from her living room floor where Zane and she were attempting to stack blocks around Mr. Piggy like a prison. Evidently, Mr. Piggy still had not learned his discipline and done his chores. It had been hours since the interchange with Dimitri and she was feeling much calmer.  Then came this text. Could it have been more monotoned?  Some things never change.  She thought to herself.  Pushing the button to answer she thought better of it. What could she possibly say? There would be a time, likely soon that she would have to deal with Dimitri knowing Zane but for today she was opting out.  “Who was it mommy? Was it the angry man who was kissing you?” Rayne looked to Zane carefully.  “It was. He is sorry for being so rude.”  “I bet he was just surprised I was here. I was so quiet. Who is he mommy? And why do I look just like him?”  It was the questions she was prepared to answer in about ten years but not today. Not today did she want to tell her son he had a father that pushed her away but only because it hurt to much to love her. That his other father was dead and mommy was very sad.  “That is Uncle Kris’ cousin, Dimitri. He is…” She couldn’t finish. “He is someone I knew before you were born.” “Ohhh so he was a boyfriend because you were kissing him like you liked him. It was kind of noisy and gross.” Zane said matter of factly.  She snickered. This child could turn anything into a positive. She was fearful but needed to be honest. Kneeling down in front of Zane she held his arms in her hands.  “Zane, Dimitri is one of your fathers. He and I had a fight a long time ago and he didn’t know you were born. Mommy didn’t tell him and he got very mad when he found out just now. He is a good man, just has an angry face a lot of the time.”  Waiting for his reaction, his words, Rayne was nervous. Letting go of his arms, Zane proceeded to hug his mom tightly and speak.  “It’s ok mom. When someone makes you mad, you don’t tell them things because you are hurt.  I don’t know why he came today but I have been praying for a daddy of my very own and God listened. Maybe we should think about inviting him over for ice cream to have a ‘discussion’.” Rayne laughed out loud and hugged Zane back. Whenever he did something wrong, to not seem overly cruel Rayne would have a bowl of ice cream ready so she could scold Zane and discuss why he had done the wrong thing. She was sure Darius was smiling down on them laughing at this moment.  “Perhaps, but today mommy is very hurt and doesn’t want to talk to him ok? Today we will just be us again and deal with Dimitri later.”  “Ok mommy but you know he seemed to really like you still. Maybe he would be here if you asked. Maybe he is really the hero in the mean man disguise.”  Kissing his forehead she smiled. She wanted to reassure him that Dimitri was good inside when it truly came down to it.  “Yes my lil dragon. If I needed help, he would come. I am sure of it. He wants to protect you and even said that. So don’t worry, you two will be friends at some point. Now, let’s clean up and have a late lunch.”  “But wait, you said one of my daddy’s. I have two?!?” His face looked excited. Her heart broke.  “Yes Zane. Dimitri had a brother Darius and I loved them both the same. Darius was in a plane crashed and died before you were born. I am sorry sweetheart. I was going to tell you when you were old and could handle it a bit better.” “Mommy, I am nearly seven. I can handle lots of things. I am sad I didn’t know him but at least I have one, right? I mean that is better than zero.” She smiled and kissed his forehead. Standing to go make lunch she nodded and waited for him to leave the room. What a mess she had created by being so selfish. Her heart and body wanted Dimitri no matter what her anger said.  Zane cleaned up his toys and Rayne made peanut butter and fluff sandwiches as a treat. She needed something sensory numbing in her tummy to wave away the day. 
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