A promise to himself

981 Words
Third person's P. O. V .^^^°°°°  .......  After sometimes he started washing Tara's body. He is rubbing levender shower gel on her body gently. Now he is treating her like a little baby. He is cleaning her every body part softly. Tara hissed in pain sometimes when the touch become harsh in her unconscious state.  When Lucifer starts cleaning her lower part, Tara jerked her body in pain but still she is unconscious. This time Lucifer became more carefull and gentle.  After washing her full body, he wrapped her body with white towel and lifted her in his arms in bridal style carefully. Tara is looking like a doll made of glass in his arms. Then Lucifer comes out of bathroom and placed her on her soft king size bed  carefully. After that he opens the closet and picks out a red colored  comfortable night gown . (Yes!! Lucifer already arranged everything in her room for Tara. Even that levender shower gel was Tara's favourite. Every single thing which Tara loves to wear and use is present.)  He dressed her.  After that he ordered a maid  to bring a first aid kit. The maid immediately bring the kit and give it to Lucifer. He gestured maid for departure.  When maid goes out, he started applying ointment to her  scars. Tara's eyebrows knitted and hissed on pain. Lucifer slowly applied ointment  on scars and started blowing air from her mouth, to decrease the burning caused by ointment. When he is done, he caress the soft wet hairs of Tara. she is still unconscious.  He lovingly removed the wet hairs of Tara from her  cute and innocent face. She is looking like a sleeping beauty princess. The night gown which chooses Lucifer for her is perfect fit to her body. This night dress perfectly hugged  the sexy curve of Tara. Specifically the red colour suited to her body complexion. It's looks like red color is made for her. Lucifer can't control herself. His  inner beast  becomes anxious. He can feel her d**k gets hard. He can't understand that how can't he control her desires in front of Tara. But now he had to control it as it will be harmful of Tara.  Without any second thought he goes to bathroom and opens the cold water shower. Under water her mind still lost in the thoughts of Tara and her s*x appealing body.  Finally after one hour his body calms down. He picked towel and wrapped around his torso.  When he comes out of bathroom. He saws sleeping figure of Tara. She was in deep sleep or we  can say that unconscious. She is breathing deeply like she is relaxing herself. Due deep breaths he chest is moving up and down.  This scene sent a shiver to the body of Lucifer. He closed her eyes and tried to control his wild desires.  After that he sleeps beside Tara   with  his naked  body and pulled her to his bare chest. Without any resistance Tara's body falls  on her and her lips touched his bare chest. Lucifer's d**k again stand up. He closes her eyes and take a deep breath.  Fuck!!! Day by day how horny I became because of my b***h, Lucifer cursed in her mind.  After sometime tiredness consumes her body and he sleeps  with Tara .  They are looking like a loving couple who gets exhausted by their hectic love making. And now is in deep sleep. Lucifer is holding Tara like a small baby in her arms. While Tara is still unconscious.  In midnight , Tara woke up due to sudden sound of lightening from outside.  Ahhhhh...... Aaaaaaa....... Shouted Tara while  closing her ears with her hands.  Lucifer's deep sleep breaks due to her loud scream. He sits on the bed in his naked glory.  His face is cold. There is no expression of shock and anger.  Again there comes a loud sound of lightening.  Tara jumped on bed  and hugged Lucifer tightly, like her life depends on him.  Hmmmmm...... Ahhhhmmmm....... Lucifer moaned by the action of Tara.  When Tara heard the moaning of Lucifer. She came to her senses. And then she notices her position.  Her legs are wrapped around  her torso, and her hands clutching he bare  broad chest, while her face is hidden on the crook of his neck and lips are slightly touching her neck.  Tara can feel a hard thing touching the skin of her ass cheeks.  When she  understands that what is it??  She jumped back. She is now shivering and  feeling ashamed of her action.  Her face becomes red due to blushing.  So.... rr..... y...... Ma...... S...ter..... (Sorry master) says tara with trembling body.  Tara looks to much hot when she is blushing and her red night it looks like " cherry on  the cake". Now Lucifer lost her control. He wanted to take her right now. Now he doesn't care about consequences.  For him, first priority is his desire. Then he goes close to Tara and attacked her lips like a hungry wolf.  He is sucking and licking her lips without  any mercy. He then give a bite on her lower lip. Tara winced in pain .  By  her  sudden action she knows that he is ordering for entrance. And like an obedient child  she gives the entrance.  Lucifer shoved his tongue inside her. Now her whole tongue is exploring her whole mouth. Their saliva are mixing with each other.  Lucifer is too much lost in kissing Tara. He is sucking and and licking  her lips like they are dipped in honey.  On the other hand Tara's face become more red due to lack of air. But still she didn't resist and made any slight  move. She closed  her  eyes and  clutched bedsheets tightly . A lone tears comes out of her eyes like a pearl.  She now made her mind that from now on she will not beg for mercy. Even she had to die by the hands of the devil. She will never ever cries, as her cries gives her peace.  "She will bear all the torture silently without any sound", she promised herself mentally. 
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