Freedom from hell

1133 Words
Third person's   P. O. V ....... ^^^^^^.........  Lucifer is still sucking and licking her lips  like hungry wolf.  His hands squeezing her waist roughly. He pushes Tara on the bed and hovered over her body. After sometimes when he feels lack of oxygen he breaks the kiss.  Fuck!! I want it now, said Lucifer while biting her earlobe seductively.  Tara can feel the hot breath of Lucifer. Her body starts reacting but she prepared herself mentally, that she will not submitted to devil. She closed her eyes and and start thinking about jahaan. . For Tara Jahaan is her angel, who gives hope to live. Just because of Jahaan Tara became able to fight with this cruel world. Her mind now full of thoughts of Jahaan. Her sweet memories with Jahaan started playing in her mind. His  " never give up " dialogue starts ringing in her ears.  Tara still lost in the thoughts of jahaan.  On the other hands Lucifer starts giving bites on  her neck, while her hands squeezing her breast. Tara is still sore from previous make out. But she doesn't react to her touches . She is lying like a statue on the bed. There is no emotion of pain and pleasure on her face.  While Lucifer is still lost in lust. He doesn't care about her reaction. He just want to fulfill his hunger.  Her tores her night gown into two piece, now Tara is fully naked in front of Lucifer. Lucifer can see the black  and blue marks on her body. These makes him proud on herself, as these are the art work of Lucifer.  He  is sucking and biting her right n****e while his hand squeezes her left n****e. He starts biting   and sucking each and every part of her upper body.  Then he slowly goes to her navel and gives sharp cut on her navel. This time Tara hissed in pain because it was sensitive part of her, then she composed  herself back to her emotionless  face.  Lucifer didn't notices this as he was completely drench in lust.  Now his hands started squeezing her thighs. Then he parted her her legs and spreads them. He started giving her deep bites on the thighs.  When Tara feels sharp pain on her thighs she jerked her body. Her body again starts    giving response  to his touch.  She grabbed the bedsheets tightly and closes her eyes to calm her body.  On the other hand Lucifer starts rubbing her clit with his fingers.  Tara tried best not to react but it looks like her body again started  betraying. Tears started coming from her body due her disgusting  actions  of herself. She gritted her teeth tightly so that she can control her moan. She don't wanted to intimate with devil.  On the other hand Lucifer , Lucifer starts thrusting her fingers inside her v****a. He is thrusting fastly and deep inside her v****a.  Tara's v****a still aches badly due to her monstrous action but she doesn't shows any painful emotions.  She closed her mouth with her palms to prevent her screams. Tears coming out of her eyes like Nigeria fall.  While Lucifer is still thrusting he fingers roughly. Then he feel some wet sticky fluid comes out of her v****a.  Now he knows that her p***y is  ready to f**k. He put her mouth on the entrance of her v****a and started tasting her liquid. He is licking like a hungry animal. He is thrusting he r tongue inside her v****a. Deep Tara feels ashamed for her action she is cursing herself for that in her mind. A flood of guilt  running inside her heart. Now Lucifer  can't control his  little buddy and without any warning he thrusts his d**k inside her v****a in first attempt forcefully.  Now Tara is burning in pain like someone poured acid on her body. This pain is unbearable for Tara. Now she can't control her scream.  AAAAA......... Aaaaaaahhhhh , ear piercing scream escaped from her mouth.  This pain was unbearable for her. She is throwing the hands and legs on Lucifer  like a mad women due to pian.  Lucifer catches her hands and pinned above her head and pressed  her legs with her heavy legs. Then he starts thrusting inside her mercilessly.  Ahhhh..... Ahhhhhhh..... f**k!!!!...... You..... are...... Ahhhh....... the...... best...... for....... Ahhhhh..... Fuck... moaned Lucifer in pleasure.  Tara feels so helpless, she can't even moves her single finger.  While outside weather become more dangerous. The whole mansion echoed with the sound of both lightening and screams of Tara.  For tara it was darkest and haunted night of her life. A night where both God and devil are torturing.  All her childhood memories started dancing in front of her eyes. She can see a 11 years old girl crying in front of a men not to leave in heavy rain. The thud sounds of lightening is a punishment for her ears. Her body is trembling due to fear. She is frightened like a 5 years child who wants to embrace her mother.  On the other hands Lucifer enjoys her screams. He is still bussy in fulfilling his lust.  He is continuosly f*****g like a horse.  Now she can't bear this anymore and then she pushed lucifer with full strength.lucifer falls  from the bed due to her sudden push.  She grabbed the bedsheet and wrapped around her body.she wanted to escape from devil. When she  moved her legs for running , she felt a sharp  pain into her lower part and then falls on the floor due to sharp pain. Now she is crying on her fate.  Lucifer is in shock due to her sudden action . After sometime he recovers from his shock. Now he is fuming in anger. He grits his teeth in anger. Lucifer comes near Tara and fisted her hairs .  Aaahhhh..... Ahhhhhh.... Leave..... My..... Hairs..... Screamed Tara in painful voice.  Lucifer slapped her face hardly and said "b***h how dare you to push me".????.  You wanted to run huh!! Today I will teach you a lesson. Today you will get your lesson.  Lucifer grabs the towel from bed , then wrapped around her torso. Then he dragged tara by her hairs out of room.  Aahhhh...., aaaaa....,. Leave my hairs.cried Tara.  But Lucifer ignore her cries. He is dragging her like a trash.  Tara still struggle to stop him, she grabs furnitures  to stop herself  from dragging  by Lucifer but there is no match of Lucifer strength. Lucifer is still dragging her to their destination. Finally they reached. It was the roof of his mansion.  This time Tara thinks that he will throw her from the roof. She closed her eyes and stated remembering her sweet moments of her life. For last time she thanked God to end her life.  Finally!!!!! she will get freedom from this pathetic life. For her these five days were the  5centuries. Now she is waiting for her end like a fool. Tara closed her eyes and give a wide smile.  Finally!!! I will get freedom from this hell says tara with happiness, screamed Tara loudly with excitement. 
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