His rough s*x

972 Words
Third person's P. O. V .  .......  Lucifer is thrusting his fingers inside her v****a. Tara's body is shivering due to both pain and pleasure. She  tried hard to control her body. But as usual her body again betrayed her. She badly wanted to dig hole and burry herself . She felt so disgusted herself. On the other hand Lucifer increased the speed of thrusting. Now he added one more finger inside her v****a . Tara jerked inside bathtub. She can sense that his fingers is thrusting deep inside her p***y.  While Lucifer is enjoying  this . His one hand is bussy in his v****a while other is squeezing her soft creamy n****e. He is sucking her n****e like a child sucks her mother's n****e. This pleasure was unbearable for Tara. She is trying her best not to moan. She fisted her hands tightly to control. Lucifer noticed her action. Then he squeezes her right n****e  tightly and while other bites with her sharp teeth.  Aahhhhhh...... Ahhhhh... Moaned Tara loudly. Now she cannot control herself. Lucifer increased the speed of her finger. And thrusted deep inside her p***y and groaned  ..... Ahhhhh..... Fuck... You are still so much tight. I can't wait to inside you. But first you have to c*m.  Come on now  , c*m for me b***h. With that he is continuously thrusting. These actions of  Lucifer gives a shiver in her body due to pleasure. Her body wanted to submit him but her self-respect don't wants to submit. There is a turmoil inside her brain. There is a fight between her body and self-respect. She wanted her self respect to win but the torturous actions of Lucifer makes her body helpless. Now she can't control herself. Now her body started responded towards his actions.  Ahhhhh...... Lucifer.... Stop.... It..... Can't...... Aahhhhh .......handle......,. It..... Tara moaned.  She can feels the wierd feeling like thousands of butterflies flies inside her stomach.  Lucifer smirked and said" Who says to handle it".just enjoy this.  Now baby c*m for me. Fassst.  !!!!!!!Ordered  lucifer with husky voice while biting her earlobe.  Now Tara feels shivers down. Her v****a is now aching. Now she reaches her orgasm. She can feel something sticky liquid coming out of her v****a.  Yess!!!! She cums on the fingers of Lucifer.  Lucifer gives a victorious smile to Tara and pulls out her  finger inside the v****a and licks like a child who licks her fingers dipped in chocolate.  Hmmmmmm. .... f**k!!!! You taste so sweet.  Tara makes a disgusted face. She badly wanted to puke. On the same time she is feeling ashamed that she wanted more.  Her p***y badly wanted to f**k her. Lucifer can sense her awkwardness. A smile curled up on her thick  lips.  He makes an innocent face like a baby and said  cutely" Awwww my little b***h wanted my little buddy inside her. Have patience!!! b***h I will fulfill your wish. After all I have to reward you for your slutty response. With these dirty words he jumped inside bathtub and hovered over her. He place he d**k on the walls of  her p***y. First he slapped her p***y by the mushroom tip of his d**k. The he  spreads the remaining c*m of Tara on the p***y. Now he placed his mushroom tip on the outline of  her vagina., he pushes his d**k inside her v****a with force but he can't get in first attempt. Finally in third attempt he pushed her full length inside her.  He is thrusting inside her fastly.  Aaahhhhh fuck...... Ahmmmm........ You...... Are....... Soo........ Tight........ Fuck......... You........ Are.... The....... Best...... Ahhhhh...... Fucktoy......., moaned Lucifer loudly.  Tara can feel the burning pain inside her  v****a. He is f*****g like a horse. His deep thrusting strike her inner walls. She can also feels that her d**k is getting large inside her v****a. This burning sensation  is giving her both pain and pleasure at same time.  Lucifer is now totally lost in f*****g Tara. He is feeling like heaven. The way her tight p***y squeezing her thick long rod is awesome. Now her hungry beast turn on. He is thrusting inside her fastly and deeply.  Now pain increased inside Tara. Now there is no pleasure due to his animalistic action. She can only feels pain.  Aaahhhhh....... Stop...... Aaaahhhhh......... It's........ Hurting....... Please....... Be gentle........ Aahhhhhh...... Screamed Tara loudly.  Lucifer ignored it, as he was too bussy in f*****g her tight p***y. Now tara only can stare the invisible glass ceiling of bathroom. Drops of tears started from the corner of her eyes. She stopped crying because she knows that Lucifer turns the deaf ears towards him.  On the other hand Lucifer is  still f*****g her. He was so lost that he forget how many  times he  came inside her and how much round he takes.  He have no control in his inner beast. No matter how hard he f****d her inner beast can't became calm.  This is the first time he is too much lost in f*****g a girl.  Ahhhh...... Ahhhhh..... Look....., bitch........ How...... I......horny....... I...... Became........ Fuck...... You..... Only...... Good..... For....., fuck........ Groaned lucifer.  After sometime f*****g her continuously Lucifer  breathed heavily...... Fucckkk!!!!! It was the  best f**k in bathtub. He now gets exhausted by her animalistic behavior. When he pulls out her d**k inside the Tara. He saw some blood on the mushroom tip of his d**k. Then he notices her v****a. Blood starts oozing from her v****a. And a unconscious body of Tara  lying on bathtub. Her body is like a lifeless corpse. Her whole body is drenched with blood. While Lucifer have no worry on her face. He opened the warm water  and filled bathtub with it. Then he takes out a clean towel. He slowly cleaned the body of Tara with it. Tara winced in pain due to sudden action. When her hands reached her princess part Tara again winced and this time loudly. Lucifer slowly and carefully cleared her lower part. Then he leaves her inside the tub for relaxing her body.
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