Tara's tight slap

1239 Words
Lucifer's P. O. V I can see my broken angel. She fainted in the bathtub. Her whole body is covered with blood. Her face becomes  red like Tomato due to crying. Sometimes my good side says that" She is innocent ".But then  my evil side screams and reminded the miserable conditions of my buddy c*m brother " Alex".Then my inner beast started fuming in rage and I became thirsty of my revenge.  Her every single scream is just like a lullaby for me. My ear gets satisfaction and my my burning heart gets some peace. Her miseries, wounds , pain and helplessness gives my beast assurance that now my Alex will get justice. Still she is unconscious. But my inner beast can't get satisfaction. I m still feeling anxious like wild  animal. I still wanted to calm my anger and frustration. But I have to control myself. I can't  torture her to death. She had to live with me as my s*x slave until my last breathe. I wanted her alive. Because her body is the only thing who can calm my beast. She is mine!! !!!  But sometimes I feel guilty for her miserable conditions but my ego and friendship stops my heart from feeling guilty. I wish you are not the reason for the miseries of Alex, I wish we met at other circumstances, I wish we can live like normal couples. But don't worry angel first I will break you then I will mend you according to my needs. You will become my doll. A doll  who will  twirl on my  fingers.  Third person's P. O. V Lucifer slowly caress her fingers on the face of Tara and tugged the hairs on her cute little face behind her ears. He loves to play with her  silky long natural black hairs. He then started started placing wet kisses on her face. Then he started kissing her sweet plump lips. He is sucking her lower lip . Slowly he shoved her tongue inside her mouth. Tara didn't give resistance as she is unconscious and her body is feeling like numb.  Lucifer explores her whole mouth by his tongue and also sucking and nibbling her lips. Slowly slowly the sensual kiss turned into will kiss. Now Tara can feel the kiss because now it's a torture for her lips Now she wanted to stop this torture but she can't. Tears starts coming from her eyes. When  Lucifer  feels some wetness on her palm which is placed on the cheeks of Tara. He cuts her lower lip. Tara winced in pain. Now again blood starts coming from her lower lip.  Lucifer breaks the kiss , his lips now covered with the blood of Tara. He licked her lips with is his tongue.Then hive gave wicked smirk to the Tara. Tara is is still shivering like a child. Her eyes were only staring her thighs.  She badly wanted to get invisible from the world so that  the devil can't cage her.  Lucifer can read the thoughts of  tara by her facial expressions. He lifted her chin with his index finger and says that" No matter how badly you wish, you can't escape from me". Now you are my property. Mine to claim , mine to ruin.  With that warning he started squeezing the n*****s of Tara hardly. He give a deep bite on the neck of Tara. Now he is behaving like a wolf. His hands were bussy in squeezing her breast and her mouth is busy in giving bites on  her upper part. He is to lost in fulfilling lust that even he didn't feels any disgust toward  the body which is covered with the blood.  When Tara realises that  " What he is doing"??  She tried to resist him   with her hands.  Lucifer gets frustrated by her action and then he gives her a tight slap. And said" Dare you to resist me " With a warning look.  Tara with shivering voice said ""mm... Master....... Pleaseee............... Don't....... Do this....... I   ..... Mmm..... Still.... Sore...... From...... Previous....... Time....... And...... My...... Body...... Is.... Aching...... From...... That..... Punishment..... Plzzzz...,. Have.... Mercy......  Lucifer ignored her request and bites her left n****e hardly.  Aaaahahhh....... Tara screamed in pain.  Then he does the same with the right n****e while squeezing the left. He is now now sucking her right n****e like  a hungry baby .  Ahhhhhhhh........ Aaahhhh......Now Tara is screaming in both pain and pleasure. Lucifer is now feeling pleasure by hearing the screams of Tara. These screams is just like a romantic song for his ears.  Now her little buddy gets more excited. But he wanted to do more foreplay with her.  He  wanted to realise her like a real slut.  Her slowly moved towards her lower part. Her fingers now started rubbing her clit. Now Tara feel disgust and hate towards herself. She wanted to slap him hardly but she can't do that as there is no match of strength of the devil. She have no option. She had to bear this torture.  Lucifer is still rubbing her clit with her hand while other is playing with her n*****s. His lip are still bussy in kissing her every inch of her body. He is kissing her like a hungry beast.  Tara can feel both pain and pleasure. Her body started react towards his touch. She starts crying and feels disgust herself. She can't believe that her body is betraying her. Now she feels like a w***e. " You are my wore, my personal s*x slave" Words of Lucifer started ringing inside her brain.  Ahhh...... Ahhhhh....... " I m neither your w***e nor a s*x slave"  screamed Tara loudly.  After hearing the scream of Tara, Lucifer gave a evil  smile and said that it is a reality that you are a w***e, look how your body responded towards my touch. You also feels pleasure when I played with your fuking sexy body.  These words hitted Tara like a tight slap.  Anger fuming inside her body like a volcano.  She raise her hand in air and give a tight slap on the left cheek of Lucifer. The slap was too much hard that his cheek become red . Her fingerprint can be visible.  Lucifer became shock because for the first time in his life a girl dared to slap him except his mother. This  slap is  the biggest insult of her life because no one even dare to raise a single finger in front of devil. He can't bear this humiliation.  Anger rose inside him like a burning fire which can burn the whole world into ashes. He fisted the hairs of Tara roughly and give a punch on the face of Tara. The punch was too much hard that blood starts coming from her mouth and ears. Tara can feel the sharp pain in her Jawline. Tara closed her eyes  and take a deep breath to bear the pain.  Now Lucifer understand one thing that she can endure physical pain but she can't endure mental torture. An evil plan comes in her mind. Now he decided to mentally broke her. So that she can never ever dared to stand against him.  He cupped her face and said" b***h today I planned to be easy on you. But like a slut you don't like it, so now I will show you how I f****d with slut. And today I will make  sure that you will admit that " You are my w***e and personal s*x slave, a wore who will willingly spread her legs whenever, wherever I wanted". With that he started started pushing her two fingers inside her vagina
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