Chapter 6 Xanda's POV

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I stormed the halls of the castle and away from her. My fingers itched to grab her, hurt her f*cking stroke her. I was a bag full of emotions around her, and I was a ticking time bomb and which one blew up and out of the bag who knows. I needed to get rid of her, but the moment I scented her, watched her fighting that day. Her long legs and black hair, her body that was toned and strong, even from a far I could see that and her determination even in a fight that was outmatched was quite dazzling. She was already exhausted and injured before she had started fighting Jania. To shift back to her human form was brave, I would give her that. Before I had moved closer and scented her, I had been impressed by her. But when I did scent her, I thought it could not be true. I had never heard of a wolf and a vampire being mated before. It was insanity of the fates to do it. Still, I don't believe it. If she did not perform the spell for such trickery, maybe someone else did. Maybe there were more players to this game than I had knowledge of. Maybe the wolves are working with witches and that was why it had taken us years to figure out what had been happening or who had been doing it. Maybe magic was the reason why. I stormed directly to my room, and growled when I saw Jania naked on my bed. She was lying on her stomach with a book in her hand and feet up as she read. It wasn't unusual that she was here. We had been lovers for a few years, and she stayed here more than she stayed in her own chambers. But right now, I want her as far away from me as possible. In fact, for days now, her presence has been an annoyance to me. She looked over her shoulder at me and grinned. Jania was sexy, she had black hair though and that reminded me of her. Jania was not as naturally pretty, her eyes were not a forest green color on the edges that somehow went to a sea blue in the middle like hers. F*ck , I grit my teeth and shook my head. Why could I not have just rejected her ? It was like I had lost all ability to speak whilst trying, my teeth had itched, and my chest had felt tight just trying to say the words. But she had managed easily , she wanted to die so easily , and I had seen the sincerity on her face. That was how I knew this was not her doing. She truly wanted to die , and that was because of me. Well, it wasn't what happened was deserved, but still I, her mate, I am apparently anyway , until I prove that it is some sort of trick. Had her family killed. Even if being two enemy species was not enough to stop us letting this happen and centuries of history of hatred between us, what her kind had done and what I had done had doomed us anyway. When I look at her, all I see is one of them and what they have done. " Are you OK my prince ? " Jania spoke, and I snapped out of my inner monologue and looked at her. She was looking at me questioningly. I had just been standing frozen, for however long. " On your knees , face down " I snapped. Jania's eyes lit up in excitement. Would she still be excited if she knew that my hard throbbing c*ck was not solid for her, but for another black-haired beauty that I can not have? She threw the book aside and quickly did as I asked. I was not kind , I showed her no mercy in preheating her oven before I shoved my girth into her roughly. She wouldn't mind though Jania was as fierce and sadistic in bed as she was in life. It was why we got on so well. She had the same sick sense of humor I had. I can not even recall stripping and getting to bed. I was that much in a hurry to put all of my frustrations into this mindless act. I gripped her hips in a steel vise grip and powered into her , but when I looked down , I had to close my eyes. Just the sight of it being her under me nearly had me wilting. I had to close my eyes and think of her to keep me hard while in Jania. I needed to stop putting my hands on her or getting too close, it was only like I was torturing myself when I did. But when I was near her, my mind was not my own. Jania started moaning my name , and all I could think was it was not the right voice. Jania's voice was not smokey enough. Kalen kept bugging me to get it over with another argument with him is what had made me storm into her cell and demand we reject one another. He was right my coven would rebel , their loyalty to me would crumble. My life, as I knew it, would be over if I even thought of taking her as my mate. There was talk , there had been talk since that day and I had brought her back here. Even the excuse of I just wanted to f*ck her would not fly. We did not mix with them, not even for that, even if it was just a meaningless fling. I felt Jania start to shake beneath me , yet I had no inkling of a release being close to me. Just days ago, I would have spent the full day in bed enjoying her body, but now her body doesn't bring me relief. Just disappointment. It didn't help. I kept zoning out. By this point, I don't even know how long I have been inside her. I was just letting my body move in memory, like an autopilot. As soon as I heard her familiar moan of release, I was out of her and moving towards the bathroom. The scent of her arousal was making me feel a little sick. As I was about to enter the bathroom, a sadistic thought came to mind. And how Penny had taunted me about her s****l activities with another. The main reason I threw her to clean herself was that even after days I could still smell him on her, and it was just making me angrier. I paused and felt an evil grin grace my face. Turning, I grabbed my clothes and started putting them on. " Xanda ? " Jania's confused voice said. I looked up, completely forgetting that she was there. She sat still naked, eyeing me, confused. " Is everything alright ? You haven't finished. Where are you rushing off to? This is not like you ? "She asked. " I have forgotten I have an important meeting . Listen, I am busy, I have a lot on with all that happened with that pack of mutts. I am not good company. Maybe you should stay in your own quarters for a few nights. I need some space " her face turned from confused , to shocked to hurt and then angry all in a split second. " WHAT ? You are sending me away ? You just f*cked me like a robot, and now you are sending me away ? " She snapped. Jania had a temper, one I usually found amusing. But right now, it is just an inconvenience. I had a score to settle, a little infuriating wolf to get even with. But I also knew Jania , and if she suspected something else. She would not stop until she had it all worked out in her mind. Walking over to her , I grabbed her chin leaned forward and kissed her gently. Pulling back, I smiled softly at her , even though all I wanted to do was wash her stens off of me and rub my lips clean. " I am just stressed , I have a lot of work to do. And I don't wish to take it out on you. If I need you to help me relieve that stress, I shall send for you. But I am not sleeping. Don't get clingy Jania. It does not suit you. Go visit Fanfir for a few days. I know you keep him sweet and visit him often. Go warm his bed " I told her and her eyes widened. I huffed a laugh " I know you sleep with others Jania , like you know I do. I think you are starting to believe we are a couple. We are not fated , you know this. I am you Prince, remember your place before you raise your voice to me like that again " I squeezed her chin painfully and then let her face drop. I was out of the room , and back to the cells in seconds. She was asleep when I entered. I found myself standing over her watching and her eyelids fluttered, and her chest rose and fell steadily. It was almost calming watching her, until she started to stir. Her body recognizing my presence. Before she opened her eyes fully , I saw her sniff the air. Then her eyes snapped open, and she pinned me with a glare that would make weak men shiver with fear. But not me. I felt a thrill shoot through me, an excitement and satisfaction with her reaction. A smile curled one corner of my lip and I grinned at her. When she shot up and slapped me around the face , I threw my head back and laughed with glee. I was f*cked up, I knew that. But did I give a f*ck? No. No, I did not. " You piece of sh*t bloodsucker "she screamed at me as I started ducking her punches.
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