Secrets Unleashed Pt 2

1260 Words
Bailey P.O.V The gasps in the room and the shear fear coming from everyone, aside from my guys, brought a smile to my lips. My blood red orbs said it all. They were the answer to the question everyone always had about me, and why I wore contacts. I felt a warm sensation on my lower back and realized Bane was placing his hand there. “Let me see.” He whispered, his voice husky and inviting. I wanted to say something along the lines of “hey it’s okay if you don’t love me anymore, I get it.” but instead I just turned around and looked at him. Victoria gasped loudly, placing her hand over her mouth while Bane just stared at me. I couldn’t read what he was thinking or feeling. “Just when I didn’t think you could get any more beautiful, you go and prove me wrong.” He whispered, stroking my cheek softly. I nearly melted right there. He was so perfect. I turned back to the table of Alpha’s and I looked for Chase. His eyes were filled with so much concern, and a tad bit of fear. But fear of what? Me? Or the reaction of the council and the alpha’s? I forced myself to look away and regained my fierce attitude. They were going to learn not to mess with this Alpha. “You’re a hybrid?” One asked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Hadn’t I just said that to them? Hybrid literally came out of my mouth. I just gave a nod, not trusting myself to speak. “What hybrid are you?” A council member asked this time and I smirked. “I would think with my red eyes it would be obvious, but since you all have some small minds, “ I rolled my eyes this time, because if they were using their brains, they would have figured it out. But before I could say the answer, Victoria spoke for me. “Seriously? Yall are some dumb f***s. “ She said and I had to hold back the laugh that wanted to escape. “She’s obviously a vampwere hybrid. “ She huffed and crossed her arms. Oh man did I love this woman. I knew we were going to be great friends, but this, this just made me absolutely sure. “If yall couldn’t figure that out, why are you leading packs?” I didn’t hide my smirk as she spoke. Her words caused some growls from the alphas, but I wasn’t having it. I growled back, with much more force, surprising some of them. “Don’t you growl at my beta female. I will not have that disrespect to a member of my pack. Especially when she’s not wrong.” I glanced at Victoria who was grinning like a damned fool and then I glanced at Bane, who’s eyes were wide. We were mates and she was his beta female, therefore, she was mine. I could feel a slight bit of pain coming from Chase and I quickly looked over at him. His eyes were filled with sadness. ‘She’s Bane’s beta female, therefore she’s mine, Chase. You’re still my beta, we just haven’t figure out pack status’ yet. I need you, don’t ever forget that. ‘ I linked him, which made a small smile appear on his lips and it seemed to lift his spirit slightly. We were definitely going to have to figure out this whole thing out with out packs soon. “Anyway. Back to what was being said before. Yes, I’m a vampire, werewolf hybrid. I won’t be going into detail with all of you of what parts I have and what I don’t. That’s for me and those close to me to know only. However, I will tell you this, being a hybrid puts me at the top of the food chain, so to speak. I am superior to you all, and you know it. I can feel that you know it. I’m a step down from the queen, which I might add is my grandmother. “ More gasps and shocked looks. Oh yeah, didn’t expect a royal hybrid did ya? I smirked and stood up straighter. “If I hear anyone, I mean anyone, question my position in my pack again, it will be the end of you. I will take your pack over and I will make you regret ever crossing my path. “ With that, I turned around and headed out of the room. I needed air. I need to run but I can’t thanks to f*****g Luther. Bane P.O.V To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Those eyes of hers, they were already so mesmerizing, now they were just down right hypnotizing. Her red orbs swirled with so many emotions, but the most forthcoming one was acceptance. She wanted me to accept her for who she was. How could I not? She was my everything, hybrid or not. Even after she spoke to the Alpha’s and defended Victoria, which made my heart swell with pride, her eyes still looked like that they were begging for approval. I followed her out of the room as she left. Something was wrong, even I could see it. “Bailey, wait!” I called after her, which caused her to stop and turn to face me. I was face to face with her in an instant, pulling her by her waist right into me. She gasped softly and I smiled. “What’s wrong? Where are you goin?” She sighed and leaned into me. “I didn’t want you to find out this way, Bane. There’s so much more I need to tell you.” She was close to crying again, and I couldn’t have that. I hated when she cried, it made me feel like I wasn’t doing my job as her Mate. “Shhh. Hey we’ll get there. Okay? No pressure.” I kissed the top of her head and pulled away slightly to look at her face. “What do you say we head back to my room? Maybe watch a movie, eat some junk food, have a stress free rest of the day?” I asked giving her a light squeeze. Tobis really wanted to mate her, but we needed to wait for her. Whenever she was ready, not when we were ready. Since we’re always ready. She smiled up at me and nodded. “That sounds ridiculously amazing.” And with that, she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the lodge. ~~~~~ About twenty minutes later, we were snuggled up in my bed with popcorn watching Beautiful Creatures, apparently this was one of her favorite movies. I was too distracted by her to even be paying attention. She was so beautiful when she was relaxing. She even left her contacts out, and her red orbs were just stunning. Halfway through the movie, she paused it and looked at me. “Bane, I want to tell you everything. “ She said, sitting cross legged next to me, back to the TV. I shifted my weight to look at her better and nodded my head. “This goes way back, like to the Moon Goddess herself. So bare with me, okay? “ She was looking a bit nervous, so I leaned forward and captured her lips in mine for a very passionate kiss. “Just take your time, my attention is all yours my love.” I said to which she smiled and nodded. “Once there was this beautiful maiden of a small village in Scotland. Her hair was raven black, her eyes were a shade of the most unusual purple. “ She started and I stared at her with awe as she told her story. 
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