Something Unexpected

2012 Words
Bailey P.O.V I could tell Chase was having a difficult time with me finding my mate. And if it wasn’t for the fact that Bane was incredible, I probably would be as well. It’s been a rough six months for all of us, especially Chase. He’d been there for me through everything. He would have been my chosen mate, which is kind of a big thing. He’s the oldest, out of our little group. I can’t even imagine how he feels, not finding his mate yet. I know she’s out there, and I know she’s amazing. He only deserves amazing. I noticed the look Victoria gave Bane and made a mental note to ask him later what it was about. It almost seemed like he knew exactly what Chase was feeling. Which would make everything a little more complicated. Guys, I said opening the link between Ty, Matt and Cam. How is Chase? I feel like he hasn’t talked much to me since I found Bane. I know he’s hurt. I frowned at the thought. I hated seeing any of my guys down in the dumps. Especially over something none of us could control. Not going to lie Bails, he talked to me last night about leaving to go search for his mate. Cam’s voice came through and I nearly lost my footing. Chase was talking about leaving? He was my best friend, why wouldn’t he tell me this? His wolf is hurt too, Bailey. He loves us. He told me yesterday that he’s not sure his mate will make them stop loving us. Oh gods it was great to hear her voice again. Willow had been silent since I rejected our mate. Of course she understood why I had to, but just like how I spent six months locked up in my room, she spent it deep deep in my mind. The thought of him loving us so much made my heart hurt. I needed to talk to him about all of this. He’s been so closed off towards me, I feel. Turning, to Bane, I walked up to him quietly. I needed to tell him I needed to talk to Chase, alone. I wasn’t sure if Tobis would be okay with that. And there was also the chance that Chase would kiss me, I didn’t want Bane to feel that pain unexpectedly. “Hey Bane. “ I said softly leaning towards him. His eyes lifted to mine and he raised a brow slightly. His eyes were swimming with so many different emotions. “I need to talk to Chase, alone.” The words were barely a whisper. I didn’t want to provoke him, or Tobis. I wasn’t doing this to hurt either one of them. Surprisingly, he smiled at me. “It’s okay. We both understand, and know what could happen. You’re still ours at the end of the day.” He gave me a knowing look and my shoulders relaxed. I would have to ask him about his past later. He seems to know more about me that I do about him. “You amaze me. Thank you. “ I gave him a smile and then slipped out of the kitchen. I needed to find a place for the two of us to talk without being interrupted. Chase, meet me out in the woods. We need to talk, just the two of us. Why did I feel so clammy all of sudden? Chase is my best friend, that’s never going to change. No matter if I have a mate or not. I slipped out of the back door without the other guys seeing me, I couldn’t explain this to them. They wouldn’t understand. I took my time getting to the woods at the back of the cabin. My brain was trying to sort everything out. What were we going to talk about exactly? We each knew each others feelings towards the fact that I have a mate. Maybe I just needed the reassurance he wasn’t hating me right now. I came to a small clearing and waited for him. He was already out here clearing the perimeter, so it shouldn’t take him that long to get here. He’d be in wolf for-oh s**t. I didn’t bring him clothes. Great, so now this already awkward conversation was going to happen while he was naked. And boy did he look good naked. I physically face palmed myself. How could I think about that when I had a mate? How did it not feel wrong to even think that? I heard some rustling of the leaves and turned to look in the direction it came from. Slowly, a brown wolf came out from the bushes and I smiled. I’d always adored Chase’s wolf. He was beautiful, and a lot more calm than his human counterpart. “Hey Koda.” I said gently, receiving a small whine in response. I placed my hand out in front of me and he nudged it with his snout before giving it a lick. “I need Chase sweet boy. “ He knew that, but it felt like he was trying to soak up as much of me as he could. Bowing his head slightly, he took a few steps back and the shifting began. I never could watch someone shift back slowly, so I turned my head while he finished. I felt a soft hand on the side of my cheek and it forced me to turn my head. Chase was standing before me, a sad smile on his face. His eyes told me he knew what this was about, but I couldn’t even open my mouth to speak to him. My heart hurt for him, it was the first time I was noticing it. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes but he shook his head. “Please, B, don’t cry. You know I’m weakest when you cry.” He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Which was sad, because he had the best smile. “I needed to talk to you about everything. I feel like you’re closing me off. Like I don’t matter to you anymore because I found my second chance mate. I can’t reject him, Chase. I can’t go through that heartbreak again. Even if we were to be chosen mates, we wouldn’t be able to mark each other. How am I supposed to know if something is wrong with you? How am I supposed to know if you’re in pain and need me?” I was rambling, but it was the only way everything was going to come out. “ I can’t. You wouldn’t be able to sense that either. How is that going to make you and Koda feel? God, Chase. I love you. I love you so much it hurts, but we can’t be what we want. I couldn’t survive if something happened to you. I couldn’t survive if you left.” Now I was a sobbing mess. Great. He hadn’t removed his hand from my cheek just yet, and I was thankful. I missed his touch. Why couldn’t the Goddess give me both Bane and Chase? I know how greedy that sounds, but my heart is so torn. The mate bond with Bane is strong and once we complete the mating and marking, it’ll be even stronger. There was just something with Chase that made it hard for me to let him go. His hand moved from my cheek to the back of my neck. He gathered some of my hair and pulled it slightly so I’d look up at him. The soft moan that escaped my lips was just another thing I didn’t understand. My body reacted to his touch like it was the only thing it needed to survive, like it did with Bane. “You’re rambling, love. “ He said softly, moving his face closer to mine, a slight smile on his lips. He loved the way I reacted to him, I could see it in his eyes. “ You will always matter to me. I don’t want you to reject him, B. I know what that would do to you. I couldn’t have that, it would break me seeing you in that much pain again. “ He said pulling my hair ever so slightly again, causing a soft gasp. He knew what my body wanted. “I never want to see you unhappy. If you don’t want me to leave, I won’t. But we’ll have to come to some kind of compromise. If I can’t find my mate, I need the next closest thing. “ Oh gods. Why was he suggesting this? His other hand came sliding up the other side of my body, resting on my neck and I closed my eyes. The heat between my legs was growing and I was beyond confused. I shouldn’t be this turned on for someone that wasn’t my mate. But I was, oh Goddess was I turned on. “Chase, I don’t know...” I started, biting my bottom lip as I thought about it. I didn’t want this to hurt Bane. I wanted them both. Selfish much? Willow crackled and I huffed. She wasn’t being any help. For once in my life, yes, Willow. I’m selfish. Why am I so turned on by Chase? I thought the only one I was supposed to get hot and bothered for was Bane? I could hear her chuckle. Normally, yes. But what you and Chase have is rare. Koda and I claimed each other before Tobis was in the picture. We have a mate bond with both of them. You don’t feel the sparks with Chase, because you haven’t accepted the fact that we are also his. My brain was spinning and I needed to sit down before I passed out. I untangled myself from Chase and took a step back against the nearest tree before sliding down to the ground. “I need a minute to digest what Willow is telling me.” I said softly, staring at the ground. So basically you’re telling me we have three mates? Basically. Luther wasn’t supposed to be a rogue when he found you. Apparently somewhere in his story line, well it got messed up. You were always meant to have two mates. So instead of Chase and Luther, it’s Chase and Bane. Which I’m totally fine with. Tobis is amazing. I love them both. “Always meant to have two mates. “ I mumbled, not even noticing that Chase was kneeling in front of me. “B, you’re scaring me. What’s going on? “ He asked softly, his eyes full of so much love and concern. I closed my eyes a moment, I needed to accept that he’s mine, and see if it’s true. I took a deep breath. “Willow seems to think that we’re mates. “ I gave a slight chuckle, eyes still shut. “What do you think?” He asked, not denying the fact that he felt like we were mates. Maybe he’s known all along? No, it’s something that’s recently happened. Neither of you would have known until we found Bane. He’s the missing link between all of us. Willow was just full of all kinds of great information. “You’ve known since the other night, haven’t you?” I asked, as if my brain just remembered that he’s been distant since Bane walked through those doors. All I could hear was his hard breathing, he was so silent. “It was so weird. We’ve known each other our entire lives. And then suddenly two days ago I feel this incredible pull towards you that I didn’t even understand. So I stayed away, stayed busy. I didn’t want to force you to choose between me or him...” His voice was strained as it trailed off. This moment seemed as good as any to open my eyes and figure this crazy train of events. My eyes opened slowly, and I was staring into his green eyes. It was like I was seeing him for the first time. My body knew, my wolf knew, my heart knew, my brain just took a little more convincing. The words came from the two of us at exactly the same time, both our eyes widening. “Mate.” 
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