Two Mates It Is Then

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Chase P.O.V She said mate too. I heard her clear as day, yet I was so confused. She had Bane, why was she saying mate. Though, it didn’t make any sense to me that I was saying. We’d known each other out entire lives, why all of a sudden did things change. I couldn’t move from my spot in front of her. I knew we needed to go back to the house to talk to Bane. This just got a whole lot more complicated. “B,” I started but she was shaking her head. I wasn’t sure if that meant stop talking, or that she was still in shock about us being mates. Before she sank to the forest floor, she had said something about Willow. “What did your wolf tell you? She seems to know more about this than you do.” I said gently. Even Koda was a tad confused. He wasn’t complaining though, Willow and Bailey had always been his favorite. Even over me sometimes. “She said, “Her voice was shaky and I frowned. I needed her to look at me, but I wanted to hold her more. I moved to sit next to her against the tree and then I pulled her onto my lap so that she was facing me. Her arms instinctively went to my shoulders and she kept her head down as she started speaking again. Whatever made her comfortable, I would do. Even if I wanted her to look at me with her beautiful red eyes. I’d always admired her eyes, she insisted on hiding them though. “Willow told me I was always meant to have two mates.” She said softly, I tried so hard to hide my shock. “She said it was always meant to be you and Luther. But when he screwed up his own timeline, he lost me and now it’s you and Bane. “ I nearly growled at the sound of that lowlife’s name. He never deserved her. Ever. I'd spend my life making sure she was safe from him.  “Something about me being a hybrid I guess. I don’t understand it, Chase. None of it.” She said as her head rested on my shoulder, her body moving with the sobs that escaped her. I tried not to think about her being sad because we were mates. I knew better. “Shhh, heyyy. B, we’ll figure this out. How come we didn’t know until now? “ I asked as I gently rubbed her back. I was fighting back. Being this close to her was making the need to mate and mark her so much stronger. “Apparently we needed Bane to complete the triangle. We never knew because we never had the other person. I rejected Luther, so he no longer was the piece we needed to find each other. “ She said softly, pulling herself closer to me. “All this time, Chase. “ The crack in her voice made me want to lose all the control I was fighting so hard to keep in check. But I understood what she was saying. “Guess that’s why you couldn’t keep your hands off me. “ I chuckled, trying to make the mood lighter, gaining a small choked laugh from her. “We’ve always been close, Bailey. Our wolves knew before we did. I’m never letting you go now.” I said softly as she pulled back enough to look in my eyes. Her red orbs were swirling with so many emotions, lust was right on the very top though. I couldn’t let her do this right now, we needed to do it with Bane present too. We were apparently a triangle now. I felt her hips move and I bit my tongue to hold in the groan that was in my throat. She was fully clothed, but I was still naked from shifting and there was no way to hide my erection. Her lips parted slightly and the softest moan escaped her lips. “Chase, I need you.” She whispered and I shook my head. “Bailey, no. “ I said firmly and watched the surprise light up in her eyes. I never told her no when it came to s*x. She was always my weakness before we knew about us being mates. I wrapped my arms around her and stood up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and held me close. “I think I’m going into heat.” She whispered against my ear and I groaned. The female heat was something no unmated and unmarked wolf looks forward to. Her smell gets even more enticing and there will be some that try to claim her even with her mates nearby. The only thing that fixed the heat was mating and marking, which she would now have to do with both myself and Bane. “Things just keep getting better and better, huh?” I said with a chuckle. “Days not even half over with either. “ She said with a smile. Luck had never been on our side. Ty, Cam, Matt. I need you guys to clear out. B’s is starting her heat. Make sure Bane knows. We’re heading back now. Why was she with you? Matt asked and I rolled my eyes. The guys never paid much attention to what was going on around them. Shouldn’t you be staying away from her too? Cam’s reasonable voice came next. I was just waiting for Ty to say something, usually they all had something to say. But nothing came. Yeah, um, so some things happened out in the woods. Apparently B and I are mates. It’s a long story, we’ll explain later. There was silence from the three of them. This was big for us. Our circle was so small as it was. We’ll be doing a perimeter check. The two of you owe us an explanation when this is all over. Cam seemed to be speaking for all of them. I cringed slightly at the sound of his voice, he didn’t seem happy. Or maybe he was just confused like Bailey and I were. Who knew someone could have two mates? I sure as hell didn’t. When I got to the cabin back doors, Egan was there holding them open. I nodded at him and saw him stiffen as we walked past. He was mated, why was this effecting him. Next I saw Victoria who had a worried look plastered across her face. “Bane is upstairs getting a bath ready. It’ll help with the heat a little bit while you talk about things.” She said with a small smile, turning to look at Egan. “We’ll be out and about. “ She said quickly before going over to him and pulling him out of the house. I didn’t even want to hear that conversation. I could tell Victoria was a feisty thing. I made my way up the stairs, holding Bailey tighter with each step. She was burning up, and the soft pants she was giving in my ear were not doing anything to help my growing erection. She was impossible to resist. I was met at the bedroom door by Bane, who’s eyes widened at the sight of us. I gave him the most apologetic look I could. “We’ll explain everything. I swear, but we need to get her in the bath.” I said making my way to the bathroom. I set her down on the counter and peeled her arms from me before helping her out of her clothes. Bane helped me gently set her in the hot water where she let out a gasping moan, making Bane and I both sharply intake air. “Someone better tell me what the hell is going on. Why am I not freaking out that Chase is seeing you naked, Foxy?” He asked, looking between the two of us as he undressed himself and slipped into the large tub with her. Bailey looked back at me with her big eyes and I followed suit, slipping into the tub since I was already naked. She fit perfectly between the two of us, and the sigh of relief she gave made everything worth it. “I have two mates, Bane. You and Chase. We just found out earlier. Willow said something about us not knowing until our triangle was complete. We didn’t know until we found you.” She said softly, leaning back slightly to rest her head on my shoulder. She had Bane’s hand in hers as she spoke. He was actually taking this very well. “And then while we were out there, my heat started. I think it’s because the three of us are all in the same house.” I could feel her push herself against me and I shut my eyes tight. I wasn’t going to be able to hold back much longer. Everything in me was screaming to mark and mate her now. As if she was reading my mind, she moved her head to the side slightly so she could look at me and Bane. “I need both of you. I need you to mate and mark me. Now. We can talk about the weird relationship triangle thing after you two make my heat go away.“ She was basically pouting at this point. It was kind of adorable.  We didn’t need to be told twice. It felt so natural. Every move we made was like we were meant to do this. Of course we were, the Moon Goddess knew what she was doing. She knew my heart would always be with Bailey. She also knew that this woman needed more than what one wolf could handle. Especially when she’s in heat.
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