Merge Talk

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Bane P.O.V Since finding Bailey here, nothing else has mattered at the Summit. It was supposed to. I was supposed to be finding allies in other Alpha’s, but at this point, why? I had Foxy. She had one of the most powerful packs in our region. She’s a f*****g hybrid. I was trying to get her to see all of my points and stay in bed with me, but after yesterday, she felt the need to show how powerful she really was. She wasn’t letting anyone talk down to her. I admired her for that, and when she was all Alpha mode, not gonna lie, it was hot. “Just, come back to bed for a little longer. “ I begged her, reaching for her hand. The giggle that escaped her lips was adorable. I needed to feel her like I needed oxygen to breathe. She leaned in closer to me and I thought I’d won. I should know by now, I was never going to win with her. “As much as I love the way that sounds, we my dear, are still Alphas of our respective packs. “ She booped my nose before moving to the dresser to get clothes out. After the events of yesterday, I made her move in with me. Her guys agreed with me, thankfully and now we had two packs living under one roof. It was an amazing feeling. Waking up with her in my arms was like a dream come true, I’d been waiting so long for her. “So I’ve been thinking about our merge thing. “ She said as she slipped on fresh clothes. I loved that even through everything she’d been through, she was still thinking about our merge. Realizing I wasn’t getting her back in bed, I slid to the end of the bed and watched her. Her beautiful self deserved every bit of my attention. “If we do this, your ranked members will lose their positions.” She frowned at the thought, so did I. I would be nowhere without Egan. I didn’t have any other ranked members besides him currently, but I couldn’t remember if I’d told her that or not. “Egan is my only ranked member.” This seemed to please her by the look she was giving me. “That’s perfect! I was thinking we are going to need at least two beta’s with our numbers. It’s too much for one alone to take on.” She smiled so brightly she put the sun to shame. “I could see that working. Though, we’d have to talk to the guys first to make sure they are good with this. That they can work well together.” I knew Egan wouldn’t mind, but Chase wasn’t mine to understand. I needed to get over his relationship with Bailey. That I knew. “I don’t think we will have a problem with them not getting along. Can you not hear the lot of them downstairs?” She asked with a small laugh. I hadn’t actually been paying any attention to anything other than her, so hearing the loud laughter downstairs came only when she mentioned it. “Bane,” She came and sat next to me at the end of the bed. “ I want to be mated and marked before we leave the Summit.” Her words came out so softly, but they hit me harder than I thought they would. If we mated, and marked each other, it would make the separation easier. “If we wait, who knows what could happen. Plus, I’d be in heat in a few weeks and without you I would be so miserable. “ Why was she trying to reason with me? I wasn’t going to object to this. “Plus I’m worried about Luther and-” “I don’t know why you’re giving me reasons, Foxy. I’ve been waiting for you to give the okay.” I interrupted her, one because I didn’t like the sound of his name coming from her sweet lips, and two, she was rambling. She smiled and turned to look at me. “ Okay.” She grinned, and I hated that she was teasing me right now. She knew it too, by the mischievous look in her eyes. “You are so wrong for saying that right now...” I grumbled as I got up and got dressed. I knew nothing was going to happen now, but damn she was killing me. I could hear her small giggles down the hallway as she left me to dress. Egan, I need roses. And I need you lot to find another place to be for the night. I guess we could all crash at their original place. How you going to get her guys on board with this? That Rogue is still out there. Damn, you’re right. I wanted this to be special. Are you finally mating and marking her? Please say yes! She wants to be mated and marked before we leave the Summit. I’m doing it tonight. Not that she knows this. “Egan James! Stop mind linking him! He needs to hurry and come for breakfast. “ I heard Victoria say from downstairs and chuckled. You got me in trouble. I’m pretty sure you’re a big boy. You’re mate has you wrapped around her finger. “Bane!” My mate’s tone gave me a shiver Who’s wrapped around who’s finger now? Egan was laughing through the mind link and all I could do was grumble as I came down the stairs. Egan was doubled over laughing, Matt and Ty had smirks on their faces, like they knew exactly what was going on. I assumed Chase and Cam were doing rounds outside as I didn’t see them. I turned towards the kitchen and saw Victoria and Foxy with their hands on their hips. “What?” I asked, as innocently as possible. The two of them rolled their eyes and went back to preparing breakfast. Having both of them in the same house was going to be just great. They’d become best of friends already, and I was kind of concerned for myself and Egan. They’re going to be the end of us dude. Egan came through mind link again and I couldn’t help the chuckle that passed my lips. He was beyond right. I never understood the mate bond until recently, but I can see how Egan always felt torn between me and Vic. You can get the flowers right? Duh, I’ve got this. I sat down on one of the breakfast bar stools and watched Foxy while she cooked. She was beautiful. The way she moved around the kitchen, it was like she’d done it all her life and it was flawless, just like she was. I felt someone sit next to me but didn’t turn to look at them. “She used to cook for the pack every morning noon and night. We always joke that it’s her food that keeps the pack together. “ Chase said with a smile as he watched her. I could feel the ping of jealousy but tried to push it down. “She only started cooking again this week since being taken. Six months of an entire pack trying to figure out how the kitchen works. “ A chuckle escaped him as he shook his head. “Let’s just say we did a lot of catering and eating out. “ He smiled and turned to look at me. “I’m not going to pretend I don’t have feelings for her, Bane. I know she’s yours, but she will always be my Alpha first. If you hurt her, if you make her unhappy, I won’t spare you.” I was too shocked at his words to reply to him before he got up and left. I focused my attention back to Foxy, who was staring at the two of us so intensely. I gave her a smile, which seemed to be enough to get her attention off of us. I could tell she wanted to follow him with her eyes though. The mate side of me wanted to tear Chase apart. But I understood more than they knew. I felt eyes on me and turned to meet them. You can’t be mad at him for saying that, Bane. You basically said the same thing. I know V, I know. She gave me a sad smile before turning back to help Foxy. There was a time that I didn’t think I’d ever find my mate. Victoria was there for me, she was mine for a time. We met Egan two years ago, but that pain of her being his was still there. Sometimes is, even now that I found my own mate. First loves always seemed to find a way to stay in your heart forever. 
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