Witches Complicate Things

1985 Words
Bailey P.O.V. I wasn’t expecting to go into heat. Not that I’m exactly complaining about it. However, I just found out I had two mates, and that my best friend is one of them. My brain didn’t even have time to process the information. I was currently sitting in the tub for the third time since this morning. It’s well past noon. The hot water seems to soothe some of the aching from the heat. Obviously Chase and Bane sooth the rest. But they couldn’t be here right now. Chase was standing in for me at the Summit meetings, and Bane being an alpha of his own back had to be there too. I wasn’t alone however. Victoria was downstairs getting me food. She was the best. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs and smiled. I was subdued for now, I could get out of the already chilling water. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body before going into my room. “Vic I don’t know what-” My voice caught in my throat. This wasn’t happening. I was dreaming. I had to be dreaming. I spent so much time getting over this, getting over what he did to me. Now he was standing in my room, Victoria in one arm, knife in the other. “Let her go. “ I demanded, after I took a moment to gather myself. Victoria squirmed slightly in his arms, making him tighten his grip on her. He chuckled. “If I let her go, she’ll run and tell her Alpha.” He said, glancing over at her, moving the knife closer to her throat. I’m not sure why he was choosing a knife, he could snap her neck so much quicker. I would never understand his methods. I shook my head. “She won’t. I’m her Luna and her Alpha, she’ll listen to me.” I wanted her to run and tell Bane. I couldn’t mind link or he would see it. There was no way I was leaving this cabin with him though. He nodded like he knew what I was saying was the truth. “Fine. I’ll make a deal with you Princess. I’ll let her go, alive, if you come with me. She gives me a twenty minute head start before telling your mate.” Oh, he didn’t realize I had two mates now. This could work to my advantage. “Fine, but let me get dressed first.” I mumbled moving to the closest to pull some clothes on. I could feel another wave of my heat starting to push itself forward. I shook my head. Now was not the best time for this. Since I was out of his view, I took the opportunity to mind link everyone. He’s here. He’s got Victoria and threatened to kill her. I’m so sorry. Find me. Find me soon. I left the closet quickly after that and walked over to Victoria who was shaking her head. She didn’t want me to command her to wait twenty minutes, if only she knew I’d already called for back up. I put my hands on her shoulders and gave her a small smile. “I’ll be fine Vic. You’ll wait twenty minutes before telling Bane. Understood?” I used my Alpha voice and she whimpered. “Of course Luna.” Her voice was so small, I just wanted to wrap her up in a hug. Before I could though, he grabbed my arm and started pulling me down the stairs and out the back door. I could hear Victoria sobbing, my heart broke. I risked the mind link. I didn’t care if he saw me. V, I already linked the guys. I’m so sorry for this. His rough hands were still dragging me by my arm. “I’m still a person, you know. You could treat me just a smidgen better. “ I spat, trying to pull my arm away from him. It was painful, his touch was burning my skin. “I smell how aroused you are, my sweet mate. I can fix it, it’ll just be a little while longer.” He said calmly as we made our way through the forest. I couldn’t hear the guys, I couldn’t feel them either. What was going on? “What did you do?” I asked stopping dead in my tracks. If he wanted me to move, he would have to drag me. The man before me stopped and looked at me, raising a brow slightly. “Whatever do you mean?” He asked, not trying to hid the smirk forming on his face. “Why can’t I feel him?” I had to be careful not to reveal that I had more than one mate. Maybe he would let me go. “What do you want from me?” I bit my lip, trying to hold back the sob that was easing it’s way out. More because of the pain coming from my wrist than because of my words. “Ooohh. That.” He grinned. The motherfucker grinned. “We had a witch do a little spell for us.It temperately brakes your bond with your mate. So that I can claim you. Well, me and the Alpha of course.” The look on his face made me sick as he moved forward, his eyes bleeding into black. “I smell your heat, woman. Goddess you smell so f*****g good. I want to take you right here, right now. But Alpha says I have to wait until the spell is complete. “ He was inches from my face now. “But just know, when the spell is complete, you’re not going to remember who he was, how he made you feel, or anything. You’ll have so much desire for me and Alpha…..” I could feel his hardened erection pressing against me and it made me want to gag. “Keep walking before I lose control.” He growled at me, once again tugging my arm. I had no idea where we were going, deeper into the woods. I couldn’t feel Bane, but I could sure feel Chase. He was beyond angry. I could only imagine Bane was feeling the same. Unless he could feel the broken bond too? My gut turned. What was he going through? “I’m already mated and marked, what do you and Luther plan to do to get rid of that?” I’d let Bane mark my neck, Chase’s mark was hidden, we wanted to do a temporary marking until my heat was over. I needed one of them to fully mark me though, and Chase let it be Bane. I smiled thinking of them and last night. Just thinking of them made my body ache for them. Even though I couldn’t feel Bane, my body knew I was his. “Oh, the spell will take care of that too. Our little witch is very talented. “ He grinned at me and then came to a stop. “Ah, here we are. Isn’t this just perfect?” He grinned and finally let go of my hand. I wasn’t stupid enough to run. I knew better than that. “Dom, what did I tell you about-” Luther stopped mid sentence and stared at me, eyes black as night. “Finish the spell witch. My female is in heat and needs release.” He stalked towards me and my eyes never left his. I was suddenly feeling….attracted to him? No. Impossible. What about my mate? My insides were screaming for me to move, for me to get away but I couldn’t. I was standing in place, watching my second worse nightmare come at me and all I was feeling for him was….need. I needed him. I needed him inside me. I felt the heat between my legs grow and I bit my lip to suppress a moan. What the actual f**k was going on? Luther was the last person I wanted to ever feel like this towards. Was it because of my heat? Or was the witches spell actually working? I slowly backed away from him, but I didn’t get far. There was a tree blocking my way, which just made it easier for him to cage me in. His hot breath was on my neck the moment he reached me and I closed my eyes. He was breathing heavily, and his lips connected to my neck every so lightly. I was slowly losing whatever control I had. I lifted my arms and placed them on his hips, causing him to groan. Why was he waiting? Why didn’t he just take me now? Chase is coming, Bailey. You need to hold strong. Distract him. Willow was trying to help me pull it together. Having an extra mate they didn’t know about sure did come in handy. I still wanted Luther in this moment though. I knew he wasn’t mine. Maybe once, but he lost that right. I took a deep shaky breath and turned my head to his ear. “Kiss me, Luther. “ It wasn’t hard to fake desire, because, who was I kidding. I wanted him. Luther moved his head so his lips were hovering over mine. “I’ve waited so long for this. Nearly seven months I’ve waited to get you back. I’m not letting you go this time.” He said brushing his lips against mine. Part of me wanted this, that was the spell part and part of me wanted to rip his face off. That was the part that still had Chase as a mate. I could feel him getting stronger, which could only mean he was getting closer. I closed my eyes, anticipating the kiss. It never came. It all happened too fast for my in heat brain to comprehend. Luther was pushed off of me, violently. Two strong, familiar arms wrapped around me, pulling me away from the scene, holding me close and whispering comforting things. “They’ll be okay. I have to get you away from here. B, please don’t fight me. I know it hurts. I’m so sorry.” Matt’s voice. He was the one carrying me away. They needed me. My mate needed me. Mates. Wait. Mates. MATES. The further we got from them, the more the spell wore off. “No Matt!! Take me back! They need me!” If he thought I was fighting before, he had another thing coming. “Alpha, stop. Please. You’re breaking my heart.” He whispered and I stopped. Matt never called me Alpha, not unless it was to get my attention. Well he definitely had it now. All I had to do was look in his sad eyes to realize what was happening. Bane and Chase were going to fight Dom and Luther. For me. To protect me. They could die, and it would be all my fault. The tears started to fall instantly from my eyes as Matt made his way up the stairs to the lodge. My skin was burning from his contact, but I was too numb to do anything about it. I could hear Victoria, but I was in no state to hear her. My mates. My wonderful, adoring, loving mates. I couldn’t survive if something happened to them. I felt Matt place me in my bed and cover me with the blanket and then I felt the bed dip on the other side and a pair of slim, small arms pull me close. Victoria. She knew I needed comfort, but the guys touching me was so painful. She pressed a kiss to my forehead and played with my hair. “They’ll be alright, Bailey. You have to have faith in them. In the bond.” She whispered as she comforted me the best she could. My eyes drooped closed and I didn’t fight it. Maybe this was all just a bad dream, and when I woke up, my mates would be in my bed with me. I was just about off to sleep when I heard their voices. Why did they sound like a final goodbye? Maybe it was my tired, heat brain. Foxy I love you.-Bane B, I love you.-Chase Whatever happens, know that. -Both 

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