Something in Common

784 Words
Luther P.O.V If that little mutt thinks she can talk to me the way she did in that room full of Alpha’s, she’s got another thing coming. How could my sweet mate talk to me like that? I’ve only ever wanted her. The moment she tricked me into that rejection, one thing was clear. She was mine. She would always be mine. “You know, if you stopped acting like a caveman for five minutes, I could help.” The voice snapped me out of my stare down with the moon. I’d been burning a hole through it for hours. Taking a swift sniff of the air, I raised my brow slightly. I didn’t know who this was, but I caught a whiff of the smell in the room full of Alpha’s. His smell and the one that was holding my mate were similar. Not exactly the same, which meant they were relatives. “Exactly how could you help me? “ I asked with a chuckle. Damn Alpha’s of domesticated packs. That’s what we called them, the ones that weren’t Rouges. A deep rumble came from the direction of the Alpha. “ That abomination you call your mate, she’s with my son.” He stated simply. I was a little taken aback. Why would he call her an abomination? She was a wolf just like we are. My face must have shown what I was thinking, because the man came out of the darkness. “Oh, you didn’t know she’s a hybrid?” He asked, amusement lacing his tone and danced in his eyes. “A hybrid?” I hadn’t known. Damn I should have played my cards differently. I should have been nice, gotten her to accept the fact I was rogue, and then when we were mated, then I could have broken her. Finding out she’s a f*****g hybrid, yeah that would have been nice six months ago. “A vampire, werewolf hybrid at that.” The man said with a menacing grin. Damn, she was powerful. And I f*****g let her go. I was so stupid then, so so stupid. Of course my wolf would agree, so would Dominic. He’d been so angry with me when she rejected me and ran away. He said his wolf held some claim to her as well, that he needed her just as much as I did. I never understood that since they weren’t mates, but I let him. “I need to get her back. “ I said, coming back from my thoughts. I looked up at him as he nodded. “I can help you with that. I want her away from my son. I was so close to getting him to come back with that pack of his, and then she showed up here. I want her out of the picture. He’ll be hurt, sure, but it’ll make coming home that much better. “ The hate in his voice as beautiful. It sent pleasant shivers down my spine. Someone with that much hate, was always someone I’d do business with. “As long as she comes out of it alive, and mine, I’ll help you. “ There was no point in doing this with him if he planned on killing her. She was mine, I needed her to be alive. “Of course. There are a few things to sort out. And we’ll need a witch.” He crossed his arms over his chest. I knew of a witch, she owed me too. This was the perfect time to cash in. The only problem was, Bailey knew her too. The witch might not help if she knew it was to go against her friend. Maybe if I sent Dom to fetch her, she would comply a little better. Dom, find that witch that owes us and bring her here. Don’t argue, don’t waste time. Whatever it takes to get her here alive, do it. I’m getting our girl back. His reply was almost instant. Yes Alpha! If it means getting her back, I’d do anything. Of course he would, he was just as obsessed with her as I am. “I’ll get the witch. What else?” I was a little more excited than I should be, but I was going to get her back, that’s all that mattered. It was worth the price. “Leave the rest to me. We’ll meet back here tomorrow night to go over the plan, make sure everyone knows their part.” He didn’t even let me get his name, or respond to that, because he was gone just as quickly as he appeared.I couldn’t help but get excited over the new turn of events. She was finally going to be mine. All mine. Like it was meant to be. “Don’t get too comfortable Princess, I’m coming to claim what’s mine.” 
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