Chapter 6

1387 Words
"What?" Amelia whispered in surprise, taking few steps backwards "What? I'm not allowed to do that?" Adrian asked with a scoff. "Don't play the piano tonight, I have a lot of things to do go, just go on in and have a good sleep, okay?" Adrian walked upstairs. There was something different about Adrian that night, why would he profess his love that way? When he was almost getting on her nerves?! That night, Amelia couldn't get a good sleep. She wondered if she'd go for Cole or Adrian. "What is peculiar about Adrian?" She thought to herself, "money" she muttered with a wide grin. "What is peculiar about Cole?" She gave a wider smile, "everything". "Good morning,Lydia" Amelia greeted in an almost whispered tone, stretching her body as she walked downstairs "OMG! Did you stay all night with Adrian? Why are you having dark circles under your eyes?" Lydia whispered her tone tinged with concern "Oh, don't worry about that. I had the most amazing night of my life" Amelia answered with a bright smile "Who enjoys the night staying awake?" Lydia furrowed her brow as she went on to clean the kitchen "Lydia, Adrian says he likes me?" Amelia announced excitingly, expecting a reciprocated energy as her eyes widened with excitement "Wasn't he supposed to? I mean he's your….." "What was I expecting?" Amelia muttered to herself with a sigh. "Good morning, Adrian" Amelia greeted with a smile. Her smiles were strained when Adrian maintained a surprised look as he walked to get a cup of coffee from Lydia "I said Good morning, Adrian" Amelia repeated with an embarrassing smile "Yeah, Good morning, Miss Aurora" Adrian answered without sparing a glance "Lydia, can you spare us some minutes?" Amelia placed her cup of coffee on top of the table and walked towards the dining where he sat. "What are you?" She asked with so much concern drawing her face closer to his. "What are you doing, Aurora?" Adrian asked, his tone as cold as ice "For someone who professed his love last night? I don't think I deserve all of this, we're not in some sorta highschool where you'll want to shy away" "What….what are you talking about?" Adrian chuckled "I wonder too" Amelia furrowed her brow and folded her arms "I...I professed my love to you? You must have gone crazy since you're acting as my fianceé, that must have gotten into you. What do you think we are? Couples? s**t!" Adrian scoffed "Do you think I'm some dumbass teen?" "Nope, I think you're smart and that is why you're here, right in my house, acting as my doctor" Adrian took the last sip from his coffee and walked away That was a daring admission. Amelia gnashed her teeth to hold her rage, almost throwing a fist at the wall. "Mr Donovan is always this grumpy every morning" Lydia said in a calm tone, disrupting Amelia's thought "But he was cool last night, teased me and…..professed his love" Amelia said in a calm tone, holding the chair to gain her balance Lydia chuckled, "he must have been drunk" Lydia chuckled louder as she went on cleaning the table "Drunk?" Amelia furrowed her brow, taking the seat to ponder on that "On nights where his drunk, Mr Donovan makes the silliest promises. One time, he told me he was going to send my brother to college, another time, he told me he was going to overpay me for 3 months" Lydia laughed and continued cleaning "What?!" Amelia screamed out in shock "Are you okay, Miss Aurora?" Lydia asked as she hurried to her seat "He goes around professing his love and making silly promises when he's drunk?" Amelia asked still in shock "He drinks everytime, hoping to fall asleep in his drunken state...oh, I have to serve Mr Donovan his hangover soup" Lydia walked up to the table, picked a tray and walked upstairs "I was right, Men don't deserve love, they're all shits" Amelia muttered disgustingly. "Arghh" Amelia let out a loud scream, venting out her anger by using her fingers to fight with her hair. "I've been dumped? No, I can't. No one has ever dared dump me" Amelia let out another scream realizing what just happened to her. ******** Amelia stood with a flared floral dress, holding a bag from Fendi, wearing a white sneakers to match. She stood outside the gate, waiting patiently. The car she was waiting for finally arrived and parked in front of her. "You look beautiful, as always Aurora" Cole complimented with a warm smile "I didn't see an anonymous date coming" Amelia chuckled "I'm a man of my words. I promised that I will make it up to you" Cole smiled warmly "Right" Amelia answered with a blushing "Do me the honor, My lady" Cole bowed as he opened the car door for Amelia. She kept smiling from ear to ear as she walked into the car. "Where are we going to?" "Nahh, I'm not telling you" Amelia gave a short laugh, "why?" "You look beautiful" Cole complimented in a calm and soft tone Amelia adjusted her hair and took some strands behind her ear, "you…..look amazing yourself" Amelia nodded and threw her eyes outside the window Cole let out a laugh, "wait, are you always this shy?" "No!" Amelia retorted feigning a frown "I think you're cute when you act so shyly" Cole added with a laugh Amelia held her chest, praying Cole doesn't hear how loud and fast her heart was pumping. She wasn't nervous, she wasn't worried, it must be something else, something good. She thought and nodded her head with a smile "I hope this makes your day" Cole stated as he rushed to open the door to a building. Amelia furrowed her brow as she walked in "Oh, my God!" Amelia screamed out in excitement, "Dayle arts?!" "Yes, Dayle arts, his art gallery for VIPs" Cole bragged as they walked into the building "Oh, my God, oh, m-y, God! Please tell me I'm dreaming, Cole" Amelia gasped in surprise "C'mon, you're in Dayle arts gallery. Besides, we're the only ones here, I made a reservation so scream out baby, have fun" Cole smiled, putting his hands back into his pockets as he followed her "A...a... reservation? Oh, my God, I need to wake up, I'm almost going crazy" Amelia whispered, as she kept pacing around the room, rubbing her eyes "No baby girl, so enjoy it" Cole whispered into her ears "This is beautiful, man is so good at what he does" Amelia admired a painting "Yeah, he's really….." "Wait, what's this?" Amelia asked as she ran towards a painting. "Doesn't this look like me?, Wait" Amelia brought out her phone to take a selfie to confirm if the painting looked like her "C'mon girl, I asked Dayle to make a painting of you" "Dayle made a painting of me?" Amelia screamed in joy, jumping on Cole "Oh, my God, oh, my God, I want to die, I'm the happiest soul on earth" Amelia stated, spreading her arms as she walked up to the painting "Don't die yet, we're not done having fun" Cole said with a chuckle "This is going to be sold out?" Amelia asked as she rubbed on the painting "Nah, this is going to be in your room or remain in the art gallery if you want" "Woah! Let's have a picture, let's have a picture of this, I'm going to leave it here, woah!" Amelia exclaimed as she took her phone to take a selfie with Cole behind her painting "Thank you, Cole, this means so much to me" Amelia greeted, almost letting a tear fall, as she turned and hugged Cole tightly "You're a beautiful piece of art that needs to be taken with so much care. An art that needs to be cherished, an art that still maintains it worth even after many years" Cole whispered into her ear. Amelia let the tears swivel down her cheeks. Her phone beeped, she left Cole's grip to check the message, it was from Nicholas, "where are you?! Adrian is raging in fire!" Amelia looked at the text, nervous and worried. "I love you, Aurora" Cole said while he watched her looked at her screen in fear
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