Chapter 7

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"Uhh, I have to leave now. I need to go" Amelia announced, her voice weighted with fear and worry. "Aurora, I said I love you" Cole repeated, nonchalant about her expression "Can we talk later? This is not the right time to talk about this" Amelia said as she returned her phone to her bag "Not the right time?" Cole chuckled, "we're together in an arts gallery, what do you mean by not the right time?" "Adrian, he...…look, I have to go, he'll be upset if I'm not back home in 10 minutes" "Is this what you want?" Cole asked with frown "We're still together, I must do that much while I'm at it" Amelia turned to leave "Do that much? Really? Adrian matters now?" "Cole!" Amelia called out "Yeah, you can have it, use the door, I'll check more paintings before leaving" "Cole Donovan!" Amelia yelled "What?!" Cole retorted, "I said I love you, the next thing you say is you want to leave? Really?" Cole turned to a painting "I…." The piercing ringtone interrupted her, it was Nicholas. She turned and walked away. She couldn't forfeit 100 million dollars, not yet. Nicholas had just wired 50 million dollars which was already taken by the loan sharks, she needed to live up to that. She could runaway from those loan sharks but not from Adrian. "It's either you go back to Cole or 50 million dollars" As she unbolted the door, tears swivel down her cheeks, that moment, Amelia never believed that the money she loved so much will turn it's back against her. ******* "Where have you been?!" Nicholas sprung up to his feet and asked, his eyes filled with curiosity "I stepped out for a….." "Miss Aurora, Mr Donovan seeks your attention" Lydia announced, cutting short her conversation "I'll be back shortly" Amelia announced to Nicholas and walked away, pondering on what would have been the problem…. "You're back early" Amelia gave a warm fake smile as she entered his room. "Woah!" She exclaimed to herself, she always thought she slept in the biggest room in the house until she entered Adrian's room, it was mega. The bed could contain 3 chubby women, the quality of his furniture, his bathroom…. "Aurora Morgan Stele" Adrian called out disrupting the train of her thoughts. She took 2 steps closer to the bed where he sat, maintaining a warming smile "What did I tell you about playing the couples game?" Adrian asked with a stern look "I don't get where you're driving at" Amelia gave an embarrassing chuckle "Really? Going out with my cousin, really? I do not care about the relationship you have or is about to have with him, Cole is my enemy and if you must stay in this……" "In this house you must live by my rules" Amelia cut in, completing Adrian's usual sentence. "I went out to meet Cole not as Aurora Stele, fiancé to Adrian Donovan but as Aurora Stele, a friend to Cole Donovan" Amelia stated confidently Adrian scoffed, "Aurora Stele my foot. You flirting with my cousin now? s**t, you've always been a thief" "Adrian, you're my patient, I am your doctor, you have no….." "You're my fianceé!" "I'm not your fiance!" Amelia countered, "I was never one, that was for the media, for you, for your company, for your glory, all that was for you." Amelia added with a frown "Aurora, your contract says you must live by his rules. You were paid that much not to be a sleep expert to him, but to also hide under his canopy unnoticed. Until the treatment, you live as his wife, nothing more" Nicholas reminded in a calm tone "Don't do that to me, Nicholas" Amelia cautioned, raising her palms in objection, without sparing a glance at him. "Cole and his father is out to bring Adrian down, we can't afford to let his secret out through you. Getting close to Cole means becoming the bait for him, he'll bite soon. The moment he realizes you're an In-house psychologist and not a true fianceé, it's over for us all. Please stay calm till the 100 days is over" Nicholas pleaded "Fine" Amelia whispered and headed to the door "Psychologists? They have proven to be a scam after all." Adrian scoffed "You will not say that about my profession" Amelia retorted "I will, I can and I must. Feeling insulted? You can always take your leave, I was going to fight this alone after all" "Adrian!" Nicholas called out in an angry tone Amelia pursed her lips in rage, unbolted the door and ran to her room. Ready to give up, she rushed to her wardrobe and began to pack her clothes. Her phone beeped with a message, it read; "Thank you for paying back your loan as you promised. It was nice doing business with you" "f**k!" Amelia yelled out, throwing punches at the door. The punch she threw, the more her thoughts reminded her about her miserable her life is already. "Izzy lied, I was better being eaten by the loan sharks rather than being confined to the 4 walls of this building with a miserable patient. f**k that, you're not even a Doctor" Amelia reminded herself "Hey baby girl" Izzy called out appearing on Amelia's screen. Amelia stared sadly at her, she sniffed and gave a little wave "What? Are you crying?" Izzy asked with so much concern in her voice "I'm tired, Izzy, I don't think I can deal with him. He's worse!" Amelia sniffed and stood up to her bed "Hey, calm down. You need to take things easy. Remember, he was totally against it and I thought you said he wanted you to say and he likes you?" "That bastard was drunk, he never meant any of that" Amelia answered disappointingly "s**t! That's bad, you know what? You'll talk things out with him tonight" "No I won't!" "You will" "Do you have any idea what he said to me today?" "He's just paranoid, he's a patient here, you're the doctor" Izzy tried to console "f**k that! I'm Amelia" "You're yelling, it'll be worst if anyone finds out you're Amelia" Izzy reminded as she took a bite of cookie "I'm beginning to like Cole more" "No, no, no you're not doing that now. Cole likes Aurora, Amelia likes Cole, that's never going to work out" "f**k off!" Amelia sighed as she ended the call and walked up to the bathroom. "It'll be fine. It's just 100 days, it'll be fine after that, you'll be 50 million dollars rich after that, you'll endure that, Amelia" she consoled as she sank into the bathtub. By 9pm, Amelia walked up to Adrian's room. He sank in his chair, deep in thoughts, holding a bottle of whiskey. Amelia walked up to him and took the bottle of whiskey away from him. "What are you doing?" Adrian asked, shocked by her presence "What do you mean, what am I doing? It's 9pm, doctor's time, you're now my patient." she said in an uncomfortable calm tone with a smile. Adrian looked at her, still amused. "You're not going to drink alcohol in order to sleep tonight, I'll help you with that. I'll be your whiskey tonight, so make sure you empty the bottle" Amelia winked as she loosened the night gown she wore and dropped it on his bed, revealing just her shorts and nightshirts. Adrian shook his head and turned to face her with a smile, "I can bet with my life that you're no psychologist, you're a flirt" Adrian chuckled, biting his lower lips. Let's see how well this sleep expert can help me sleep comfortable tonight "Remember, to drink me to your fill" Amelia winked at him, maintaining a bright smile
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