Chapter 8

1460 Words
"Why do you keep playing the same song?" Adrian asked as he watched Amelia play the keys "Because it's perfect" Amelia answered with a smile "What do you mean, perfect?" Adrian asked giving a short laugh "No song is going to make you feel more better than this. Hold on, I'm yet to play the keys that will freeze your world and give you peace" Amelia chatted happily revealing her dentitions "I'm sorry about earlier today" Adrian apologized, not sparing a glance at her. He busied with counting his fingers "I was quite upset and was almost leaving, well you're right, psychologists love money, I couldn't walk out of 100 million dollars" Amelia smiled and closed her eyes to get lost in the rhythm of the song. Adrian chuckled in amusement, "I don't think I'll ever get to understand you" "You don't have to, just heal" Amelia responded, turning to see the expression on his face. "What's your story?" Amelia asked "What?" "What's standing behind your eyelids? Who's that demon? What does he want? Why are you scared of him?" Amelia asked, her eyes focused on the keys, her head and body, moving gently, following the rhythm of the song "You're very peculiar in front of the keys" Adrian whispered. "Uhh, where do I begin?" Adrian asked rhetorically as he adjusted his position and sat upright. It was a beautiful evening, as we returned from having dinner at dad's best friend house. It was his last day in the country, he was going to relocate soon. On our way back I insisted that mother should get me the latest car toy in a store, I was just 10 and as a child, owning those stuffs were fascinating, so Uhm, he cleared his throat and continued, mom decided to go to the store with me that night to get this car toy for me, while dad remained in the car. In the store, we heard a loud noise, mother rushed out quickly, it was our car, it was crushed, with dad inside. Still in shock and contemplating on what just happened, father's head fell from the car window, mother couldn't hold it, she screamed and crossed the road to meet him, immediately, she was hit by another truck. I stood there, clueless and shocked. Every night, I hear voices reminding me that I killed them, I mean they wouldn't have died if I didn't insist on getting the toy that I never got to brag to my friends, those voices are not demons, they are my conscience, guilt and younger self. I live, working hard for NX group to fight those guilts, I don't think I can ever win" Adrian said, his tone filled with disappointment, his expression weighted with vulnerability Amelia's hand poised in the air, droplets of tears swivelled down her cheeks, she sniffed and began in a soft and calm voice, "those voices are never you, they're not your conscience, neither your guilt, they're the voices you've always wanted to hear. They're the voices you convinced to stay" Adrian turned to look at her in surprise, no one has ever told him that, or maybe they have but it didn't sound like Amelia's. "That night, Amelia began, turning to play the piano, you must have thought, if only I didn't insist on getting the toy, everything would have been fine, if only we didn't attend that dinner, maybe I wouldn't have insisted on getting the toy, if only, if only. You clouded your mind with guilt, so when you close your eyes, the demon you see is you. It's scarier to see that dark side of you but what is worst is living in fear of your younger self. You didn't kill mom nor dad, I mean your persistence or not, you would have met with the truck on your way back home. I bet mom must have close her eyelids with a smile because why not? It wasn't YOU lying in the pool of blood, it was her" Amelia ended the song with a warming smile. Adrian sat on the chair, fighting his tears, dumbstruck at the realization "Don't just exist for your parents, Adrian, don't just live in guilt, live for you. Don't build NX group because you want to drink from the cup of guilt until it's empty, live in gratitude, live doing what you're good at because it's what you love. I bet that is what your parents would have wanted" Amelia continued with a warming smile In a split of seconds, Adrian was bending before her. Before Amelia could utter any word, he had already stolen a kiss from her, turned and walked back to his bed. "He's drunk again" Amelia whispered, cracking her face with an embarrassing chuckle. "Goodnight Adrian Donovan" She clapped her hands to off the lights and walked back to her room. ******** "Good morning, Miss Aurora" Lydia greeted with a warm smile "Good…. That clock must not be working, you should change the batteries" Amelia pointed at the clock that stood in the living room as she walked towards the kitchen to grab a cup of water "It's working perfectly, Miss" Amelia choked, "it's 11am already? Why did I sleep that long?" "Goodnews" Lydia announced excitingly as she walked towards Amelia, "Mr Donovan woke up this morning, smiling ear to ear, and guess what? He had no dark circles" "Hmm" Amelia nodded her head in expectation " He waited for you, but he wouldn't let me wake you up but he had to leave because he had a meeting by 10am" Amelia choked even harder, "Mr Donovan waited for me?" "Yes ma'am" Lydia smiled as she returned to preparing breakfast for dinner. Lydia excused herself to check the door as it kept ringing. Few minutes later, she was back with a box for Amelia. "Did the delivery guy say anything about who sent it?" Amelia asked in shock as she received the box hesitantly "No, he said the content of the box will explain everything to you" "Thank you, Lydia, I'll just check the box now, you can continue" Amelia unwrapped the white box that was tied with a red ribbon. Inside was a smaller portrait of a painting of her with Dayle's signature on it, she blushed, behind it wrote, "Flowers are what makes a garden, butterflies are what keep the flowers blooming. Thank you making my flowers grow, Thank you for being my little butterfly" Amelia blushed more, checking the box to see if there was anything else. "Meet me by 1pm at Aby's coffee, let's make this work" a note from Cole. "C'mon, are you gonna apologize on my behalf?" Amelia muttered to herself with a blush, biting her lower lips. ******* Amelia walked into the coffee store wearing a long flared and sleeveless navy blue gown with a white sneakers to match. "Hi" She greeted with a smile as she walked in, spotting Cole by the window "My lady" Cole bowed and kissed her lightly on her hands, "thank you for honoring my invitation" "I didn't expect one, sorry I couldn't get back to you" Amelia apologized as she took her seat "I know how dreadful Adrian can be, I should be sorry for keeping you away from him, you're still engaged anyways" Cole apologized, pointing at her fingers where she wore the fake ring Nicholas gave to her. "Awww, I'm really sorry about leaving you that way. I really enjoyed it there, trust me and I'm soo grateful, I felt alive in ages" "Ah, not to worry. I bet you did, it was obvious in your expression" Cole smiled as he took the sip from his coffee "The notes! That was the most romantic thing ever" Amelia placed her both hands on chest to express her gratitude with a warm smile "What will you like to have,Miss" A feminine voice asked "Caffe Latte, please" Amelia responded and turned back to Cole "I see you love kicks" Cole noticed looking at her sneakers "Yeah, I do. They're so cool and comfortable" Amelia expressed heartily Cole chuckled amusingly"You will not believe this" Amelia furrowed her brow, "we're wearing the same kicks" "Oh, my God! Are you serious?" Amelia gasped, bending down to confirm if their kicks matched "Heavens agree, we're meant to be" "I bet" Amelia smiled, taking a sip from her coffee "Can I be a thief?" Cole asked "What?" Cole drew her chin closer to his and gave her a warm and long kiss, longer than what threw on her lips last night. Something in her knew it was wrong but she wondered why she stayed, was it because of its warmth or was it because she couldn't control her love for Cole?
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