
1777 Words

My head was pounding. I couldn’t see anything. I put my hand out to see what I could touch, and I could only move my hand out about a few inches. I tried to kick my feet. The area I was in was small. Was I in a box? But wait, I put my hand to my throat. I started to hyperventilate as I remembered the feeling of the knife slicing my neck. I tried to calm down to use my magic, but I couldn’t feel that connection anymore. I couldn’t feel my magic. I felt weak and lost. I start flailing around in the box I was in.  *Crack*Cough* “Dirt?” I was confused. Was I buried? It would make sense since I’m supposed to be dead. I continued to try and pry on the wood where the crack was and managed to dig myself out of a dirt pit that is supposed to be my grave. I laid in the fresh dirt and tried to figu

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