
210 Words
Hello, my fellow readers!! I am heading out to spend time with family today. I just wanted to stop by to tell everyone that I will resume chapters tomorrow. I also just wanted to say happy Thanksgiving and happy holidays. Don't eat too much food, but be thankful for the moment you get to spend with your family. I know I am thankful for everything that has happened these past few years. If my workplace hadn't fired me I may not have been able to be in the place that I am in today, so I am thankful to have been fired a year ago cause it has given me the opportunity to move up and continue focus on school and my writings. I have so many new ideas for stories that I can't seem to share at the moment but I hope you all can understand. One day you will read all of these ideas. But anyway, have a great day! And tell me in the comments what you are thankful for? What do you think Fallon is thankful for? What do you think Niklaus and Kristian and even Lucas are thankful for? I love you all and have a wonderful Thanksgiving and happy holidays. **Will resume December 1st!!** 
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