Chapter 10

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“Would you like to take a walk with me in the garden, Your Highness?” Louis didn’t expect Princess Lucy to accept his invitation. After saying this, he held his breath and waited for Lucy’s affirmative “NO”. To his surprise, Lucy said “Yes” with overloaded happiness which almost ran out of her beautiful brown eyes. Louis’s heart raced at her reaction, then he led Lucy down the stairs to the Garden behind the huge mansion. The last time they spoke alone, they were also in the garden. Not this one in his home, but Princess’ Lucy private little garden in the castle. That was two months ago, on Lucy’s 18th birthday. When night fell and the party almost over, Lucy invited him to the garden to have a private conversation. Louis remembered that night as cold and painful. They stood in the corridor which was carved out from pure white marble. The lights were out and the night was silent. The only thing that stayed there with them that night was the beautiful sliver moonlight which poured down from the dark sky on the thick snow which covered the whole garden. Louis stared at Lucy who then lowered her head to avoid his eye contact. They stood there silently for about five minutes. Louis spoke first as he was desperate for an answer. “Why didn’t Your Highness claim me as your mate?” Louis was then past 25. He was desperate to find his own mate. To be frank, Lucy was not the perfect mate he’d been expecting for so many years because she was spoiled, pretentious, selfish and mean. Still, he had made up his mind to accept her, for there was no way out of being the princess’s mate. He was unpleased, reluctant but ready to accept this spoiled little girl as his fated wife. Nevertheless, Lucy didn’t respond as he predicted. At the party, when their eyes met, he saw Lucy’s eyes light up with supreme ecstasy. He thought she would brag about him being her mate right away, but she quickly turned her head and told her parents that she had found no mate at the party. Why? Louis was desperate to know the answer. He had no intention to brag, but he’d always been the most handsome guy in the Kingdom. Girls always have a crush on him including the spoiled Princess Lucy. Every time she saw him, she blushed heavily. She even stuttered while speaking to him. He thought she might jump, scream, even cry after finding her secret crush, the kingdom’s cutest guy, turned out to be her mate. But all she did was look away then asked a maid to invite him here to have a private conversation. “Did I do something wrong?” The princess didn’t answer his first question. Louis was disappointed but maintained his elegance. He took a deep breath then asked her again with the gentlest voice he could ever pronounce. Lucy stared at the ground with her head bowed, but whispered a weak “No.” which made him relieved a little bit. “Then why did you tell everyone you didn’t find your mate? Don’t you want me to be your mate?” Louis asked her with so much concern in his voice and so much stress on his nerve. He found himself acting so ridiculously in front of the spoiled princess who was hated by almost everyone in the kingdom. He’s the most handsome man in the kingdom and one of the most powerful too. There were tons of girls waiting for him to pick. To be rejected by this bitchy princess should be his greatest luck. It made no sense that he’s afraid of hearing No from her mouth. He stared at the top of Lucy’s bowed head, waiting for her answer anxiously. He felt his heart was going to explode at this endless silence. Then the princess spoke. Her voice was soft and faint, “Sorry, but I have to reject you, Louis.” Louis felt his heart had been stabbed by a silver knife harshly. He thought it must be because of that stupid mate bond. Because it’s impossible for him to actually like this spoiled bitchy girl who enjoyed bullying his sister by taking all her beautiful things away. He took a deep breath and forced himself to maintain that elegant smile which he always wore on his face. Then he spoke to Lucy softly, “I thought you liked me.” “No, I don’t.” It hurts like hell to hear she answered so determinedly and so quickly. Louis’s heart shuddered into millions of pieces at that moment. He lost his polite smile and all his elegance. He even lost his courage to ask her why. He stood there with Lucy in silence for like a thousand years. Then he moved one step forward and kissed Lucy on the top of her head. “Then I accept your rejection, Your Highness. I give you all my best wishes. May you find true happiness with your future husband.”
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