Chapter 11

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Lily’s POV “How are you and your husband?” When we entered this huge beautiful garden of the Beta’s home, that handsome Louis started to chit-chat with me. I was so happy to be alone with him. I mean, he reminded me so much of my brother and was so nice to me. I can’t help but take him as one of my real family members. And he asked about me and my husband. This was definitely a warm family talk! Too bad I had no good answer for him. It’s impossible for me to find the right words to describe the relationship between Aries and Lucy. Lucy abused Aries all the time and Aries’s not a big fan of Lucy, either. They obviously hated each other. It racked my brains to figure out why they got married in the first place. Maybe we could ask Louis about that. He seemed like a nice guy. Cora suggested. That’s a damn good idea! “Well, actually things didn’t go well between us lately.” I gave him my answer, then stopped my steps on the grey pebble path which was built around the beautiful lake in the middle of the garden. Louis stopped his steps because of my answer. He turned his head and looked at me worriedly, “How so?” His brows furrowed tightly. I could see serious concerns in his beautiful blue eyes. He’s just as caring and gentle as my late brother, which made me like him so much. “The truth is…something strange happened to me recently. I want to tell you about that. But can you promise not to freak out and trust me?” I planned to tell him that I lost some of my old memories, which means I can stop pretending to be the spoiled princess Lucy in front of him. It’s risky to tell someone I barely knew as he might consider me playing jokes with him like Aries did. But I trusted Louis from my instinct and I hated to act like the pretentious princess in front of him. He reminded me so much of my brother. I wanted to be the real me around my family. “Of course, Your Highness. You can tell me anything you want. I promise I’ll trust you.” Louis said that with a warm smile, just as I expected. I felt so relieved and smiled back to him. Finally, I can talk with someone about my current situation and it felt so reassuring to be around a man like Louis. He was so gentle and dependable. I took a deep breath before I spoke to him, “Listen, Louis. The thing is that yesterday, when I went out for a walk with Aries, I tripped and hit my head on the road.” Louis pressed his lips tightly. He seemed to get a little bit angry but his voice was still warm and gentle, “Are you alright?” “Yeah.” His anger confused me a little bit but I continued, “I’m OK. It’s just, umm… it seems like when I hit my head, I lost some of my memories. I can’t remember anything about Aries and you. I wonder if you can fill me in with my lost memories? I can’t ask my parents because they’ll get freaked out and I can’t ask Aries either, because, you know, he won’t believe me.” It’s hard to explain but I did it. I told him the memory-lost thing and then held my breath for his reaction. He stared at me with his beautiful blue eyes while contemplating. After a few seconds, he asked me cautiously, “Did Aries do something to you?” That’s out of my expectations. I was a bit confused but answered him honestly, “Of course not. But why do you ask about Aries? Don’t you trust me?” Louis shook his head, “No, I trust you. I knew something was going wrong with you the moment I saw you. You act very differently today. I just want to make sure it wasn’t because of Aries. He is dangerous. You can’t trust him.” Wow! That’s just the information I needed. Before Aries married Lucy. He stayed at Louis’s house for 8 years. Louis must know him well. Cora reminded me. I started to get excited about this unexpected discovery. “So…Did he do something to you?” Louis’s brows furrowed in concern while asking. I can tell either he really disliked Aries or he cared about Lucy a lot. Both answers were great because I really needed someone’s help to carry on that purifying mission. “No, he didn’t do anything. I lost my memory by accident. He had nothing to do with it. Trust me.” I explained my accident first. I surly hated Aries, but no need to blame him for things he didn’t do. I’m not that kind of person who enjoys torturing people for no reason. Louis clenched his jaw but trusted me, “Okay. I trust you, Lucy. Can I call you Lucy?” “Yeah! Of course! Call me Lucy, not Your Highness, please.” I answered him with a bit of excitement. The princess' identity made me kind of uncomfortable and distant. It’s difficult to be friends or family with someone who keeps addressing you as Your Highness. In fact, I’d rather he called me by my true name, Lily. But that would be too much to ask, so I’ll settle with Lucy. “Okay, Lucy.” He smiled while speaking out Lucy’s name. Damn! He’s really cute, even cuter than my old brother! I bet he’s the cutest guy in this Kingdom! How could they didn’t record it on the history book? It’s difficult to remove my eyes from his face. He just maintained his gentle smile then motioned me to follow him. We started to circle around the lake when he said, “Tell me what you want to know, Lucy.” I felt so safe and relaxed around him, so I started with this absurd question which had been bothering me since the moment I found Aries was married to Lucy, “Well, do you know why I got married with Aries? I know Aries’s in love with Anna and I don’t like him either. I cannot see the reason why we get married in the first place.” I guess it’s a really tricky question. Louis went silent for a long time after hearing that. I blushed a little bit at my boldness and thought he might never answer me that question. But after a weirdly really long silence, he answered me with obvious bitterness in his voice, “Well, I have been wondering that question too, Lucy. Why did you choose to marry him not…” He stopped before he finished his words. I asked him curiously, “Not what?” But Louis didn’t give me the answer. He just shook his head then turned his face to looked at me with a faint smile on his lips, “Nothing. I just felt so glad that you lost your memory.” Well, that’s strange. How could he be glad that I’m not remembering anything about him and Aries? I asked him the reason curiously, “Why?” He grinned to me this time, “Because now I get the second chance to set things right.”
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