Chapter 9

1268 Words
Lily’s POV “Remember no matter what happened, I’ll always be here with you.” Until today, I still remember the last words my brother said to me before he departed towards the evil Winter King’s palace. That’s when I was 13 and he’s 19. The King demanded every Alpha alive to attend a meeting held in his Palace. All the kingdoms or packs who dared to say no were slaughtered by him ruthlessly. To protect my aged father from being tortured by the King, my brother took over the Alpha position and went to the meeting himself. I have never been able to see him again after that. None of those Alphas who went to the meeting came back alive. My mother died after two-year’s waiting and my father became so weak since then. The next year, he summoned all the remaining wolves, bears, dragons and witches and formed the rebellions to revenge the King. But he was killed by the King at our first war. Ever since then, I have been completely alone without any family around me. Seeing a person who looks so much like my poor dead brother, tears rushed out of my eyes like a sorrowful river. I bear hugged him and cried out loud, smearing all my tears and snots on his expensive white shirt. “Brother, I miss you so so so much!” I throbbed on his chest, being unable to utter the right words. Cora whimpered in my mind too. But I could feel the body of the person I was hugging was stiff. “What happened, Your Highness?” His gentle voice sobered me up a little bit from my unstoppable breakdown. It’s melodious but a stranger’s voice, nothing similar with my brother’s. My brother’s voice was kind of strong and husky. I lifted up my head and looked at him. Now at such a close distance, I got a very clear view of his face. He was extremely handsome, just like my brother. But his eyes were blue, not brown. And his hair was blonde not black. He still looked like my late brother very much but there are also significant differences between them. I made a mistake and now I am so sad at the fresh realization that I’ll never see my brother ever again. Tears ran silently out of my eyes. I let him go reluctantly, then moved two steps backwards. He looked at me with confusion in his beautiful blue eyes, but didn’t get mad at my rudeness. “Is everything Okay, Your Highness? These tears are no match for your beauty.” He said in such a gentle voice. My heart melted right away. “I’m Okay.” I wiped off my tears using the back of my back, “I just… miss you so much.” He went silent for a moment because of my answer, then spoke gently, “Thank you, Your Highness. It’s my honor to know how much I mean to you.” He said that with the most gorgeous smile I’d ever seen. I felt my heart skip a beat because of that. Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind me, “Can we go visit Anna now?” It’s Aries. He was standing behind me at the entrance of the lobby. I looked back at him, finding his face had gone dark. Noticing my gaze, he turned his head away to avoid eye contact with me, as if he was angry with me. Opps, we shouldn’t hug another man in front of him like that, no matter what, he’s still our husband. Cora said. “But he sent flowers to Anna and I’m his wife.” I bit back. The situation here is so complicated. I’ m starting to get a headache. Cora shook her head. I pouted my mouth but retreated a little bit more from the handsome man who looks like my brother so much. He said to Aries with a polite smile on his face, “Anna has been expecting the princess’ s visit since yesterday. Please follow me upstairs.” Then he turned his heels to the stairs to lead our way. Aries followed him up instantly. I followed behind Aries with Anne following me. “Quick! Go through Lucy’s memory again and find out who he is. I can’t believe we missed him last time.” I told Cora to review Lucy’s memory in search for information about that handsome young man. Cora did so as we went up the stairs. Well, it seems like his name’s Louis and he is Anna’s big brother. Lucy hid his information on purpose. That’s why we missed him last time, but I can’t find any other information about him. It’s like he’s just a passer-by in Lucy’s life. “That’s strange.” I felt something odd here, “Anna’s Lucy’s only friend and Louis’s Anna’s brother. Lucy and Louis should know each other well.” Who knows? We’re talking about Lucy. She’s no normal person. Cora shrugged her shoulders. After climbing up two floors, we turned into the hallway on the third floor. Following that handsome man named Louis all the way to a room in the middle of the hallway, we stopped and Louis knocked on the door. “Anna, princess Lucy and her husband are here.” A gentle female voice came from another side of the door, “Come in, please.” Louis opened the door and then led us in. I saw a delicately decorated room with many beautiful flowers in it. Then a young girl about my age sitting on the bed came into my view. I have to admit that she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Though Princess Lucy was also a beauty, she was not as elegant as Anna. No wonder Aries loves her so much. “Are you feeling better?” Aries rushed to her bed as soon as we got into the room. Anna was surprised by Aries’s motion, but she smiled at him politely, “Yeah, I am now feeling much better, thank you, princess Aries.” It’s obvious she was uncomfortable with Aries' inappropriate care. Cora scoffed, It’s ridiculous to watch a toad wishing to eat swan meat. I rolled my eyes to Aries, then stepped towards Anna’s bed as a friend was supposed to, “Anna, I am sorry I didn’t come to visit you soon. A lot of things have been happening to me lately. I hope you’ll be better soon.” Even without Cora’s reminder, I knew I was being too nice. But I didn’t want to be that mean princess today, not in front of Louis, who looks exactly like my brother. My brother was such a great person, he’d be pissed off seeing me acting like Lucy. Anna was flattered by my words. She smiled at me too, “It’s Okay, Lucy. I know you’re busy. And I’m so happy you came today.” Her voice was so gentle and she acted so kind like a real princess. Now I had figured out why she was the only friend of Lucy. Only a person as nice as her could tolerate all these annoying defects of Lucy’s. I sat beside the bed and talked some girly stuff with her like a normal girl. Then I found that I actually like her very much. After a while, she felt tried, so we took our leave. When we left Anna’s bedroom, Louis asked me if I’d like to go for a walk with him. I said yes immediately.
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