Chapter 8

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Lily’s POV During breakfast, Lucy’s mother, the Queen of the West, reminded me to visit Anna. “You have been good friends since you were kids. She’d been sick for a week. Your visit will make her feel so much better, dear.” “No, I don’t want to go. I hated her.” According to Lucy’s memory, Lucy’s still mad at Anna because Aries sent flowers to her. I said that imitating the spoiled princess. “But she’s your only friend, Dear. Trust me. You don’t want to lose her and live without even a friend.” The Queen persuaded me patiently. Cora rolled her eyes in my mind, How pathic Lucy’s life was! How could she end up with only one friend? I shrugged my shoulders, “Judging by what she did to Aries, I am not surprised at all.” “So your answer, Dear?” The Queen asked me again. I pretended to be reluctant and nodded my head, “Fine. But only because you forced me.” The Queen smiled, then got the servants to prepare a carriage for me. Yeah, at Lucy’s time, there’s electricity but no car yet. People always travel by carriages or horses. After breakfast, Anne helped me change my clothes and led me to the front door. This huge black carriage motivated by four strong beautiful horses, was decorated delicately. Inside the cart there were soft cushions and a splendid carpet. Its room was much bigger than a car. I liked it instantly. “Your Highness.” Anne is Lucy’s personal maid. She followed Lucy almost everywhere. She held my arm and helped me get into the carriage, then got in by herself. Then she closed the door and knocked on the wall to remind the driver we’re ready. I heard whips slashing through the air, the carriage started to move immediately. Right before the carriage went along the bridge in front of the castle, I suddenly remembered what I saw in Lucy’s memory. “Aries is in love with Anna, right?” I asked Cora. Cora answered, Yes. Before Aries and Lucy got married, he lived in Beta’s house for 8 years, which means he grew up with Anna. But they’re not childhood sweethearts. Anna doesn’t like him that much. They barely talked. I bit my bottom lip with hesitation, “Then do you think it’s a good idea if we brought Aries with us? He must have worried about Anna. That’s why he sent flowers to her.” I don’t know, Lily. Cora frowned, He’s Lucy’s husband. I don’t think it’s a good idea. But I guess it can ease the tension between we and Aries. But why can’t we just ignore him? I feel disgusted at the idea of founding a relationship with him. I sighed, “I understand, Cora. I hate this idea, too. But I think we should get to know him first to find out how to purify his damn blood.” Cora agreed reluctantly. I soon ordered Anne to stop the carriage. “Go bring Aries here. I’ll be waiting.” Anne did as I said and got off the carriage quickly. She’s kind of like Aries when she’s around Lucy. Just taking orders without any emotions, as if she’s a machine, not a real person. I guess that’s what Lucy did to the people around her. She treated them like objects and deprived all their dignity for fun. She could never make any real friends acting like that. After about 5 minutes, Aries appeared at the other end of the bridge. I saw him following Anne with these thin clothes hung on his slender body. There were dirty on both his hands and his knees, making him look like a real gardener. He then stopped at the door, “You asked for me, Your Highness?” He said that without showing any emotions in both his face and his voice. I gulped before I opened my mouth, “Well, my mother asked me to visit Anna. I am wondering if you would like to come with me?” That’s too nice. Cora reminded me. “Because I hated Anna and I don’t want to see her alone.” I added dryly. You’re really bad at this. Cora sighed. Fortunately, he didn’t doubt me at all. I saw his eyes light up when I spoke of Anna’s name, which made me feel a little bit angry. But he regained his composure quickly, “I’d love to. It’s my pleasure to escort Your Highness.” I moved to the corner of the carriage to give him some space. He quickly got into the carriage but sat at the corner diagonally across me. Anne got in too and sat beside me. As soon as we all set off, the carriage restarted to move. He leaned back against the wall, then closed his eyes, obviously didn’t want to talk. Both his hands on his knees were blue because of the freezing coldness outside. “Why did he appear to be as weak as a human? I thought he was powerful and undefeatable.” I asked Cora blankly. I have no idea. Cora pouted. But I guess it’s our job to find out. Then we can stop him. “Which means we need to get to know him by becoming his friend first, right?” I asked hesitantly. Cora hated this idea, I hope not. I hated him so much. I sighed and looked around to find something to talk about with him. Then I notice my warm thick coat lying beside my hand on the bench I’m sitting. The inside of the carriage was not that cold for me because of the luxurious thermal dress I was wearing, so I didn’t need a coat. But for Aries, with those thin clothes he’s wearing, he must feel freezing even in the inside. Caring about his health might be a good start to us being friends. Though I hated this idea so much, I had to accept the truth that I’m now tied up with this stupid b****y bastard. I must find a way to communicate with him. I contemplated for a moment then picked up my fluffy warm coat to throw it to him. He opened his eyes immediately and caught the coat with his blue hands. “What?” He asked with a little bit annoyance in his voice. “Well, my dress is too expensive to be put on the seat. You must hold it for me.” I said in the most arrogant way I could ever acted. He said nothing as if he had already got used to it, then held the coat onto his chest as I ordered. I hope that could help him a little bit. After that, the carriage drove in silence for about half an hour. Then it stopped at this huge mansion which was located under a magnificent steep cliff. The view of this mansion was indeed splendid. It made me curious about the person living in it. After the carriage drove into the gate, soon it stopped in front of the front door of the mansion. Anne helped me get off the carriage. Three maids came out of the mansion to lead us. We followed them into the front door. As soon as I stepped into this huge, bright lobby of the mansion, a handsome young male came to greet us. He was tall, like 6'2 and strong in a muscular way. His eyes were deep blue like a precious sapphire. Every line on his face has been designed delicately, which made him the most handsome man in the world. The moment I saw him, I froze to the spot like a statue. Not because of his handsomeness but because he looked just like my dead brother!!
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