Chapter 7

1397 Words
After closing the bathroom’s door, Aries threw the silver knife into the wash basin, then grabbed the washcloth to wipe the black blood off his chest. The wound cut by Lucy had already healed, but it left another scary pink scar as if there was an incarnadine baby worm hibernating under his skin. He stood in front of the mirror then caressed that twisted scar on his scapula with his skinny pale hand. He had been married to Lucy for 90 days and that’s the one hundred seventh scar Lucy left on his body. Lucy wasn’t the first one who treated him like that. She wasn't even the worst one. He used to suffer so much worse than purely sliver cuts. Still, he hated Lucy the most for she for/ced her disgusting marriage to him, which caused him lost his beloved Anna. “Wait there, Lucy Frost. Someday I’m gonna let you and your family pay. And believe me, that day isn’t far at all.” The pale slender male wolf smiled viciously at himself in the mirror. The light in the bathroom was dim. Something red and dark flashed through his hazel eyes at that moment. He saw it but he didn’t give it a damn care. Since he was about 5, he had already known there was something wrong with him. His blood is black and his wound heals so much faster than all other wolves. He gets sick easily like a human being and he can’t shift, neither has he gotten his own wolf. The day he was born, he had been treated like bad omens and a disgusting abomination. His own father, the King of the South Kingdom, tried a lot of things on him to get him killed, but none of them worked. Then he was transported to the West secretly because a witch said the further away he was from home, the better for his country. The King of the West accepted him only because he was a lunatic passionate about the inventions and improvements of instruments of tort/ure. Since there was no way to get him killed, the King could try anything he wanted on him without fear of being caught killing people. He lived for 8 years in the Beta’s house as a “noble guest”, then the King got bored at his little hobby and stopped tor/turing him. Just when he thought he was finally free for the first time. Lucy’s mother, the Queen of the West, came to his “residence” then ordered him to marry Lucy. Because, obviously, as the Princess of the West, Lucy needed to marry a man with noble blood even though his blood is black. “I’ll let you pay. I’ll let all of you pay for what you’ve done to me.” The angry wolf murmured to himself with this ruthless and cruel tone. Then he went into the bathtub to sleep quietly without lights staying on. Lily’s POV What I found out last night shocked me to the core. With all these speculations and rumors about the ruthless Winter King at my time, no one had ever mentioned that the King’s blood is black. I guess that’s because no one was ever able to hurt him even a little. Though I found out his blood is black and figured out there might be some kind of relationship between the Winter King and that human Snow King. Still, I got nothing on the question of how to purify his blood. In the morning, I woke up with all these concerns in my head. When I scrambled myself up from bed, the time had already past 8 am and there was a humble knock on the door, “It’s time for breakfast, Your Highness.” It’s the maid Anne I punished last night. I yelled “Coming” to her, then quickly got off the bed and started to get dressed. After I put on a complicated yellow dress which I had found in the closet, the door of the bathroom opened. Then that blood/y Aries came out quietly. He went straight to the bedroom door without even looking at me. I saw he had changed his clothes from that black shirt to a white one. But he’s still not wearing any coat and his pants were thin, too. It definitely won’t keep him warm in such a harsh winter, even if he was a wolf. “Aren’t you cold?” I knew I shouldn’t ask but I just couldn’t help myself. I saw those bad frostbites on the back of his hands. He must be freezing with those clothes. Then why didn’t he put on a coat? He stopped at the door then turned his head to me, “The memory lost joke is still going on, Your Highness?” I choked on his question. But again, I won’t blame him for treating me so rudely considering what Lucy did to him. I nodded, then put on my porker face, “Yes, the game can only be over when I say so. Now answer my question. Why don’t you put more clothes on? You’re freezing, don’t you?” I saw venom flashing through his eyes, but he soon recovered to his no-expression status, “Because I don’t have any other clothes, Your Highness. You said yourself I don’t deserve more.” He said that in a completely normal and casual tone. Not a tiny slice of hatred, humiliation, embarrassment or anger could be detected from his face or his voice. If I hadn’t seen that venom flashed through his eyes seconds ago, I might assume he was just a walking doll with absolutely no emotions. Shouldn’t have asked him that. Cora whispered in my head. I frowned at this horrible situation he was currently in, but there’s no way I would feel pity for him. He must get treated like that because of what he had done. I mean, he was born evil, right? I soon for/ced myself a bit/chy smile at his answer, “Glad to know you still remember my words.” He turned his face quickly to avoid seeing my hateful face, then he asked with his back to me, “Can I leave now, Your Highness?” “Well, that depends on where you are going.” It’s kind of my obligation to know about his life here. He answered me plainly, “You asked me to renovate your garden after our wedding, and I am supposed to finish it today.” That explained these frostbites on his hands. I guess Lucy made him do that as a punishment, too. “But you haven’t eaten your breakfast yet. I didn’t forbid you from eating breakfast either, did I?” I just need to figure out how things worked here. “No, you didn’t.” Aries answered calmly, still with his back on me so I couldn’t see his face, “But I’m not allowed to dine with you. I will eat in the garden.” Well, that’s another harsh information. I was happy to see him suffering, but I couldn’t see why on earth Lucy hated him so much. He might have black blood but he is still a wolf and he’s the prince of the South! And he hadn’t done anything horrible yet to my knowledge. Then why on earth did Lucy humiliate him like that? “Can I leave now? I don’t want your garden to wait, Your Highness.” He asked me again with his super creepy calm voice. I just couldn’t get it. How could a wolf with normal sense put up with all this like him? Not to mention that he has noble blood. No wonder later he became that bloodthirsty tyrant. I’d like to stop him from working on the garden because I don’t like humiliating people like this, but I’m Lucy now and I can’t change my own idea, at least not so soon. So, I just nodded and spoke to his back, “You can leave now.” He said nothing but opened the door, then left quickly. Now I’m confused. Cora frowned, He hasn’t done anything yet. Why are the people here so mean to him? I bit my bottom lip uneasily, “Not even a clue, but I won’t feel sorry for him.”
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