Chapter 6

858 Words
Lily’s POV That abrupt venom beaming out from his eyes scared me. I hugged myself uneasily. Still, I went back to the bedroom following him. I knew from Lucy’s memory that they slept separately. As soon as he got into the room, he pulled out a pillow from under the bed, then went into the bathroom and locked himself into it. “He sleeps in the bathroom with only a pillow?” I had seen such images from Lucy’s memory book, but seeing images was so different from seeing it actually happen. I parted my lips in surprise. Then the door lock clicked again. He opened the door and stood in the door frame. I saw he had taken off his thin shirt and there was a dangerous sliver knife in his left hand. “Don’t you forget something?” He asked me with absolutely no emotions on his face or in his eyes. I saw countless horrible scars twisted together on his bare chest, then recalled another thing: Lucy cut him with the silver knife almost every night. I quivered at the thought of cutting him with that sharp knife as the punishment for—Actually I didn’t know the reason. Lucy cut him purely because she hated him. Cora filled me in. I was so confused, “Then why did she agree to marry him? And why did she hate him so much?” Cora shook her head, Lucy hid the answer to the first question. As for the second, I don’t see the reason either. Maybe Aries did something horrible to her. “That’s not something can be assumed!” Either way, you need to cut him as Lucy did. Or he’ll notice something wrong with Lucy. “But I can’t cut people for no reason. That’s not right.” The thought just scared me. Cora was so much more determined than me, Then think about all the people he killed at our time. Your parents, your friends, and all these rebellion members under your leadership! He slaughtered them mercilessly! That’s a great point. The moment I thought of how my parents and friends were murdered by that blood/y Winter King, sorrow and anger rushed towards my head. I strode in front of him with tears in my eyes, then snatched the knife from his hand and stabbed it into his chest with all my strength. He hissed in pain but didn’t move a little bit. Soon, the disgusting burning smell of wolf’s skin spread over the bedroom. That frightened me. I quickly loosened my grip on the sliver knife then retreated backwards to the bedside. He smirked then pulled the knife out with his own hand. “Was that for today?” I didn’t pay attention to what he said but fixed my gaze on his wound. The wound healed faster than any normal wolf was supposed to—Wounds caused by sliver could take wolves days to recover, but he healed almost in the blink of an eye. And the most important of all, the blood rushing out from his wound was not red but pure black and it was black in a evil and dark way… Now we know why Lucy told us to purify his damn blood. Cora widened her eyes in surprise, just as me. I bit my bottom lip uneasily, racking my brain to recall everything I knew about black blood. Potions, poison, demons and the myth about that long-lost Snow Empire. It was said that a long time ago, long before the supernatural world was separated from the human world, the prestigious human King of the Snow Empire was once in love with the Moon Goddess. For some reason, it didn’t work out. Then the king was murdered by his own people. The king’s red blood turned black the moment he died. The elders said that was because the king held a grudge about his death. His resentment to his own death was so strong that his last wish was responded by the devil. No one knows what his last wish was. Even no one can testify the story was true because it happened like a thousand years ago. But the black blood of Aries reminded me of that story. I knew it was ridiculous. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder if he was related to that Snow King or something. He did call himself the Winter King a hundred years later. “Do you want to continue or not?” With no pain, no grudge, even no anger was on his face. Aries held that blood-stained knife in his hand, then passed it to me. I quickly shook my head, then commanded him to leave my bedroom, “Go back to the bathroom. I don’t want to see you anymore.” He smirked as if he had got used to my attitude, then went back to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. “Did you see that? That’s just crazy!” I yelled to Cora. I know. Cora’s voice was miserable, Why on earth does the Moon Goddess pair us with such a creepy mate?
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